Chapter 1266 How Scholars Fight

Name:Level Up Legacy Author:
Chapter 1266 How Scholars Fight

The way that scholars fight amazed Arthur. They depended on their force to create warriors that can always be replaced. However, he still did not understand why the Lord of Force would attack his own people. And he asked Thorne.

"Many towns refused to pay the taxes that the lord imposes on his people," said Thorne as he studied the armies. "The money taken from the calloused hands of our people pay the money necessary to build this army."

"And for what purpose?" asked Arthur with a different thought on his mind. Sourna does not seem to be affected by the world's predicament, but rather internal strife.

"Sourna is a land torn apart, with every part of it vying for a better claim over knowledge and power. West Sourna is still rising against the east, while pirates attack both. The Lesser Blood Ocean made sure Sourna remained isolated from the world."

"What about your borders with Orlan?" asked Arthur with surprise.

"Orlan is indeed close to Sourna, but what divides us is a great expanse of uncharted lands. Even with the modern-day technology, no one understands what these lands are."

"Uncharted lands," repeated Arthur with confusion. "Have these appeared after the merge of the two worlds?"

"Not at all. They exist from ancient times. Folk have it that these uncharted lands are what protect Sourna from monsters, letting it focus on greater issues."

"If anything, it only served to make Sourna less united. A common enemy is usually the best way for truces and understanding to foster," muttered Arthur as the battle began taking an unusual turn. The knights were pushing the makeshift back using force only, letting them detonate away from the army.

"It seems that these knights have a strategist leading them," observed Thorne as he raised hand, letting sand rise into the air. "I will find him."

"There is no need to take direct action against him," advised Arthur. "Although this army of silver knights is valuable, it's nothing compared to a strategist. If we kill him, we will be poking the hornet's nest."

"Is that not what we wish to do?" asked Thorne as he paused.

"It will only target this town and its people. Let's take the battle to their field, and we will always have the advantage."

Arthur surveyed the battlefield from his vantage point atop the dune, his mind racing with possibilities. The enemy strategist had cleverly begun to push his makeshift warriors away from their lines, causing them to detonate harmlessly in the open desert. It was a tactic Arthur hadn't anticipated, but one he was determined to counter.

The makeshift warriors responded, targeting the joints and exposed areas of the enemy knights. The enhanced agility allowed them to strike with precision, exploiting the weaknesses in the enemy's armor. The knights, previously an unstoppable force, began to falter.

Arthur continued to weave his runes, enhancing the makeshift warriors' strength and resilience. The battlefield was a blur of motion, with the makeshift warriors darting in and out of the enemy's lines, striking with deadly efficiency. The tide of the battle was slowly turning in their favor.

Suddenly, a burst of light caught Arthur's attention. He looked up to see a signal flare arcing into the sky. It was a call for reinforcements—a sign that the enemy strategist was aware of their weakening position.

"We don't have much time," Arthur muttered to himself. "We need to finish this before their reinforcements arrive."

He focused his energy, drawing on the full extent of his power. Runes swirled around him, glowing with an intense blue light. He chanted an incantation, and the makeshift warriors were enveloped in a powerful aura. Their movements became even more fluid, their strikes more precise.

"Charge!" Arthur commanded. "Break their lines!"

The makeshift warriors surged forward with renewed vigor, crashing into the enemy knights with unstoppable force. The knights, already struggling to maintain their formation, began to crumble under the relentless assault. The battlefield was a maelstrom of metal and sand, with the makeshift warriors cutting through the enemy ranks like a whirlwind.

Arthur scanned the battlefield, searching for any sign of Thorne. He needed to know if the enemy strategist had been located. Just as he was about to send out a message, Thorne reappeared beside him, his form solidifying from the swirling sand.

"I found him!" announced the sandman as he pointed toward the eastern flank. "He is traveling behind that dune and reinforcing his knights with force. Do you want us to attack him?"

"That would not be necessary," muttered Arthur with a shake of his head. "As I said, we do not wish to harm him, but to cripple his control over the knights. We just need to distract him."

Arthur raised his hand, creating an indigo rune that spewed out metal. The metal, black as night, shaped itself into a humanoid figure, its form sleek and imposing. The metallic warrior stood tall, its surface shimmering with a faint blue glow from the runes embedded within it.

"Go," Arthur commanded, his voice steady and firm. "Distract the strategist and disrupt his control over the knights. Do not engage directly unless absolutely necessary."

The metallic warrior bowed its head slightly, acknowledging Arthur's command. With surprising agility, it turned and sprinted towards the eastern flank, its movements fluid and silent despite its metallic form.

Arthur watched as the warrior sped across the battlefield, a dark blur against the desert sands. The enemy knights were too preoccupied with the makeshift warriors to notice the metallic figure slipping through their ranks. It darted between the knights, avoiding confrontation, and made its way towards the dune where the enemy strategist was reinforcing his forces.

The strategist, a tall figure clad in silver armor, was surrounded by a group of knights. He was chanting softly, his hands glowing with a bright light as he funneled force into his troops. The knights around him seemed to grow stronger, their movements more coordinated and powerful.

Arthur's metallic warrior approached stealthily, using the shadows cast by the dune to remain unseen. It crept closer, its black surface blending seamlessly with the darkening landscape. The warrior paused just a few feet away from the strategist, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.