Chapter 1235 Torn

Name:Level Up Legacy Author:
Chapter 1235 Torn

Miko looked at him with a pained expression that did not escape Arthur's notice. She wanted to scream at him, to tell him that he was making the world his enemy, and to stop him. But instead, she bit her lips and turned away.

"An evil person does not believe they are evil. Everyone has their reasons to justify their actions, Arthur," she warned him before creating a portal to leave. Then, she half-turned toward him. "And if you don't listen to our pleas, how are you different?"

Arthur stood atop the balcony, feeling the weight of her gaze followed by ripples of her teleportation. Arthur closed his eyes. Her words struck a chord because, in this decision, Arthur knew that he was being evil.

A world thrown into chaos because of one man's decision.

Then, he laughed, not in joy nor madness, but in utter helplessness. To save his love, he must abandon his morals. He must become the evil he once wished to uproot, the selfishness of the strong he abhorred.

"What am I supposed to do?" he demanded an answer from the world. "What is the right choice here?" Findd new stories at

And the realization struck him like a sledgehammer. His father also had to decide between the people he cared about and the millions of souls this planet had. Arthur suffered the choices of his father, as would Diana.

Another laugh burst out from his chest, a growl akin to a beast. His eyes hardened in resolve, forsaking his earlier hesitation about his decision.

The difference between a miserable hero and an unforgivable devil is the courage to become evil. Arthur knew what it felt like to be the sacrifice, and he would never let Dia suffer the same fate.

Footsteps rang behind him, and he turned to find Oriole wearing a thin smile. "Are you also here to dissuade me?"

"Is that what my face tells you?" asked the alchemist as he stood beside Arthur on the balcony. "There are no more envoys regarding the merge, but there will be those who wish to stop you."

"Let them do as they please, for I am unstoppable," retorted Arthur. "How do you feel about becoming a villain, Oriole?"

"Black was always my color," Oriole laughed as he leaned on the railings. "Can I have an evil name like Dark Alchemist or something?"

"Only if you throw bombs at the adventures from your tower," laughed Arthur as his mood improved because of his friend. "You know, Oriole, you are the only one who has a chance to stop me. But you never did."

"Because I have seen what you've been through," replied Oriole without looking at his friend. His hand clenched into a fist as he lowered his head. "How could I ask you to give up the one thing that makes you happy?"

The words floated between them, refusing to leave the night's cold air. Oriole raised his head and patted Arthur's shoulder before leaving as well.

Arthur's laugh was hollow, resonating through the cavern. "And you think you can stop me? All of you?" He glanced at each of them, his eyes finally settling on Miko. "You, who I considered a friend, come here to kill me?"

Miko's voice wavered, "To save you from yourself, Arthur. To save all of us."

The air thickened as the assassins spread out, their movements fluid, each step measured and precise. Arthur knew he was outnumbered, but he was far from defeated. His hand moved to his own blade, the metal gleaming with a light that seemed unnatural in the cavern's gloom.

Arthur stood in the echoing cavern, surrounded by flickering shadows of spatial manipulation. Assassins darted in and out of portals, attacking from all angles. With a thunderous roar, Arthur released a surge of black lightning. It shattered the portals, their collapse echoing sharply through the icy space.

"Enough!" Arthur's voice boomed, his figure unyielding. The assassins regrouped, their faces a mix of shock and resolve.

Echo, the world's top assassin, moved forward. His movements were fluid, barely touching the ground. He drew a thin wire, aiming for a stealthy strike. Arthur was ready. He parried with Nightmare, his black dagger that hummed with dark energy. Sparks flew where the dark energy met the steel.

Arthur's calm was chilling. He countered each attack with precision. His wrathful power made his attacks devastating and protected him from harm.

Kirk Berilo, frustrated, used space manipulation to launch a direct attack. But Arthur dodged and countered, pushing Kirk back easily.

"You underestimate my resolve," Arthur said, his voice cold and echoing. "I've embraced darkness and chaos. Your weapons are no match for me."

Miko stepped forward, her face torn between desperation and conflict. "Arthur, please! This isn't you! You're losing your humanity for a love that—"

Arthur interrupted, his face hardening. "My humanity was a worthy sacrifice," he declared. "I do this for Diana. Can you blame me for using all my power to ensure our future?"

He raised Nightmare, sending a wave of dark energy that knocked the assassins back. They slid across the icy floor, struggling to stand.

Echo was the first to recover. He realized their mission was futile. He signaled the others. Reluctantly, Kirk nodded, and they began to retreat, disappearing through their portals. Miko hesitated, her eyes locked on Arthur's.

"As long as you choose this path, we are enemies," she said, her voice shaking. "The world will fight back. We will return, with more force."

With those words, she vanished. Arthur was left alone, the cavern silent but for the sound of his heavy breathing. He walked back to the ice block holding Diana. His movements were slow, weighed down by his choices.

He touched the ice, his face softening with vulnerability. "Diana," he whispered, "for us, I'll face the world. I'll endure the hatred and the battles. Because nothing else matters except seeing you again."

The cavern stayed silent, a witness to the inner conflict of a man torn between love and the consequences of his actions. He stood ready, armed with dark powers and a firm resolve, prepared to change reality for a chance at his future with Diana.