507 13. honeymoon (Earth Edition)

"Finally, you've come this far..."

"It was a hard schedule, but you felt like you saw a goal"

Artifact, a treasure piece owned by Red Fire Dragon Para Vento, Nayuta Gate Infinite Portal.

Using it, Yut served as a comeback to Earth.

It will be three days before many gates can be used again.

At that time, I enjoyed the different worlds - I should have - and planned to return to the Brewers in exchange for my parents.

From here on out, there is no god, Liya. Really just the two of us.

However, Yut also changed into regular clothes to visit, neither tourist destinations nor attractions.

So, a memorable place.

I was in front of the high school where the two of them attended.

"I miss you."

"Oh, the time I spent in school was shorter than in middle school."

Besides the two of you sitting back on the guardrail in front of school talking, there's hardly a crowd either.

That's because the sun is already setting... not because it's a holiday. Naturally because it matched my parents' holidays, but I felt a little lonely.

"I wonder what my classmates would think if they knew we were getting married."

"Well, you'd be surprised. I don't usually marry at such a young age."


When I reported to Furuki Yoshizawa and Kanaka Sabe - former classmates involved in magic fixtures (magic items) related incidents on Earth - the two of them still don't know the future that they would normally have been blessed and surprised.

"Thinking about it, I feel kind of strange"


Sharing unspoken emotions, the two lean over and watch the school building colored by the sunset.

No words.

Just feel each other's body temperature.

"Hey, brave man"


How long have you been doing that?

When I started feeling a little chilly, Acorn called Yut's name.

"What do you think would have happened to us if we hadn't gone to the Brewers?

"If I didn't go..."

Avoid the cold. Or as if to share heat. Hold Acorn's shoulder, Yut answers.

"I don't know."

An uninteresting answer, but that was what Yut meant.

Valtrude or Alcia, if they haven't moved to the Brewers. I never met everyone.

Apart from the emotion that the imagination is intolerable... I couldn't imagine myself remaining here in real life.

The experience with the Brewers was too intense.

If you were on Earth, hang out with Acorn somehow while you're in high school. So much so that I can't even draw an uninteresting future anticipation map of going to college without a particular sense of purpose, being lucky enough to get a job, and in a few years...

"Isn't that where you say you liked Zhuyin no matter what?

Yut further converts his thoughts into words while suppressing the urge to physically block the lips that make him a little dissatisfied.

"I mean like, well, it's been around for a long time. Aside from whether it means romantic or not."

"... isn't that cheating?

If there are too many lines of prevention, Acorn protests.

I don't know how that feels. But I have a say in Yut, too.

"'Cause you've had a little distance since high school, haven't you? And yet, can you say that it's inevitable that the two of you will be united? You're over-conscious."

"That's right. It hurt in so many ways."

Not that it's a high school debut, but due to a group of friends dating, Yut and I got a distance.

That was partly due to the fact that after Yut stopped playing football, he was floating without belonging to either the club or the committee, but the result is a result.

Nevertheless, the position of the opposite sex, which Acorn was closest to Yut because of it, was not all bad because it was protected.

Besides, as an acorn, I wasn't just sitting around waiting for prey to take place.

"'Cause with my uncle... if I wanted to narrow the distance a little while my stepfather and stepmother were gone, the brave man would disappear"

"That was unexpected to me, too, and I'm sorry."

That's what that culinary invitation meant, and now I realize, Yut.

Even now for Acorn, I guess I didn't mean to make such a confession.

"Come on, momentum to the extra..."

Akane swells up to her cheek in shame.

Again, block your lips. Or stick that cheek up.

Akane laughed abruptly the moment Yut showed her lost in the overly attractive choice.

"But you do, don't you?"


"If you two hadn't been flown over there, you probably wouldn't have been in this relationship."

And make sure there's no one around you, then mouth it modestly as if to prove 'such a relationship'.

"Let's just say I did my best to win this place unbeaten by a rival lined up after a man I liked."

Acorn, who concluded so, rose from the guardrail.

"Right. I'm the one who took it."

"It was. Didn't you know?

"I didn't know, but I don't feel bad"

Sure, the proposal itself came from Yut, but that's also only because of Acorn's approach.

I guess this is what we call each other.

"So it's time to get started"


Yut smiled gently and began to get ready to change with the camera.

that night. The two brides and grooms appeared in one of the apartments.

After taking pictures in front of the school gate, the newlyweds said hello - in fact, yes - they shopped at the supermarket and went back to Yut's house.

It is good tomorrow to file a marriage certificate, although only in form, and to report it to Acorn's friends, who have some knowledge of the circumstances.

Of course, those are heartwarming events......

Again, today is a special day.

On a special day, we needed just the two of us.

