488 Level-Ups for Food Only


She was the wife of Valex, king of the Kingdom of Eto and a goddess of the Continental Age.

She was now Queen of the Kingdom of Eto.

Aria was furious as she walked into the construction site.

'The stars are me... without consultation...!'

How can you do this without your own counsel, the Queen of Eto?

And what is the foreigner leading this?

'The Kingdom of Eto is over...'

She actually thinks so.

People do not believe in the country and themselves.

Many have left the kingdom. like the Five Stars now.

There is no future in the Kingdom of Eto.

And up the hill.

There are those who challenge the eternal flame.

He's the cause of all this.

"Impossible. Human magnetism cannot give us eternal flame. '

She had heard stories from King Valex, who was the only one who could draw out the eternal flame.

'The eternal flame cannot magnetically pull out even the gods, and a tremendous fever will turn him to grey in an instant. Also, if you don't hit it for eight hours, it regenerates, which doesn't make sense.'

It is also difficult for a person to strike a perpetual flame without rest, but the damage is problematic.

Aria thought that he would eventually become grey, oxidized, or take out his body.





He seemed like a man who had not learned to back down.

Even if a giant flowerpot hurts your whole body, even if a powerful flowerpot's heat inflicts pain.



He swings.

Every once in a while, he bends.

'Oh no…!'

Without knowing it, Aria was worried about him.

He swings back and forth.


And then eight hours later,

The giant flower stops and the regeneration stops.

'No way...!'

She is appalled. And there are priests kneeling before her.

Not only that.

"Did you see that? I repeated it for eight hours straight."

"Is that possible...?"

"It's really great..."


Everyone there is amazed.

And when I thought it was over,

"Making a dish...?"

He started making dishes without rest.

One hour, two hours, four hours, seven hours.

Aria loses her word.

The one that disappeared for just 10 hours.

He returns and strikes the eternal flame.


Aria loses her word.

'Even I have given up.'

A kingdom where there is no hope.

Then why won't he give up?

It wasn't just that.

"No, you have to carve it like this!"

"Stone! I need more stone! Bring it on!"


Five stars, and the estramorwn.

"Hey, can we take a break while the gymnosophist is working so hard?"

"I'm not logging out today. Even the year-round."

Everyone tries.

But what does the queen herself do?

Can I get back up? '

To the mysterious man, she asked herself:

And then another day passed, and two days passed, and three days passed, and time passed.


Aria falls into a deep sleep in a small tent.

It was then.


Suddenly, I heard the sound of his identity.

"My queen!"

"Are you all right?"

The guards rush in and take a look at her.

"I'm fine. What's going on?" "

"We don't know."

Soon Queen Aria is outside.

Then, everyone's gaze was focused on one place.

It was there.

A crude shell that looks like a walnut of eternal flame is scattered across the ground.

There was a 'eternal flame' burning brighter and hotter than any red ruby in it.


Aria is truly appalled.

Magnetically retrieve a truly eternal flame?

A massive whirlpool begins to erupt around you. The flower had no effect on the man.

And with two fingers he caught the eternal flame.

* * *

[You succeeded in magnetizing the eternal flame.]

[Increases the effect of eternal flame.]

[Even the gods are astonished!]

[Material for a Cook Trailer Blueprint. You can apply perpetual flame.]

A joyful smile appeared on Min-hyuk's lips.

'I can't stop trying to taste this.'

Amazing Rewards After Effort!

I can't stop tasting like this.

Min-hyuk applied a terrifying flame to the coworker trailer.

[We applied a terrifying flame to the coworker trailer.]

[Creator of all things reacts to make a self-trailer.]

[Co-worker trailers will also be much better than expected as the effects of the eternal flame are better.]

[My personal trailer is complete.]

[Known as' Anonymous' for your achievements that created the nearest artifact to God on the entire continent.]

Together with him comes the future of Min-hyuk.

It was a self-trailer smaller than the palm of a hand that looked like a toy.

I immediately checked Min-hyuk.


Rating: God

Limit: dexterity 2, 000 or more.

Durability: ∞/∞

Special Abilities:

Cooking time reduced by 60%.

Reduces cooking time by 70%.

Bulk dishes also preserve flavor like small plates.

Automatic cooking function.

Buff effects increase by 10% for stir-fried beverages due to strong fire power.

Reduces food buff time by 40% and buff effect by 30% in trailers.

Trailer detects' danger 'nearby. The higher the' risk ', the higher the chance of producing a higher grade dish.

No creature can attack or be harmed while cooking. One hour only.

Active skill double food.

Description: It is a self-trailer with a terrifying flame that has become more powerful. Cooking faster than originally planned, the buff is completed to make it stronger.


This was such an amazing effect. The first of them was two.

Reduces cooking time by 60%.

Also, active skill 'double food' was great.

(Double food)

Active Skill.

Level: None

Penalty when used: All Stations1

Cooldown: 24 hours.


