Eat only and level up 082 coins

"Sometimes when you stack things wrong, you collapse."

"Oh, right."

But soon, the two of them turned their heads.

Bronny sighs of relief.


He shook his chest.

I remember saying, "It was black history," but it was really scary back then.

Kang Min-hyuk was a guy who wouldn't let go once he bit him.

He's in Bretney's Mine!

Then I stopped.

'But this guy...'

He narrows his eyes.

Clearly, what he was holding in one hand was a pickaxe.

The Bretney Mine is visited by blacksmiths of around level 100.

It could be inferred that Minhyuk had not reached level 100 yet.

There's a production job!

'But I'm not sure yet.'

There are always a number of exceptions.

He examined Kang Min-hyuk, who had become much more mature than then.

He was about 10 cm taller than then and his face became mature.

'Life is so unfair, so handsome.'

Bronny had to admit to one thing.

Then he said he had lost contact with half the children who had originally contacted him after moving away.

I don't know why.

And what my father said.

God told us not to stir up friction.

But that's …….

It's in real life! '

Would the son of the epic anecdote group who was defeated by PK in the game publicly attack them?

That was absurd.

And what if he's right about the production job?

"When am I going to step on him?" '

I wasn't listening to my father, Bronie!

He soon left Bretney's mine.

Then I drank the transparency potion again and looked closely around.

He goes into the quarry and eavesdrops on people's stories.

"I see him, too. I think I should work harder. Bandages, blacksmithing skills, even cooking." "

"What a friend!"

I listened to those stories and put them together.

'Even in a production job, do you have more than three skills related to dexterity? What's going on? Oh, is this some kind of Hidden Class?'

A character who can better learn other production skills.

That is, to put it simply, it is a scavenger.

And normally, non-combat jobs are weak.

A 100 level non-combat job is practically a 70 level job.

Then Bronny found out.

'Kuhahaha, it's time for me to step on Kang Min-hyuk too!'

He laughed and wetted, looking forward to that day.

* * *

Min Hyuk continued to dig iron ore for two days without rest in the mine.

I wanted more special chocolates!

Unfortunately, other minerals did not come out well.

However, as you continue to dig through the iron ore with the will of the fortitude, a golden ore shines.

[Obtain Gold Ore.]

[If you like, you can get special chocolates.]


As Min Hyuk laughed heavily, Luwan approached.

"Huff...! It's gold ore, isn't it? Wow, this is much more expensive than Iron Ore!"

"Oh, really!? Well, that's just it!"

"Sure. Just one item..."

"I hope it tastes better!?"


Luwan tilted his head.

What's that supposed to mean?

Then Min-hyuk made a quick choice.

"Get special chocolates!"

Then a little light appeared on the gold ore, and soon it appeared like a silver foil.

Min-hyuk peeled off a silverware shell.

And then he showed himself.

It was nothing but crunch chocolate.

Crunch Chocolate!

There were crunchy snacks in the chocolate.

"Ugh, why is the gold ore made of chocolate..."

"I got a quest."

"Oh... I don't know why I would ever trade Gold Ore for chocolate!"

"Better chocolate than worthless gold!"


Luwan looked like he had lost.

Then Min-hyuk didn't even check the crunch chocolate and put it all in his mouth.

Chewing the well will give you a crispy texture before sweetness.

The sweet aftermath of chocolate.

"Crunch is more like it!"

And that was the moment I ate the crunch.

[Hiddenpiece. Achieve a true chocolate miner.]

[Win 30 Million Gold.]

[Gold can be obtained each time you eat chocolate from within the mine.]


Min-hyuk said, "Oh."

And I looked at Luwan.

"What is the price per Gold Ore?"

"Five million gold."

"That's a win-win."


Min Hyuk didn't talk about it.

Now you get money for chocolates!

It was good for my sister and my husband.

Leton watches him then.

He grins.

'I want to eat chocolate, but I can't believe I have a friend to work so hard...'

I thought it was really great.

For two days he slept at least.

That's why the mining team that left him alone continued the vigilante.

And a total of five teams in those two days.

And the four teams, except for the five mining teams, harvested more than they had in two days.

It's been a long time since Leton was able to climb.

Our five teams are like this! '

It was all because of Min-hyuk.

He immediately approached Min-hyuk and said.

"I have a proposition for you."

"Are you going to offer?"


Leton shrugs his head.

"Would you like to become a legendary miner?" "

[Mining Captain Leton suggests a legendary miner.]

[If a legendary miner is accepted, the Blacksmith will improve his skills and mine 10 times more than others.]


I didn't know Min-hyuk, but he was actually a guardian who transferred me to a legendary class!

The mining team on the verge of being fired.

And the Mining Team Leader, Leton!

Legendary mining conditions were to overcome the crisis of getting fired by five mining teams and make the mining volume overwhelmingly higher than others.

