Chapter 41 Cooking Skill?

Name:Level Up in Martial World Author:
41 Cooking Skill?

Lu Zhen looked around, his eyes flashing with a golden hue similar to Xia Mei's, but with a more foreboding intensity.

As he gazed at his surroundings, a palpable aura of power began to radiate from him, causing Xia Mei, who stood nearby, to shudder involuntarily. The sensation was so overwhelming that her instincts kicked in, urging her to bow in reverence before him.

A strange, familiar feeling surged within her. It was as if something deep within her recognized and compelled her to worship him. Her body trembled with the instinctual desire, but she fought it with all her strength. She stole a quick glance around, only to find that everyone else seemed completely unaffected, leaving her in a state of bewilderment.

"These eyes are similar to mine," Xia Mei thought, startled as she glimpsed Lu Zhen's eyes in a corner.

"This... this..." Xia Mei was shaken to her core as she contemplated the reason for this.

"Is he also similar to me?" she pondered, a spark of genuine interest lighting up her eyes.

Any resentment she harbored for Lu Zhen vanished, replaced by a genuine interest and care for her newfound kin. She no longer felt like a freak; it was as if she had finally met her own kind.

Xia Mei's mother had passed away when she was young, causing her to mature more quickly than other children her age. She had been a precocious child who discovered her unique powers early, understanding the potential trouble they could bring. Xia Mei had always kept her abilities hidden from others, fearing that they might uncover her secrets. Consequently, she spent her childhood living alone in her now-deserted mother's palace, with only a handful of servants to care for her. Lacking friends and any meaningful pursuits, she developed a deep fascination with martial arts, becoming a devoted practitioner from a young age.

Due to a stroke of luck and her unwavering dedication, she managed to join the Pink Autumn Sect. But this achievement came at a price – her lack of social skills. She had never been good at interacting with others and had never really had friends. She used to dismiss the need for friendship as mere vanity, but deep down, she yearned for a companion who shared her unique abilities.

After all, this was human nature. Suppose when someone finds themselves in a foreign place without any familiar faces, they naturally feel more anxious about interacting with the locals. However, if they encounter another newcomer who is in the same situation, they often find it easier to connect and form a friendship. Lu Zhen, unaware of the emotions stirring within Xia Mei, glanced around his surroundings. Even if he were aware, he wouldn't care, as long as his secret remained hidden. If it were exposed, he would have to deal with her even if she is a woman.

[Bamboo (old)]

[Clay (old)]

[Remarks: trashes of trashest]

Looking at this row of details, all of which conveyed the same message, Lu Zhen was disappointed with himself.

"Looks like I need to level up my skill if I want it to be useful," Lu Zhen thought, hoping to find some seasoning for the meat, but his search yielded nothing.

Lu Zhen sighed and turned his attention to Xia Mei, his eyes focused on her.

[Xia Mei] This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

[Race: ???]

Lu Zhen remained disheartened, seeing all the question marks.

"How can I level up this appraisal skill?" wondered Lu Zhen, considering it was only his second time using it. "Maybe if I use it for an extended period, it will level up," he mused, a frown creasing his face. [You have used appraisal.]

[Your appraisal skill has levelled up from level 1 to level 2.]

As if on cue, a system prompt appeared, eliciting his excitement.

"I've never seen a skill level up this quickly," Lu Zhen thought, contemplating ways to exploit his appraisal skill and maximize its potential.

[Your cooking skill has levelled up from level 2 to 3.]

"This..." Lu Zhen was now flabbergasted, seeing that just one batch of cooking had allowed him to level up his cooking skill every time, and this was just skewered meat, which didn't even take much effort.

"Let's go on then, let's see how much I can level up," Lu Zhen thought as he finally found an exploit he could use, even if it might be the most useless one.

[You have cooked.]

[Your cooking skill has levelled up from level 3 to 4.]

[You have cooked.]

[Your cooking skill has levelled up from level 4 to 5.]

[You have cooked.]

[Your cooking skill has levelled up from level 5 to 6.]

[You have cooked.]

[Your cooking skill has levelled up from level 6 to 7.]

[You have cooked.]

[Your cooking skill has levelled up from level 7 to 8.]

[You have cooked.]

[Your cooking skill has levelled up from level 8 to 9.]

[You have cooked.]

[Your cooking skill has levelled up from level 9 to 10.]


[Your cooking skill is evolving; you need more energy.]

A cold, emotionless voice entered his ears for the first time. However, the voice sounded a little like Lu Zhen himself, causing him to wake up from his reverie.

"What, my system has a voice too?" Ever since he got the system, he had never heard the voice of his system before. He was undoubtedly stunned when he saw that he could now hear the voice of the system.

However, seeing that the voice was quite cold and emotionless, as if it was pre-recorded, he felt a little relieved. Ignoring the fact that it was a little like Lu Zhen's own voice, he felt somewhat reassured.

After all, from the looks of it, his system wasn't alive and didn't possess any emotions, which alleviated some of the worries that Lu Zhen had about his system. It was better to have a dumb system than one with intelligence that could potentially betray him in the future.