447 Level-Ups for Food Only

Instead of me.

Min Hyuk was an unfamiliar word. Some of you may have heard of it.

But it was definitely unfamiliar to him. One, the fact that the God of Cooking is one of them.

and one of the ten boilers instead of that one.

'This is most likely a great thing.'

The God of Cooking was a master of the appetite.

And the appetite seemed very unlikely to fall in line with 'instead of'.

The ratio of such alternatives.

It is said to be one of the ten feathers.

'Also, this process of obtaining this beer was absurd.'

If other users say, 'Biggie instead of me.' If you get it, you are more likely to have suffered as hard as yourself.

Everything you do is proportional to what you do and what you reward.

Min-hyuk immediately checked the appeal of overlapping joy instead of the temple.

(Overlapping pleasure)

Bigi instead of Bigi.

Level: None

Duration: 10, 000

Cooldown: 24 hours.


Allows buff effects of two dishes to be stacked.

When two dishes have an overlapping buff effect, you can see the overlapping effect of two dishes without having to eat one food and then think of the other as' eating '.

When the two cooking buff effects overlap, a 'cooking dice' are thrown. The duration of the buff is determined by the number of cooking dice.

The lower the number, the shorter the buff lasts and is 30 seconds at 1 day.

Increases EXP by X2x while stacking with special effects, including 2, 1, 3, 2, 4, 3, 5, 4, 6, and 7.


Bigi instead of Bigi.

It was a force beyond expectation.

* * *

Jinns and other members of the Eating Society were desperate.

For the first time, Min-hyuk started bringing one or two pretenders to the Legend Guild.

Their personality was clear and they were always a strong supporter of the guild even when they were reborn as a new guild.

The guild members wanted to protect as much as they did.

However, the situation continued to be desperate.

The demon-spear van sits with a huge fatal wound around its chest, vomiting blood, and Arbel, the best-salling writer, swings his spear only with his right arm broken.

The ramen boy Conir has been broken dozens of times by his enemies.

Every time I stand up with a dead soldier's sword, I cherish him.

I tried to protect the land of Min-hyuk, but I reached my physical limit.

The paladin Koru was no different.

With more than 100,000 hostiles gathering, the extremists cleverly hide in the gap and attack only the NPCs.

We have to defend it. We have to save it.

However, they realize that they are only 'one user'.

In more than 100,000 armies, there were the best wizards, the best knights, the spearers and the Tamer of a nation.

I threw myself down and tried to defend the NPCs, but the strongman tried to slap the phantom van on the neck.

"No, no, no!"

"Aaaaah! No, Ben! Come on! Get out of here!!"

"Please, please!!"

Everyone groaned. The soldiers of the church and the guild members.

He was one of the pillars leading the guild and a precious one that Min-hyuk cherished.

Right then.

The arrow pierces Loki's sword and reaches the miracle Min-hyuk created.

Min-hyuk's miracle was strong.



And to protect the van, the spearers handed them a circle and escorted them.

They sigh of relief.

But I was frustrated in it.

'There's nothing we can do.'

"The best guild is shit..."

'Even our precious ones could not protect us.'

'We are still in short supply.'

They had to blame themselves and blame themselves. If only I had been stronger, if only I had been more powerful than I am now.

It may not have fallen this far.

That's when "he" appeared.

"We don't have time. Get some food. This is an old van, this is a genie, this is a lock."

He didn't even tell me why he was late. It just seemed urgent to be chased by something.

"Why don't we have time? You came here like this, why...!"

The genie couldn't understand. One, Min-hyuk did not say much, but just distributed food and said.

"I've been cooking for you for months. Thank you for fighting well while I was gone. And I'm asking you again."

The face of Min-hyuk was filled with regret. He immediately 'dependent almonds.' Chewed and swallowed.

Chewing and devouring subordinate almonds, he summoned an Eater's Sword and Shield.

Then I looked around at the guild members.

"I want you to enjoy it."

With a bitter smile, he is logged out and gone.

It was a situation that no one could understand.

A Black Flame Dragon squeezes through the spearers' gap.

He quickly explained the chaos.

The genie, guild members, and guild NPCs have lost their word.

'For months for us...'

"Guild operations, and dishes as well as diplomacy..."

'Thank you, Min-hyuk.'

They've lost their word.

The fact that he's been a vigilante for months. Everyone knows.

One, they thought they were rankers and were trying to improve their territory.

I thought everyone was trying. However, Min-hyuk's efforts are not comparable to his own.

My heart became hot because I couldn't wake up for days.

"Haha, my son... No, the Lord made this food. It looks really good."

A haunted van.

He was a man who almost died before. He laughs at Min-hyuk's dishes.

The van's eyes are covered with dew.

As Jeanie looks at the 'Carbonara' in front of her, she shed tears without her knowing it.

"I was on my way out. By the way, how many days have we not eaten properly?"

I hurriedly say that and steal my tears.

"Hehehehehe, Min-hyuk, you should take a break, take a break!"

Locke, who can't hide his emotions well, is already bursting into tears and staring down at the bread crumbs that lie in front of him.

"… let's eat."

Asgar, lying on the ground with her legs broken, smiles only a little.

Yeah, let's eat. It was a precious food made by Min Hyuk.

Before that, there was something I had to do.

It was a 'cooking effect' check.