With Yut's financial resources and the connection of Hyun-chul Conference (Danishmend), I would have been able to stay in any luxury hotel in any location.

But Acorn didn't want it.

"If the village of Ozlic is the beginning over there, this is where we begin."

"Not at all, it doesn't sound like Zhu Yan"

There are some things I think in terms of a man's worth. But the situation of being alone with acorns in a house without parents had no choice but to abandon such dedication.

Plus, the two of us had fun cooking.

"Wow. I can't believe twisting the switch caught fire! You don't even need to pump water!

"Things like Val when I first came over here..."

"Plus, you can use ketchup, mayonnaise and sauce all you want today!

"I'm sorry I took the liberty"

- There was also an incident where I was just getting used to it and finished cooking in about an hour. Yut wasn't much of a fighter, but it doesn't matter.

"... I miss you, that's a menu"

"Have you noticed?

"At the time I bought the ingredients, to some extent,"

Lined up at the table is a bouillabaisse in hamburg. Besides, seafood salad.

Of course the details are different, but the first dish that Acorn made in the Brewers. It was a menu that I poured my heart out to welcome Prince Alsace at the time.

"As for closing this honeymoon, it's not bad, is it?

"Oh. That's just great, Zhuyin"

Humph and laugh so well, the dinner for the newlyweds begins.

"But this..."

It started, but I was hesitant to get my hands on the main hamburger.

It's a trick.

Because Patty is shaped like a heart. It seems elaborate that even the sauce is tailored to its shape.

I don't feel comfortable putting a knife in this in the symbolic sense.

"I admit that, but what am I supposed to do?

"Eat it, 'cause I made it."

"Well, I'll eat it."

Is this a trial?

Yut drinks the soup first, hands on the salad, and then thinks about what to do.

"... you're having dinner at home, but it's uncomfortable without the colo"

But what I came up with was something else.

"So is that."

"How are you doing..."

Colo just couldn't get him to the wedding, but he's traveling to the Brewers with his parents. They should accompany you on your excursions.

I said I couldn't, and I was also taking wedding photos with Colo.

I don't plan on showing it to anyone.

"So, brave man"


"I don't want to get you in trouble, so I don't normally mind eating it."

"... our love is not so soft. So it doesn't matter what happens to this hamburger. All right?"

"Oh, yes."

Still, I was hesitant to turn it into two, so it was a yuut eating a little bit from the edge.

The Akane handicrafts were excellent, albeit uniquely that way. More importantly, it was fun.

Much more satisfying than dining in a vibrant upscale restaurant.

At the end of the meal, the two of us clean up later.

And after sweating separately.

Acorns dressed in wedding dresses appeared in thinly lit Yut's room.




Very, very beautiful.

Yut lost his word.


To such a childhood friend, he smiles innocently as if the prank had succeeded, and Acorn pinches up the long skirt part.

"I bought it because of it, so it would be a waste not to use it, wouldn't it?

"Using... Vivid!"

"Do you hate these situations?

"... outrageous"

Yut is also a man.

If I were a woman, I wouldn't marry an acorn or anything, but besides, I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't be attracted. That, too, is the biggest lie of my life.

Of course, that's because Acorn is the other guy. You mustn't put it back on there.


Reduce feelings of deviation, childhood friend. No, I called my beloved wife's name, and I took her hand.

"It's a little late, though."

I removed the white gloves, took out the ring and put it on my pharmacopoeia.

"... brave man, this"

"I also thought you two should choose, because of that"

There would have been as many ways to find out, so it's good to have the right size. Because there would have been as many ways to find out.

What surprised me was its design.

A gold ring in three colors: pink, yellow and white. I can tell it's a luxury item because I see it. No, Akane, who had originally bought and collected marriage information magazines and such in detail on that aspect, found out both the brand and the price.

Engagement rings were commonly said to earn three months a month, etc., but this doubles.

"... you're so excited"

First of all, I was surprised by the price, and it's best to say so.

Indeed, if it had been consulted beforehand, it would have been rejected.

"I'd rather you be proud that you're a woman worthy of this ring"

"Not that I'm happy because it's expensive."

That being said, I can't stop my cheeks from loosening, and I take a look at the ring put on my left hand pharmacopoeia from various angles.

"This surprise has hit me."

"You seem to like it, and I know the joy of it all."

Out of the way, Yut hugged Akane.

Close your eyelids from either side, slowly, but surely your face approaches.

"Ah, Zhuyin..."

"Brave man... Hmmm......"

A kiss that will be several times already.

But each has a different meaning, and I can't get tired of talking to each other.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

Two people fall into bed so that they can get together.

And I stayed up late at night.

That night, it'll be a long, long one.

That was as obvious as the two of us had a happy ending.