182 Level-Ups for Food Only

54. Raids

Min-hyuk listened closely to the door.

"Are you all right, Chairman?"

"It's okay, take something like that. Haha!"

Through the door, I heard my father's laugh. But I could also see the bitterness in his voice.

"At least you got the ice sculpture from the land of Kalameh. I saved that one."

"Land of the Calames"? '

Min Hyuk chewed through the land of Kalameh.

The land of Kalameh.

It was a land of hellish cold that the users did not challenge.

Most of the users who challenged there were frozen to death.

The trials that existed along the way were never easy.

One user said about the land:

'It's a little cold in the real world, and you get frostbite and you die, and you know how awful that is?'

To freeze to death like that was scary, even in the game.

And your father went to the land of the Kalamese?

'Are you higher level than I expected?'

Soon, Kang Min-hu and Park Mun-su spoke.

"But thank God, he started the game, and I started with him, and now I can feed him delicious' nubbing '."


Park's voice sank.

Min-hyuk's eyes also began to cool down.

Min-hyuk could tell.

After he started the treatment, he started the game together. And quietly become strong for yourself.

And I ran with only one goal:

To give myself something delicious, something good to eat.

Min-hyuk's fist tightened.

Bachran's Guild.

Jabin and Buckle, who had recently entered Lukto's tomb, were also a guild named Bachran.

Also, according to Kaistra when traveling on Penrus, Bachran's guild was preparing an ambush to target his millstone.

Min-hyuk searched for Bachran's Guild.

The infamous Vimanna Guild.

However, even a large guild was a guild that wouldn't touch it unless it was frictioned with them.

Are you afraid of poop? You'll be able to avoid it because it's dirty.

Min Hyuk turned and walked.

Then I plugged into the capsule.

Meanwhile, Park Moon-su sighed, looking at Kang Min-hwa, smiling.

"Well, it could be your young friends, huh! I need to take a nap. I've been playing games so hard to sleep, I'm so tired. Oh, get rid of my desk."

Kang Min-hu opened the door and left. As soon as he stepped forward, Park Moon-su's expression became stiff.

He slowly removes his horn-rimmed glasses and hangs them on the upper left pocket.

'How dare……! How dare...! Leave the chairman alone! I won't let them get away with this!'

Park Mun-su has been more angry than ever in his life.

Of course, it was only virtual reality, but I couldn't stand the thought of those guys who would put swords in his body and laugh.

He takes a step to clear the desk, suppressing the brief boiling anger.

Then I found the fountain pen in my notebook and tried to get it out and organize it well.


Park opened the notebook.

His pupils were dilated.


[Whew... I'm so sad that I've been beaten by PK.I wish there were people who could help me like this. Ah... I think I heard that Kim Tae-sik from anecdote construction was in Athens, too, and the chairman Lee Tae-jin from Lotus.]

Park Mun-su looked back at the position that Kang Min-hoo took.

A small group of anecdotal leaders knew that President Kang Minho was in Athens today.

In addition, Athens itself has been a game played by many celebrities, so many of the top rankers were unusual to older people.

Park Mun-su could tell.

This was a 'signal'.

"I'll make you pay for touching you...!" '

He begins to send a message of anger.

And the time of day.

Kim Tae-sik, president of anecdotal construction, who was conducting the meeting, widened his eyes when he saw what came from Park's assistant through an emergency contact network.

[The Chairman has been informed that Bachran's guild has defeated PK.]


Beep beep.

As he wakes up, the meeting chairman is silent for a moment.

"Let's keep going."

Chairman Kim Tae-sik, who is seated.

He started from the last day of labor without having anything as a child.

But eventually, the academic punishment hit its limit.

At that time, it was the chairman of Kang Min-hye who collected it without regard to discipline or origin, so he was a savior.

And a wizard of his level 424 in Athens.

He turns on Dantock.

There were four men in Dantock's room.

The president of the lotus, president of anecdotal distribution, president of anecdotal electronics, and himself a total of four people.

These four people were enjoying Athens together.

And they always wore masks, and they were all troublemakers of the 400 levels.

Also, armed with expensive artifacts, they always wore black masks, and were nicknamed 'The hyena of the four' for those who wandered around the hunting grounds alone.

And now there was a fire in the chat room.

They were all blessed by President Kang Min-hye!

Soon, Tae-sik Kim chatted.

[Taesik Kim: Hyenas, let's prepare for the hunt.]

* * *


He recently received a letter from Ken Raquel.

[Retrieve the disaster artifact from the frying pan killer, by all means, and in the process find agreement with the guild master of the legendary guild. Hunt down the Legend Guild and the Pan Killer if that's not possible. With his support, you will be able to borrow the power of the nobles of Asgan continent connected to the Black Stone, including the support of the Black Stone member 'Lion of Pharaoh'.]

Asgan was the continent of the South Korean server.

It was such a dramatic offer.

There are many Black Stone members in the country.

And there is a unique stone member in the country.

One of them was Pharaoh's lion.

The lion of Pharaoh has an amazing power to summon ancient warriors.

"No matter how legendary the guild is..."

It will be hard to overcome.

Then I thought about clones.

'Will the genie accept it?'

The answer was NO. In fact, you don't need to hear it.

The Pan Killer was already aware of the catastrophic artifact.

Are you willing to give the disastrous artifact a price, like a Legendary Guild, in a group of rankers that seeks only the best?

I don't have the stomach for it.

Therefore, Clone came up with a trick.

First, disguise yourself as if you killed your guild member in a Legendary Guild.

He thought of a bear.

Then my mouth twisted.

