Chapter 1081: Fight If You Can’t Hide

Chapter 1081: Fight If You Can’t Hide

She originally could have avoided them, but due to her sneezing, she had exposed herself.

Since she was exposed, there was no need to hide anymore.

Bai Lingling stood up; the hint of coldness coming from her made her look even more beautiful than normal. Looking at the ten-plus disciples from the four great families, she sneered, “Who would have imagined that the four great families would form an alliance? It would be a complete joke if I told people in Towering Cloud City about how shameless you guys were to band together like this.”

She sensed something was wrong as soon as she entered the spatial world.

The disciples of the four great families were searching everywhere for something. Thinking of what Luo Tian had said, she immediately knew who they were looking for.

She moved several dozen meters in a breath with her agile figure, trying to find Luo Tian and the others. But it seemed like the distance between them was much farther than she had anticipated. This was probably intentional on Ao Sheng’s part, separating the four of them and keeping them at a great distance from each other. Just so that they couldn’t group up that easily.

That way, the disciples from the four great families could destroy them one at a time.

How are you going to get away after offending the examiner in front of so many people?


“Bai Lingling, don’t you know that this is a world of the strong? People will only remember those who pass the test, and no one will remember those who die here like you.” Ouyang Feng stepped forward, his eyes full of hatred, while he stared at Bai Lingling.

He was Ouyang Ye’s cousin.

In the Ouyang family, these two brothers had the closest relationship.

Ouyang Feng had always treated Ouyang Ye like his younger brother. But now that Ouyang Ye was dead, killing intent surged out of him when he looked at Bai Lingling.

“Hey... Brother Ouyang... Don’t look so scary.”

“She is, after all, the most beautiful woman in Towering Cloud City. Shouldn’t we give her some face just on this point alone?” A disciple of the Deng family smiled lewdly while his eyes were fixated on Bai Lingling’s breasts.

As soon as he said that, some disciples who were lusting after Bai Lingling’s beauty also spoke up.

“That’s right!”

“We should give her a chance.”

“Beautiful women should be treated more gently. What if we scare her to death by talking about fighting and killing?”

Just as his body was about to descend, Bai Lingling’s hand moved like lightning as she withdrew her sword. Her figure blurred as she then stabbed through Deng Jiarong’s throat.

Blood sprayed, and a life was bleeding out just like that.

Bai Lingling’s face showed a frosty expression. She didn’t even look at Deng Jiarong, who was struggling on the ground with his hands covering his throat, trying to speak but unable to. Instead, she sneered, “Who’s next?”

Cold and filled with killing intent.

The surroundings turned silent as they were dumbstruck at what happened.

From the beginning, they should have known something was wrong. How could the number one beauty of Towering Cloud City, who was usually so aloof, be so docile today, like a little lamb?

But they were so distracted by their own circumstances that they didn’t think Bai Lingling would dare to attack them.

The sudden attack that took a life in one move left the twelve people in a straight line, a little stunned. They stared at her while their perverted flames suddenly extinguished. Ouyang Feng was the first to move, thrusting out a sword and shouting angrily, “Bitch! Give me back my little brother’s life!”

In the beginning, some of those perverted people were stopping him. Now, no one made a move to stop him.

Bai Lingling, a woman covered in thorns, might take their lives at any time.

Bai Lingling’s figure retreated. She didn’t panic even though she was facing Ouyang Feng, who was a small realm above her. She took a few steps back and lowered her posture before rushing straight at him.


If you can’t hide, then you might as well fight!

Those were the words Luo Tian had told them.

Only when there is a fight will there be a sound, and when that happens, the four of them will all move toward the sound. This was Luo Tian’s plan.

But will Bai Lingling be able to hold out until they arrive?

She hadn’t considered it.

Were Bai Xiong and Lin Dong also surrounded by the disciples of the four great families as well?

In another area, Bai Xiong was covered in blood and gasping for air. Two disciples were lying in a pool of blood nearby. Bai Xiong laughed in rage and shouted, “You bunch of despicable little bastards! You want to kill this old bear? Come at me if you’ve got the guts!”