Chapter 370 – Craspio vs. Lee Han-Yeol (6)

Name:Leveling Up Alone Author:
Chapter 370 – Craspio vs. Lee Han-Yeol (6)

The Bastro Warriors were just as stunned as Han-Yeol.

[Hoho~ Is Earth really a first dimension? That monster is way stronger than anything I’ve ever seen in the second dimension... We aren’t in the Bastro Dimension now, right?]

It was unclear whether Taichin was jesting, but she sounded surprised nonetheless.

[Hmm... This is annoying...]


On the other hand, Kandir grumbled, while Riru did not utter a word, keeping her eyes fixated on Craspio.

It was only logical for a boss monster’s strength to be proportionate to its size, but Craspio’s strength already transcended what could be deemed logical. Yes, it was possible for it to possess such absurd monstrous physical prowess, but its arsenal of various strange skills coupled with its ability to control vibration was completely ridiculous.

“Kieeeeeeng!” Craspio cried out to assert its dominance after the display of power.

Han-Yeol scratched the back of his head out of frustration and grumbled, “Argh... So annoying...”

‘I can’t win...’

He had no choice but to accept the fact that he could not win against this monster. He had already unleashed most skills he possessed, but none of them had any effect on the monster. This was the first time he felt so powerless after awakening.

However, it was too early for him to give up. Just because he could not defeat it now did not mean he could not defeat it later. The only reason he was struggling against the monster right now was solely because he was caught off-guard by it. Han-Yeol was confident he could find a way to deal with the monster as long as he had time, now that he had more information regarding its capabilities.

‘Hmm...’ Han-Yeol rubbed his chin, looking around his surroundings with worry.

Then, the few remaining Bastro Sorcerers, looking at him with an anxious gaze, caught his attention. These sorcerers were the Bastrolings Han-Yeol had previously rescued from corruption using his Purification Light skill, and they were extremely capable sorcerers as well.

It was unclear if the hyenas were stupid or simply failed to notice, but these sorcerers were high-ranking individuals turned into corrupted soldiers. Whatever the reason, one factor contributing to Han-Yeol's easy victory over the hyenas was their failure to utilize the powerful spells these sorcerers possessed.

As a result, these formidable sorcerers were now under Han-Yeol’s control.


[Yes, Han-Yeol-nim?]

‘Link my mind with the ten Bastro Sorcerers.’

[As you wish.]


Mariam could now connect two minds without transiting through her own after her second awakening. This skill, among many others, was a result of her awakening, enabling her to use telepathy freely.


Han-Yeol felt his brain ring suddenly.

[You are connected now. Then, I will be taking my leave.]

‘Ah, thanks, Mariam.’


His mind rang again, and he felt someone’s presence depart.

‘Wow! So it’s like a group chat!’


[W-Who was that?]

Han-Yeol did not particularly hide his thoughts after Mariam connected him to the ten sorcerers.

The sorcerers were shocked and stuttered when someone’s voice suddenly rang in their heads. After all, anyone would be surprised to hear someone else’s voice in their head without warning, and connecting through telepathy was not a normal experience.

‘Listen up, this is Lee Han-Yeol speaking.’

[Ah! Han-Yeol-nim!]

[W-What’s going on...?]

[Why is he all of a sudden...?]

Meanwhile, Han-Yeol continuously circled around Craspio, unleashing attack after attack.

Wooong... Krwaang!

‘Tsk... It’s not working...’

Han-Yeol tried to use Reflect on the vibration waves shot out by Craspio, but it didn't go as planned. Reflect, a skill that absorbed and amplified attacks before redirecting them, proved inefficient against Craspio’s vibration waves.

[Judgment of Horus!]


Tayarana unleashed her most powerful attack at Craspio, but, like Han-Yeol, she failed to deal any significant damage.



Tayarana unleashed thousands of swords upon Craspio. The monster opened its jaws and twisted the space around it, unleashing vibration waves to block all her attacks.


[Double Slash!]

The Bastro Warriors didn't remain idle; they seized this golden opportunity while Craspio was occupied with unleashing its most powerful skill.

None of them took this battle lightly, as Craspio proved to be a truly formidable enemy demanding respect.




Unfortunately, Craspio immediately reacted, using its vibration waves to protect itself whenever attacked.


[Avoid it!]


To make matters worse, Craspio was not only adept in defense but also formidable in offense. The monster could both defend and attack with its vibration waves, making it seem near-immortal to its enemies.

[Damn it! Just how are we supposed to defeat this thing?!]

[Even the hyenas were not this difficult of an enemy!]

Both Kandir and Camelot proactively attacked Craspio, but they couldn't deal significant damage.

‘Everyone! Stop attacking and focus on drawing its attention for now!’

Han-Yeol's voice reverberated in their minds. The time to put his plan into motion had come.


Perplexed by Han-Yeol's sudden instructions, they fully trusted him. The trio and Camelot instantly retreated, encircling Craspio.


[Yes, sir!]


The Bastro Sorcerers had finally completed memorizing the spell and ran a few tests. They promptly assumed their positions the moment Han-Yeol gave the command.

‘Are you ready?’ Han-Yeol asked them directly through his mind, maintaining his connection with them.

[Yes, sir!]

[It might take a while before we complete the spell, but we will not disappoint you, sir!]

Perhaps it was the newfound knowledge of a high-ranking spell or the challenge of facing a powerful monster like Craspio, but the Bastro Sorcerers appeared excited for some reason.

It's worth noting that these Bastro Sorcerers were predominantly Deer and Goat Bastrolings. While these two herbivore races weren't particularly formidable in combat, they exhibited outstanding potential as sorcerers.

The fact that Harkan handpicked most of the young Bastrolings for sorcerer training from the deer and goat races attested to the talent these races possessed in the realm of sorcery.