Chapter 1251 When Did You Get So...?

Name:Level Up Legacy Author:
Chapter 1251 When Did You Get So...?

"Even without sight, I can feel every move you make," Arthur said, a slight smile playing on his lips.

Lian's beasts lunged at him, but Arthur evaded them effortlessly, his dagger flashing in the light as he deflected Ilia's lightning bolts. He countered Koby's magical assaults with swift, precise strikes, using Nightmare to cut through the spells aimed at him.

Ramiel charged, his half-Minotaur strength propelling him forward like a battering ram. Arthur waited until the last possible moment before sidestepping and using the flat of his dagger to redirect Ramiel's momentum, sending him stumbling past.

The group intensified their efforts, their coordination improving as they tried to outmaneuver Arthur. But he remained a step ahead, his dagger dancing through the air, a blur of dark steel.

Seraphine attempted to bind him with her blood magic, but Arthur anticipated her move, using his dagger to sever the tendrils before they could wrap around him. "You'll need to be quicker than that, Seraphine," he teased.

Ilia summoned a storm of lightning, aiming to overwhelm Arthur with sheer power. Arthur moved with uncanny speed, weaving through the bolts, his dagger a constant defense against the onslaught.

Whisker and Sarohan attacked in unison, trying to catch Arthur in a pincer move. Arthur ducked under Sarohan's swing, deflecting Whisker's claws with Nightmare. In a seamless motion, he spun and knocked Sarohan's sword from his hand, then parried Whisker's follow-up strike.

Lian's beasts closed in again, but Arthur's reflexes were impeccable. He moved through them like a shadow, using his dagger to fend off their attacks without harming the creatures.

Koby, seeing an opening, cast a powerful spell aimed directly at Arthur. Arthur leapt into the air, twisting his body to avoid the blast, and landed gracefully, ready to counter. "Nice try, Koby," he said with a grin. Cheêck out latest novels at novelhall.comiel charged once more, but this time Arthur met his advance head-on. With a deft move, he sidestepped and used the hilt of his dagger to strike Ramiel's pressure points, bringing the mighty half-Minotaur to his knees.

The sparring continued with renewed intensity as the team of seven regrouped and synchronized their attacks against Arthur. Recognizing their efforts to corner him, Arthur decided it was time to reveal his trump card. With a swift motion, he activated a hidden legacy rune embedded in his left forearm.

Golden runes flared to life across his skin, pulsating with power as his stats were amplified beyond their natural limits. His speed, strength, and reflexes surged, transforming him into a whirlwind of controlled chaos.

The battle escalated. Arthur moved with blinding speed, his dagger a blur as he deflected attacks and countered with precision. Seraphine's blood tendrils were sliced apart before they could touch him, and Ilia's lightning bolts fizzled harmlessly against his aura. Whisker and Sarohan's coordinated assault was rendered ineffective as Arthur danced between them, disarming and outmaneuvering with ease.

Lian's beasts, though powerful, were no match for Arthur's enhanced agility and strength. He maneuvered around them effortlessly, his dagger deflecting their attacks without causing harm. Koby's spells, potent and complex, were countered with swift, calculated strikes, each one nullifying the magic aimed at him.

Before Diana could respond, the atmosphere in the dome mansion shifted dramatically. Wrathful souls began to materialize around Arthur, their presence sending shivers down the spines of everyone present. The once lively air grew heavy with a foreboding energy that made even the most seasoned warriors uneasy.

Arthur's followers instinctively backed away, their expressions filled with apprehension. Diana stood rooted in place, her eyes wide with a mixture of fear and fascination as she watched the transformation.

Arthur's demeanor changed, his blind eyes now glowing with a menacing intensity. He raised his dagger, his voice low and commanding. "You want to see my true power, Diana? Very well."

His aura darkened, the air crackling with energy as he announced, "Godslayer Art, First Stance: Eternal Night."

In an instant, Arthur vanished from sight. The crowd gasped, their eyes darting around in search of him. Diana, her heart pounding, stood her ground, trying to sense his presence.

Arthur reappeared behind her, his dagger inches from her neck. The move was so swift and silent that it left Diana breathless. He held the position for a moment, the deadly silence pressing down on them.

Then, just as suddenly, Arthur withdrew, the fearsome aura dissipating as he stepped back. The wrathful souls faded into the ether, leaving the room in stunned silence.

Arthur lowered his dagger, his expression softening as he looked at Diana. "I will never hurt you, Diana. Not even in a spar."

Arthur waited for Diana's reaction, expecting to see fear or disappointment in her eyes. Instead, she surprised him. Her cheeks were flushed, and she looked at him with a mixture of pride and admiration. It was a look Arthur had never seen on her before, and it left him momentarily speechless.

Diana's expression wasn't one of fear but of something deeper and more profound. Her eyes sparkled with a newfound respect, and her lips curved into a small, almost shy smile. She nodded at Arthur, acknowledging his power, and then turned and left the sparring area in a hurry.

The rest of the team stood in stunned silence, watching Diana's retreating form. Arthur took a moment to process what had just happened, remembering that Diana was from Alka, a world where strength was idolized and considered highly attractive. Her reaction suddenly made sense, and he couldn't help but feel a bit flustered himself.

"Alright, everyone," Arthur said, turning to his followers. "We have work to do. I want each of you to start preparing for missions to help the people around the world. There's a lot of work to be done, and we need to be ready."

The team nodded, their respect for Arthur evident in their expressions. They dispersed to carry out his orders, leaving Arthur alone in the sparring area. He took a deep breath and followed after Diana, curious and a bit concerned about her sudden departure.

He found her in his office, sitting on the edge of his desk, her face still flushed with embarrassment. She looked up as he entered, her eyes meeting his with an intensity that made his heart skip a beat.

"Diana," he began, his voice gentle. "What's wrong?"

She took a deep breath, her eyes never leaving his. "When did you get so attractive?" she asked, her voice a mix of wonder and frustration.