332 Level-Ups for Food Only

Genie, a former master and high ranker of the Legend Guild.

Taunt her in China. The provocation made the whole country of China hot.

Chinese ranker Kanex posted:

[A Korean ranker named Jeanie applauds the courage. In fact, we have been coordinating and ridiculing them on SNS all the time, saying that China is going to press down on South Korea. But just like the extinction of the Red Dragons, which was just a few days ago, Korea may not be as pleasant.]

In addition,

[Also, in a small Asian country called South Korea, she did not lose pride and bravely said. Come on. This may not seem like a good idea for the people of my country, but if I was the people of my country, I would have raised my thumb against her.]

Unfortunately, the number of those who agreed with this ranker was remarkably small.

Other rankers have expressed their opposition.

He was the Great Wall Guild Master, Namgongho.

[There is no room for arrogance. I don't think we're talking about the men who were abducted by Berg, the attack base in the middle, and who ran away in drooping. In fact, the war against Verde is almost a core power struggle.]

Many Chinese agreed with that.

People said in comments:

[There's a saying in Korean proverbs that if you step on a worm, it'll wiggle. It just seems to wiggle.]

It was literally twitching. The thought that the Republic of Korea had once thought that their country would be miserably pushed back.

Furthermore, Nam-gu Ho did not stop speaking.

[And if you think about the footage of all the Red Dragons being dead, it looks like there's a special territory that we don't think of. I think he's telling me to believe it and come in here....]

That's it.

This was the answer to the South Korean Djinn's provocation.

The rest was answered by the people of China.

[That's not how you dare approach yourself with territory, is it?]]

[Oh blah blah blah blah blah] Nam-goong-ho, if you stab me like that, the Korean people are hot.]

[Namgongho's territory was listed as the second most powerful territory in Athens. It is his territory that holds enormous Hidden NPC numbers, where there are soldiers of the Qin Dynasty, an incredible force.]

Most Chinese users agreed with the South Arch.

The Republic of Korea was just trampled on, so I just squirmed for a moment.

And compared to the guild owned by the Great Wall, the territory belonging to Jeanie, or the Chinese Penitentiary, is unparalleled.

And Hoilcheon also said in the interview.

[Diet? You show up in front of me, you're done in 20 seconds.]

Some frowned at the speech, but the majority of the Chinese cheered.

And the mission, as the Chinese would expect, hit the continent.

* * *

[Mission! Soldier battle begins.]

The location of the Warrior's Secret Warehouse hidden in the Continental Canal will be opened to users of Asgan Continent.]

[Send troops to the location indicated on the map to give special benefits to users on the continent who opened the Warrior's Secret Storage first.]

[For users, EXP buff increases by 20% and artifact drop rate by 20% for two days during the Soldier War.]

[Users may be penalized for attacking NPCs.]

[Only one user can lead soldiers on both continents.]

[You will be given a chance to vote for two hours and more special rewards for participating users.]

[Participating Users must be elected based on user votes and be level 500 or higher and prestige 800 or higher.]

[NPCs participating in the Military War will be resurrected outside the Continental Canal ( ⁄ 39759) and will not be able to enter the Continental Canal again.]

[After voting, the real battle begins.]

It was a simultaneous and multiplayer notification for all users located within the continental canal.

And Nam-gu Ho, who had heard such a notification, had to smile faintly.


There was only one reason why Namgong-ho smiled favorably.

Isn't this an event entirely for you?

Master of the Great Wall Guild.

And it was he who led the 'Behemoth' land, which is the largest existing land.

Moreover, the strength of his name NPCs is beyond imagination.

How are the soldiers?

The basic troop level given to the original territory is about 200~.

And if it's strong here, it's about 300.

However, the level of troops in the southern archipelago's territory is around 370.

That's about 3,000 troops.

"This is the divine revelation to flatten the nose of a woman named Jeanie. '

The South Archway twisted its lips and laughed.

Namgong-ho then looked at the most powerful NPC information he had.

(Black Lion)

Rank: Legend

Type: Returning

Level: 483

AP: 4, 921

Defense Power: 2, 951

Special Abilities:

Passive skill lion skin.

Active Skill Roaring.

Active skill quadruple charge.

Potential: 129

EXP: 18%/100%

The black lion was a legendary NPC.

He also had only two legendary NPCs.


A territory with only one Legendary NPC on it has tremendous power.

Look at that incredible offensive and defensive power!

Not only that, since the potential is close to 130, the Black Lion was the best NPC.

