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130. Everlasting Foreign vs. Arkan


The Devil, ranked 66, temporarily resides in a foreign kingdom of heaven.

Yes, I was literally staying in a foreign country in heaven temporarily.

He saw everything that was happening in the kingdom of heaven.

A sudden raid on their capital. The scene of Luna and Hayes being kidnapped in the midst of chaos.

Even when the phantom van leads the horse on its own and chases him.

Chimeries had no intention of participating in this war at this time.

I just wanted to have one last 'fun' here.

Then he chased after them because he was interested in a ghost van running after them alone.

"Animal change" in the ability of chimerism makes it possible to transform into a variety of animals.

Chimerias, who had become a black crow and followed the phantom van, saw everything.

A reckless battle that will never survive.

But the old man shines in that reckless battle.


Chimeries asked the old man a question.

What are you trying to get out of it? '

Nothing. Nothing was gained from him. But he fought.

When I vomited blood all over my body, I stood up again and fought.

The heart of chimeric, once human but dull, is tingling.

When the phantom van reaches the enlightened person, the chimeric is surprised again.

After overcoming his limitations and regrowing with his strength, he moves on.

But in the end, he died.

In fact, Chimeries was interested in him, but that's all.

He had no reason to help him, nor did he intend to.

Then he stood up again.

In the name of God.

"…… Why?"

Chimerias was a wise devil.

I found out why the ghost van was able to wake up.

There used to be a few people like the phantom van.

But most of them suffer terrible punishment.

More pain than death.

Thousands of years in hell.

But the phantom van chose it.

"Only for the king...?" "

Wook Sin

Once more, the heart of the chimeric was tingling. I remember the king who served me when I was a man.

Chimerias was a humble soldier, but he built several balls, and one of them became recognized to recognize the king.

The king spit it out.

"What's wrong with your complexion? That's disgusting. Put it away now! '

That's what the king said as soon as he saw himself. He was banished as if he had been erased.

But the Demon Spear van served a different king.

Not a baby pig, not a paladin, not a horseman novelist, not a rough-mouthed pirate, not Kelberus, not anyone.

I hugged and patted him without discrimination.

'The king I served...... If it were you...'

Why does the Elves serve him?

I think I understand a little.

But, Chimerias.

He had no intention of helping the phantom van. However, his hands are damp and unconsciously muttered in cold sweat.

"Run. Run far, far away, as far as your king goes."

* * *


She shakes her head. A flash flashed from her head reminded me of a sentence I read in a book.

'Those who covet the power of God, but have not yet attained it, have sold their souls to the God of death and have gained their power. Their souls have suffered in hell for thousands of years, and their chances of rebirth have disappeared.'

She could see his body with the swirling black ash and see what choice he had made.

But a haunted van.

He smiles lovingly.

"When I first met you, you gave me crab noodles. Come to think of it, I've got an appetite. I wanted to try it again..."


Hayes just cried.

Luna the Hechling.

She saw it all from beginning to end.

The ghost van is running for itself and Hayes, not backing away from tens of thousands of enemies.

I get up when I'm down, I get up when I'm down.

She was born of Lord's blood. She also knows which way the phantom van chose.

"Queeeeeeee! Queeeeeeeeee! Queeeeeeeeee! '

Luna starts to burst into tears. However, the phantom van looks up at Luna on the horse and smiles widely.

"It's okay, Luna. People die one day."

As Luna grows up, she becomes afraid.

And I thought crying would be better if I imagined death. However, the phantom van was smiling even in that situation.

I didn't understand it at first as a young woman.

Trying to protect something while giving up on yourself.

But the phantom van is smiling happier than anyone else.

She realizes aloud.

Not for me, but for others. And sacrifices. They're also worth laughing at.

At that moment, a bright light appeared from Luna.

She has so far gained several realizations through beans. But this was different.

[Luna is greatly enlightened by the spirit of 'sacrifice'.]

[When sacrificing for someone, it can be painful, but it can be fun. She realizes a new logic and grows to a large extent.]

[All stats +50 in Luna are increased.]

[Luna's father. Min-hyuk rewards all stats +2]

[Luna has decided at this moment I dream of being merciful and embracing all beings in the world.]

[Luna will walk the path of the benevolent Dragon Road.]

A phantom van smiles lovingly at Luna like that.

"Yes, be a great dragon, Luna."


Again, the phantom van begins to move through the gaps between the enemies.

'Time is running out.'


The movement of the phantom window van is starting to accelerate.


He makes his way through the hostiles attacking him.

Then the phantom van got on the horse without delay.

"Yippee! Yippee!"