Cooking made in less than 10 minutes can be made immediately with the same effect as the same food.

Double food was literally fraudulent.

If Min-hyuk makes a 'new class' dish and uses the double food within 10 minutes, the same dish will appear immediately before his eyes.


Min-hyuk also has a skill that allows you to obtain buffs from two dishes: Overlapping Pleasure.

What if you had two double foods and one meal at the same time?


It would take a tremendous amount of strength.

"New grades?"

"Did you receive a new Grade Artifact?"


Once again, a lot of people's attention is focused.

Because the world message hit them all.

It was the first time Min-hyuk had received such a publicly new rank.

Minhyuk heard the notification of a trailer that looked like a wagon on the palm of his hand.

[Would you like to use your own personal trailer?]


It was the moment Min-hyuk answered and threw it on the floor.

The self-trailer quickly grows in size, revealing the massive wagon.

The moment he entered it, Min-hyuk opened his eyes.


Although not listed in the special ability of the self-trailer, at first glance, the outside of the self-trailer is small enough to be three to four square feet.

But what if he comes inside?

Fifteen square feet? '

It's a very wide size for a kitchen.

With him, Min-hyuk starts cooking.

'Let the people here work harder, and do it faster.'

Start cooking with a buff.

The first dish is stir-fried meat.

There was a huge stove inside, but there was also a small space for small cooking.

will be used as needed.

For 400 to 800 people, start Stir-Fried Beef with a huge pot that can be cooked.


Notifications strike with him.

[Eternal flame ignites.]

[Stir-Fried dishes receive an extra 10% buff.]

At that moment.


A huge flame rises as if pouring olive oil with a boiled frying pan.


'It's not hot.'

Min Hyuk was not hot. However, the rising flame evenly cooks up the stir-fried meat.

Min-hyuk, who was poking around with a shovel, soon hears an amazing notification.

[Auto Cooking function can be activated.]

[The automatic cooking function is activated according to the user's manual dexterity stats.]

An automatic cooking function that Min Hyuk doubted.

"Start automatic cooking."

It was that moment.


The stir-fried meat inside the cauldron begins to turn over and cook evenly.


It's comfortable. You can even make other dishes in the meantime.

It exerts a force that fits the user's dexterity stat.

And it's finally done.

[Complete the Stir-Fried Beef.]

[Epic Rank.]

With him, Min-hyuk immediately started distributing.

The distributed users tremble.


'Ooh, wow……!'

(Stir-fried beef)

Material grade: C

Rank: Epic

Restrictions: None

Storage Date: 12 Days

Duration: 48 hours

Special Abilities:

All stats increased by 18%.

Assigned Skill +2 Level Up.

Description: Cook Min Hyuk made this dish through a trailer. A dish made in bulk, or as tasty as it was made with the power of a trailer.


People who have only just encountered the actual food of the appetite begin to be appalled.

Min-hyuk continued to cook.


"What, what!?"

"W, now!?"

People started to rumble.

Then, the reported Kentaro comes running.

"Min-hyuk, we're in trouble."


"The Imperial and Imperial forces are on their way here now. That number is over 180,000."

Min-hyuk was surprised to hear that.

Over 180,000 troops march here?

"Why the hell not? '

Why are you suddenly attempting an attack?

Also, there's no reason to hit this place just because it's built.

'That's strange.'

But what was certain was an emergency.

When the 180,000 troops arrive, they will kill everyone here, and they will destroy the only finished buildings.

[Completion 27%.]

Everything that's ever been done will fall apart?

"Let's fight!"

"This is the tyranny of empires and kingdoms!!"


And Queen Aria. She was also one thing to be embarrassed by.

"King Aria. You need to get out of here quickly."

Aria also questioned what the Guardians had to say.

"I don't understand. If it were like this, they would have attacked us long ago. Then why come now...... Also, if the Empire and the Kingdom do that, we won't be able to escape Zilta."

Aria's lips are bitten.

Coog, Greg, Greg.

The ground begins to roar enormously.

It was clear that there were more than 100,000 troops coming, just like the rumors said.

Some of these 20,000 are logged out, and some are desperate.

Minhyuk and Kentaro are in front of them.

Suddenly, a black number of hostiles surround them and target them with a weapon.

Min-hyuk's lips also glow with calm tension.

That's when the man in front started walking towards Min-hyuk.

The moment the man came to Min-hyuk.

Min-hyuk puzzled.

"Yuuta's father?"

"It's been a long time, Min Hyuk."

He's a boy who met Min-hyuk in the past. He was Yuuta's father. The men who were aiming for the weapon with him put him away in a frenzy.

Min-hyuk realized something strange.

"No way..."

Yuuta's father smiled brightly.

"We are all going to participate in building."

"Let us join in!!"

"I'm here to help you!!"


Then I could see Min-hyuk.

This troop of 180,000.

He was an ally, not an enemy.

And Queen Aria.

Her body begins to tremble.

'The man who gained the heart of so many people...... How far can you go?'