'Yes, we can use him.'

Bounty hunter Crowe.

I think I can use him to make them look like they were attacked first.

A clone who decided to proceed immediately.

He has currently assigned a rogue class user to the town of Bajala in advance, just in case.

It is not difficult to know the location. The Legendary Guild also liked that users would flock to the town of Bajala in order to promote the territory, because the location was already posted on the official community board.

And the man he sent is now looking at the Bahamas' power.

* * *

The user, Karn, in Bajala, was looking into the surroundings.

'It's a long way to go to develop.'

Users can also build buildings using resources or their own guild funds.

On the contrary, Bajala was recently deserted.

"There are fewer guards..."

According to the information Karn gathered, the previous lord Hesdon was incapable.

In addition, Hesdon's incompetence caused many troops to be recklessly deployed to the Punitive Force and then lost.

That's why he was stripped of the title of King Valen, and that's when the Legend Guild arrived.

'There must be something in this territory.'

The Legend Guild was a hero of the Valkyrie Kingdom.

I never would have given such a people such a land without such a thing.

Obviously, there are many different quests and resources.


Karn looks around, and now he decides to check out the head office.

The Lord's gone first.

Be sure to check your home thoroughly.

Perhaps Ga-in is more influential than he thinks.

In addition, most of the time, the first heirloom will be more likely to be on the Vice President's side.

The reason is simple. The goblins are here in Athens 24 hours a day.

In the meantime, Karn could see an old man coming out of a place that people had heard was the lord's house.

"Viceroy, hello."


An old man nodding at the words of the citizens.

He had quite a force.

Then he took a step and headed somewhere.

Karn frowns.

Strong man? '

And then the old van was headed to a farm close to home.


Soon the old van began to do strange things.

Looking after the anus of the cats growing up on the farm.

Then I started taking notes on the notebook.

"That's right, that's right. You're cheap! If the lord comes, he'll love Luwak coffee."

A grumpy old van.

What is that old man? '

It was strange.

Then I heard the voices of the citizens.

"Phew, Viceroy, here we go again."

"I see..."

"Oh, my God, what's going to happen to our Bahamas?"

"Viceroy, I heard you lost your son a long time ago, but what is it that he likes coffee so much? I think our new Lord is going to support that old man. Ever since then, I've been told that our Lord is our son, and that's how we serve our coffee every day."

"You know what? Why would an old man like that be vice-president?"

"If they knew he was a crazy old man, they'd ignore him, so the lord took it upon himself."

"Phew, but the vice-president is such an old man. I have to propose this."

"Shh, listen."

Rumors are supposed to spin strange.

Karn laughs as he listens to their stories.

"The old man who watches the cat's anus is the first heiress? This is insane!"

Perhaps the Legendary Guild has not yet established a suitable cover, and it seems that it has appointed an interim Viceroy.

I thought it would be okay to worry about this.

Then, a man jumps up and down.

"Looks like he's gone, too. '

Big body, big forearms!

It was Jank, one of a thousand spearers.

Soon, Jank began walking like a waiter in the vicinity of the old van.

"Hey, you! So, my lord, can I offer you a decent cup of coffee? What's the matter with you? You're so strong, you can't even do anything right!"

"I'm sorry."

What is it, waiter? '

Karn had no choice but to expose him.

A crazy old man who's a waitress?

Karn turns away thinking they don't need to see it anymore.

And infiltrated the lord's house.


An African boy was doing the dishes.

Then I sat in a corner and ate bread again.

And the African boy, Kaistra, laughed.

(Artisan's dishes)

Active Skill.

Rank: Unique

Level: Lv. 1

Skill Level: 36%

Horsepower: 20

Cooldown: None


Double the speed of the dishes.

Fast dishes without water.

Description: Dessert skill appeared for Hahn, a dishwasher to the death! If you try harder, you might be able to learn God's dishes.

"Min-hyuk will praise you for being better at dishes, right? '

He smiled as he ate the bread.

Karn, hiding in plain sight, suddenly blushes.

"A place where a boy is so happy with a loaf of bread..."

He swallows his tears and pulls something from his arms and drops it to the ground.

And I was sure.

'The least we can do is raid this territory now.'

And he was gone.

And Kaistra who was about to do the dishes again.

He tilts his head.


Because I found 1 gold on the floor.

"Oh, I got one gold."

He smiles brightly.

* * *

[KARN: It's only been a few days since the Legendary Guild was relocated, so most things, including troops, are still lacking. Even the Viceroy of Gossip Girl was an old man. You don't seem to care about anything in particular.]

"The senile one? '

Clones mocked at each other. But when I think about it, I have to.

The territory of Bajala hasn't been a sergeant for a long time.

The most crucial problem was the number of legendary guild members.

They are less than twenty people under the guise of minor fertility.

No matter how strong they may be, sometimes many are better.

And then the clone turns around.

The lion of Pharaoh.

One of the new classes in the country.

It was someone who could summon the warriors of the ancient Pharaoh.

Ancient Pharaoh's warriors range from levels 350 to 450.

He is somewhat more like a summoner.

"When does the job take place?"

"For now, the Legendary Guild will disguise itself as if it had attacked first."

The lion of Pharaoh was wearing Pharaoh's mask, and it was quite exotic.

"I heard that Pharaoh can summon the magic of the Magic System as well."

Pharaoh's head nods. He said because he knew he and the clone ahead were going to be partners for a long time.

"You can summon Baphomet."

"Oh, if it's Baphomet..."

The clone's eyes sparkle as if it were interesting.

"The sheep of bipedalism, isn't it?"