He starts running at a fierce pace.

After that, more than 20,000 strong enemies begin to pursue.

Renj mutters as he looks at the getaway van.

"You really... succeeded...?" "

What his will has done. It was so great.

The phantom van continues to ride out on horseback. Where he was headed was a narrow sewer that connects him to the heavenly kingdom.

Occasionally, the van was able to get to its destination by defeating the vans ahead, sometimes turning around and stopping them.

A van of ghost spears arrives in front of a very small passageway, smiling softly.

"Miss Hayes, Luna, please."

"Uh, sir..."

But Hayes couldn't take a step back. He will fade away bitterly here.

Not in the arms of his beloved king, but in front of this stinking filthy sewer.

"Please don't waste my death."

"…… Yes."

But Hayes was forced to hug Luna with all his might. It's like a miracle he made.

I could not make his sacrifice in vain.

Hayes enters a small passageway.


Luna says she doesn't want to go and sadly calls a ghost van. The van smiles lovingly and shakes one hand.

"Go now. It's Luna."

Suddenly Luna and Hayes disappeared into the darkness of the passageway, and the demonic van suddenly encountered tens of thousands of enemies.


He smashes his spear into the ground.

"No one can cross here."

Renj shakes his teeth. honoring the will of the elderly, but ultimately succeeding in the job and making them so desperate.

Also, by the elderly who caused thousands of allies to be lost.

"Hit it!!!"

Once again, the fierce battle begins.

Having inherited the power of creativity, the Demon Spear van has reached a point beyond the supreme NPC, Elle.


At the swing of his spear, dozens die.


Dozens of people are cut through his spear.

After 10, 20, and 30 minutes, the aura of the phantom van did not die.


Tens of magical bombs strike him simultaneously with the soldiers and the fierce dragon elder Bellac.

However, even in the explosion, the phantom spear van was blocked in front of the sewers and did not give way to a single inch of retreat.

One, slowly. Very slowly.

[Erdes' power begins to dissipate.]

The power of the creature that Herdes inherited is slowly dissipating.

The van of ghost spears, which appeared to never be able to win, slowly began to weaken, and as it began to become visible to the eye.

"You even dedicated your soul to God."

Bellac the Elder of Dragons. He couldn't understand the situation.

That a king with such a temper would kidnap Luna and create a dragon with the instinct to destroy her.

But the question is, It's true they stole Luna's egg, so they won't stop attacking him.



The phantom van kneels.


There are noticeably more scattered ashes in his body.

You try your best not to kneel on the other side of the van.

But in the end.


Kneel to his last knee and miss the spear of light in his hand.


The spear of light falls on the floor, turning into black ash and disappearing completely.

It was time to end the life of a van that had lived a long time.

No one was interested in a van with a ghost spear that couldn't fight anymore.

And the phantom van was smiling a little while back.

Imruna and Hayes must have reached far. Even if knights enter the passageway and pursue them, they will reach Valencia first.

'It was a life without regret.'

I'm starting to feel overwhelmed. His frightening vision is about to go dark.

The eternal rest, and the last one before his eyes that must go to pain.

A van that was extinct by the Black Dragon Bormon using the Ultimate Spear.

Min-hyuk said to him, exasperating.

"Sir, you can't do something so reckless next time. Every day, I didn't learn how to back off. Just say the line! You have to be strong for a long time! '

'Hahaha, my son. No, Your Majesty. You're worrying.This old man might live longer?'

"I promise, sir. I'm not gonna do anything reckless next time. '

'Haha, promise. I promise you again. "

I drew the face of Min-hyuk smiling brightly in front of him.


The tip of the van extends toward him.

I can feel the end of the van's finger on his fantasy cheek.

Now it looks like death is really coming. In front of my eyes, I can only see visions, and my hearing is blurred and blocked.

Even then, I put my finger in front of the face of the fictional Min-hyuk.

Your Grace, I don't think I can keep my promise.

He mutters.

Then something warm wraps around his fingertips.

Then take the hand that is wrapped around him to his cheek.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

It seemed so.

All nearby enemies have fallen, and since then, Elder Dragon Bellac has struggled with pain.

A person who warmly wrapped the hand of a Ghost Spear van and took it to his face.

He was the one who wanted to see it so much.

He was bursting into tears.

He squeezes a van full of ghost spears on his knees.

"Sorry I'm late. Senior."

"Huh, huh. Haha..."

The powerful phantom van begins to tremble like an asphalt. Tears finally shed from his eyes.

The phantom van slowly dislodges itself.

He says, stealing tears from the eyes of Min-hyuk even though he is fading away.

"Don't cry. My king."