Min-hyuk did a lot of things.

"As you can see, legendary miners can mine 10 times faster than others, and the more talented they become, the more special the smith becomes."


It was Luwan, not Min-hyuk.

'10 times the amount mined!?'

That's 10 times more.

It means an opportunity to become very rich.

What if I gain skills and mine more heavily?

'Wow... I heard that if a production job turns into a legendary class, you get a lottery ticket!'

That much influence.

In addition, the blacksmith is able to sail.

At that moment, Min-hyuk thought about how to properly refuse.

"Thank you so much for your offer. Captain Leton, but I already have a job. It's a good job to eat well, but I think this job is just right for you."

"Oh, is it better than mining? Well, I guess I got a job watching you eat. I see."

Leton looks a little sad, but nods happily.

And Min-hyuk could tell.

That kind of proposition means you're very close to him in two days.

"Huh? Min-hyuk, you really don't, do you? Really!? Then I'll do it! Me, me! I've done my best work so far! Let me do it!"

Leton scatters him up and down.

"You have... um... something... like that..."

"That? What is that?"

"Oh, you know what?"

At the end of the sentence, the returning tone turns.

Luwan was curious.

"No, what is that?"

I was most curious when I didn't want to talk about it in such a blurry way.

* * *

On the third day.

Carl makes his move.

Not far from the mines.

There's a place where you put the key.

'Two hours after I plug in the key. The entrance to it appears.'

As soon as I put this key in, more powerful creatures protrude out of my sight than the monsters I had before.

Those who can hold them off won't exist in the mines.

However, Howden's guild would be able to hunt.

There will be no variables.

Everything was perfectly prepared.

He whispers to Bronny.


BR: Absolutely. All guild members are now ready to enter the mine.]

Carl: As soon as I send the signal, it moves.]

[BR: Yeah!]

Along with him, Carl pushes the black key back.

Along with him, an alert sounded.

[Use the Legendary Key.]

[The path to legend opens in 2 hours.]

Carl whispers with him.

[Carl: Right now!]

* * *

The retone coming into the mine has an angry vibe.

"Damn soldiers."

"Phew, you didn't do it again?"

"How far have we come? How far have we come in three days?"

They grumbled.

That's a lot of Iron Ore for three days.

He now demands equipments and treatment without discrimination, but they remain silent.

Of course, there will be no more reason to cut.

Min-hyuk was digging hard for minerals inside.

Right then.




You hear screams from outside.

"What, what!?"

"What are you talking about?"

The miners seemed surprised.

But it didn't end there.

All of a sudden, the creatures coming out of the inner wall of the mine.

It was the Iron Wolf.

"…… huff!?"


The miners start trembling.

Existing monsters here were mine wolves between levels 80100.

However, the Iron Wolfs laugh at level 150 as a junior boss.

Those guys just showed up out of the blue.

"Oh, my God. Y'all ran away...!"

It was the moment that Leton said it was over.

A single Iron Wolf moves quickly.


The Iron Wolf aims for Reton's head and moves.

At that moment.


Luwan swiftly bashes Ironwolf's head in with a pickaxe.


But there didn't seem to be any major hits.

Originally, Luwan was a warrior class of around level 100.

Because of this, my physical abilities were significantly different from those of the miners.

I thought it would be heartbreaking if the miners who froze to death were also human.

Who cares if NPC dies or not? I was better than those who say. "

He calculated quickly.

Can we buy him some time to escape? '

When you're logged out, you're done!

And since there's nothing valuable about the artifacts that are currently full, you'll be throwing away Iron Ore.

Then he looked around.

'Min Hyuk is a production job... Damn it!'

Only other users can be trusted.

However, such other users are level 90 users of the production job.

It's hard to buy time even when we're together.

Luwan quickly decided.

"Min-hyuk, take the miners out. Lion! Kuhahahahahahaha!"


[Scratch the nerves of monsters within a 5m radius to focus attention.]



All the Iron Wolfs turn their heads to Luwan.

Min-hyuk will evacuate well.

But when I turned my head, Min-hyuk didn't run away.

Rather, he said, pulling on Min-hyuk's arm.

"Oh, we have to get out of here! What can you do? What we don't have will help us!"

But Min-hyuk stopped there.

Luwan smiled.

Are you saying I can't be the only one logged out? You want to come with me? It was such a short time, and you thought of me that way! '

He was impressed.

But on the contrary....

'That. That's Misrill Ore!?'

His gaze shifts toward the seemingly fallen mythril ore as the Iron Wolf scrambles through the wall.

'I feel like there will be white chocolate in there.'

Min-hyuk licked his lips.

At the same time, the Iron Wolfs rush towards Luwan in unison.

"Lou, Lu Wah 'an!"

"Oh, no!"

"You may look like a bandit, but you did a good job!"

In that scream, Min-hyuk muttered.