And there was another white lion on the ground, like the black lion.

The two NPCs were brothers.

Many users in China were also envious of the South Arch.

Oh, my God!! You're not a legendary class transfer, you're a legend!

Does this make sense?

Namgong-ho was confident. Not only the Black Lion, but his soldiers above level 350!

Those soldiers will wipe out all the South Korean NPCs.

"My territory is the best! '

Namgong-ho was confident.

* * *

Meanwhile, the genie also picked up the mission footing on the continental canal.

And what she did was simple.

It was to look at the power of NPCs in the legendary class of those who could be the core troops in the current territory.

The genie has reached the last of the weakest legends.

The weakest of the legendary NPCs in the territory was Koru.

This, of course, excludes the non-combatant Hayes.


Rank: Legend

Type: Returning

Level: 504

AP: 5, 321

DP: 3, 151

Special Abilities:

Passive Skill Athens' Prayer.

Active skill Athenian sword.

Active skill Athens' shield.

Potential: 139

EXP: 18%/100%

Legends live in Athens' territory.

Ghost van, Talmor's Koru, Archbishop Arbel, legendary Tactical Haze, Sword Conor.

And the other five Hidden NPCs were born during training.

All of these hidden NPCs were of the 'Epic' classification.

They did not belong to legend, but at least they were able to exert the power of ordinary rankers.

The level was above about 460.

'What is the power of the Southern Lakes?'

Jinny still thought the second most powerful territory on the continent would be inferior.

And Chinese users will definitely choose a Namgong-ho commander that only one person can participate in.

Jeanie also asked to be a commander.

And fortunately, Jeanie is participating because of the breath of rankers sharpening swords within the Atlantic Territory.

[In Asgan, the Genie will win 2, 413 and 711 votes to join the army.]

[Selected users will not be penalized for attacking NPCs.]

[In Caion, the "South Arch" gains 41, 133 and 624 votes to join the Troops.]

Genie's results were as expected.

* * *

Min-hyuk gained a lot from his encounter with Elle.

It was because he realized his limits and gained 50 stats and Elle's sword level +1 by realizing the battle with her.

It wasn't just that.

You can also get the wishing stone that elle told you about.

This Wishing Stone is a new type of cooking ingredient because every time the user enters "Cooking ingredient" and breaks the trials, it can't be a new type of stone.

And Min Hyuk heard the story from Elle.

'Follow the place written on this map. If you follow this map, you will get the drama of others, not me.'

Elle said her drama would be hard to learn even from the current Min-hyuk.

But before that, it was said that if you have the drama of others, you will get it.

Elle explained to him:

'Even I don't know what's there. But there is one sure thing. The world's greatest prosecutor will be there after the Sword.'

Min-hyuk took a walk with the old, shabby map she gave him.

"Jinny will do it, right? '

His strength is like that of an Eater's Guild. In addition, in some ways, Min-hyuk cannot be in the 'high class' that other users step on.

The reason is simple.

Because it's a new class.

New classes do not benefit from high classes.

It was definitely a balance adjustment.

Min-hyuk moved as fast as he could.

I crossed a mountain and crossed a river.

Then I encountered another giant mountain.

And the peak of that mountain. There was a place where hot lava and water vapor could never rest from the peaks of that mountain.

"...... You want me to go in here?"

Min-hyuk tilted his head for a moment, but jumped up.

It looked like a lava vent, but it was thought to be someplace else.

Min Hyuk forcefully jumped in with both feet.

Let's do it.



It is the groaning that Min-hyuk secretly spit out. I thought my whole body might melt.

But without any heat, Min-hyuk's body began to be sucked into the lava.

Then one day, Min-hyuk was able to set his feet on the ground.

As Min-hyuk looked up, there was a ceiling of lava that had just come down.

That's amazing.

Once again, I was impressed with Athens' ability to implement it.

[You have entered the trials of pure heroes.]

[Gain 100 Reputation.]

And Min-hyuk's gaze was fixed in front of him despite the notice.

A statue stood at the end of his gaze.

The statue was wrapped around a grass plate armor and looked like a young man with short black hair.

And there was an inscription next to it.

[The purest hero in the world.]

[He sleeps here, waiting for his descendants.]

[Sword Conor. Lv796]

Min-hyuk was frightened. I thought he looked familiar. The boy's face, the position to hold the sword open.

Min Hyuk muttered unknowingly.

"Why is Conir out of here...?"