Of course, it didn't have to be effective. These foods were precious food prepared by Min-hyuk.

'Haha, let's see what the effect of the cuisine our Lord has made?'

Min-hyuk's cooking for the van was like a handmade burger set.

Take care of the paper-wrapped van. 'It was written.

Van could see that Min-hyuk was trying to make people taste valuable food in the world of foreigners.

He immediately examined the effects of a handmade burger.

(handmade burger)

Material grade: A

Rank: Legend

Limit: only van can see buff effect.

Storage date: 30 days.

Retention time: 30 days.

Special Abilities:

All Stats +25% Increase

Spear default Attack Power +25%.

MP Consumption decreases by 30% and Skill Cooldown by 30% when using Ghost Spear.

All attacks of Ghost Spear are increased by 30%.

Can use the Ultimate Spear twice without penalty.

Immediately heals all status conditions, including HP and MP, by 100%.

Activates for 1 hour according to the predisposition of the taster who ate the dish.

Description: The chef who created the dish made it with a mind that wants you to eat it and be really happy. Someone beyond the human category has added their power to this dish.


The van felt suffocated as soon as I saw it.

'Oh, my...'

This dish was not unusual.

25% increase in all stats, 250% increase in spear base attack?

At this rate, the chaotic knights were able to be pierced and saved at once.

Is that it?

'You can use the Grand Pole twice without any restrictions...?'

Ultimate sole.

A Spear Ultimate skill used by a Ghost Van on Black Dragon Bormon.

This absolute Spear possesses incredible power that may actually pierce even a god.

This is a testament to the past of defeating the Black Dragon Bormon at once.

One. There are absolute penalties.

'When I use the Ultimate Spear, I am naturally doomed.'

When the phantom van created an absolute maze, the 'God of Spears' warned him.

This power should not be made by humans.

Also, that kind of power could not be tolerated by the van in the first place.

A skill that can only be used once when all HP and MP are consumed. Absolute pole.

You can use him twice.

And it wasn't just that.


"Hey, what is this, is this possible!?"


"... is the best."

Min Hyuk has brought more than twenty dishes in total.

Most of them were legendary ratings. Of course, there were occasional cases, but it was enough to frighten them all.

The phantom van realized that eating deliciously while thinking about him was rewarding him.

He peels the paper wrapper in half and examines the handmade burger.

"Oh, wow! This is food. '

There are layers of food between the hot bread.

From the top of the egg fry, you see two thick sliced ham topped up, melted cheese underneath it, lettuce and pickles in between, and finally the roasted beef patties that look spicy.

'It smells amazing.'

A phantom van with a single scent.

He cuts and bites the handmade burger that seems hard to put in his mouth even after forgetting his age.

I slowly close my eyes and try it.

Various ingredients go well together. What about the spicy sauce in your mouth?

It's even packed with vegetables.


Chewing texture is also an art.

Not even.

Patty's melting in her mouth. '

I have a happy smile. He picks up Coke.

Then I drink a sip.

"Huh? Looks like the oil in your mouth is washing off."

My throat is tingling. It's not a bad heterogeneity, it's a good vibe.

This time, reach out for the chunky fries.

Pick one up and just put it in your mouth.


"Hot and salty is good."

This time, I squeezed a ketchup together. I don't envy the gold medallion when it comes to sweet ketchup and fries.


Then I suddenly look around.


Well, well!

No, no, no, no!

Everyone was eating the meals like a haunted van.

* * *

The commentators continued groaning as the guild members were eating their food like they were dangling from the current war in which the tables of the church were divided.

[Ah...... I really only eat.]

Is it more important to eat than war?]

[I know Min-hyuk's cooking is excellent, but...]

Of course, I know that the buff works. One, is it enough to get out of this desperate situation?

If that's not the case, I think I should join the two men who are stopping the Baras imperial army now.

It was then.

[Uhhh!? Well, what is it? Suddenly, huge golden lights burst from the surrounding Fellowship Guild members!]

The commentators, the viewers who were watching, had no choice but to wonder.

A great golden light leaks from them.

And the spearers make way and walk out one by one, and the golden aura buzzes from them in glamour.

And a haunted van.

His original black hair turned white and even his eyes turned white.

The old man, however, has a sturdy body, and even a young woman who would have sounded quite strange and mysterious.

He spits it out.

"Ultimate Spear."


A great power swirls around his spear.

[It was a ghost van that was dying just now!?]

[It turned out that all the wounds on your body healed as if they had been washed away!]

The ghost van's body leaps up into the sky. White lights burst from his spear, shining a battlefield of despair.


As he passes, his troops vanish and disappear.

That number is roughly 3,000.

The Elves will never be defeated by Broad.


[This is ridiculous...!]

[Mi, you're crazy.]

[But the power of the phantom van made him extinct immediately after the use of the Bormon Raid.]

[Perhaps a ghost van has opened its path at the expense of a meal.]

Everyone had to guess that way.

But then.

Something even more surprising happened.

Over ten members of the Eating Society Guild or NPCs surrounded by the golden aura.

Demonstrates foresight for using skills they have never used in extreme penalties.

They're the only battlefield with a golden aura.

Only they look noble and great.

A phantom van that thought everyone would vanish.

He once again flies up into the sky, surrounded by white light.

"Ultimate Spear."


His mighty spear once again rises to shake the world.