533 Level-Ups for Food Only

She succeeded in inheriting Asura's power with the help of Min-hyuk the Blood Dagger.

She looked back at Minhyuk with a beautiful smile.

Somehow I could tell you that I was the Dasol of the past.

I got lucky thinking that way.

"You know what?"

As she raised her voice, she couldn't hide a little disappointment from seeing where Min-hyuk had faded.

"Oh dear……"

This was my chance to ask you to come to my fashion show.

She looked at where he was for a long time.

* * *

The atmosphere of the festival was foreign.

Asgall is called the Ghost of War.

She said, "New class." It was because I was successful when I transferred to '.

Everyone gives her a congratulatory note.

[Khan: Asgall. Congratulations. You and I are going to have another disagreement.]

[Underground Master Jeanie: Congratulations to my Smgal! She cares so much! ♥]

[Alicia: Congratulations Asgarl!]

[Kaistra: Sister, Chukapoka. If you have any lies to celebrate, I'll do it for you.]

Before he left for New York, Asgall was expressionless looking at the guild members' congratulatory messages on his cell phone.

'Thank you all.'

Obviously, she was happy, but in her character, her face was also expressionless.

She looks at her cell phone and keeps waiting for a congratulatory message from one person.

Strange. It makes me feel uneasy when his message is a little late.

Then came his message.

[Guild Master Minyuk: Congratulations Asgall!! It was so cool ^ ^]

Asgall has seen the message for a long time. It was definitely the same congratulatory message as the others, but I felt better but not better.

'What do you expect?'

Asgall is on the first class seat of the plane. The phone rings before her plane leaves for Paris.

It was a genie.


[Sigar, are you sure you don't want to tell the guild members?]

Jeanie has been invited to the Crystal Fashion Show. That's why Asgar told her that she would be decorating the finale in advance.

Designer Crystal was always hot and always loved the secret stage.

Therefore, the final salutation to the finale has not yet been made public to the press.

"It's okay, sis. We're all busy."

[But…… are you sure you're okay?]

This is the problem for the introverted.

He is definitely not okay, but his mouth is completely different.


Inside, I said no. Everyone, and he wanted me to stand on the stage and celebrate.

But she knows.

Everyone in the kingdom of heaven was very busy. I don't want to burden them.

I was also afraid that they wouldn't come because they were busy again.

[Yeah, I get it. I'll see you later then.]


The phone closes and she looks out the window.

'It's not okay at all...'

The plane she was on was headed to Paris.

* * *

Crystal's fashion show every two years.

Crystal's fashion show creates issues as big as fashion shows like Gutty, Louis Beethong, and Shanil, which are known as luxury fashion shows.

Crystal is the world's most recognised designer, and the salubs that attend his fashion show are dominated by world-class actors, singers and models.

In particular, his finale has always broken everyone's expectations and become one of the world's top sellers.

Thousands of people from around the world gather at fashion stores.

They were busy filming celebrities from different countries coming down from advanced sedans.


A huge number of cameras shot them and reporters talked.

"Who's going to decorate this finale?"

"The finale of Crystal's fashion show was always the most glamorous and beautiful. I'm so excited."

Watchers and celebrities who watched the fashion show as much as the journalists, or many celebrities who were invited this time, were wondering about who would decorate the final finale.

"Huh? A genie!!"

"The Vice Guild Master Jeanie of the Heavenly Kingdom!!!"

And then a moment.

All the reporters and celebrities were drinking.

The popularity of Athens rankers has reached beyond the chaotic actors and top models.

Many of the world's most popular rankers were actors or idols.

Among them, the vice guild master, Genie and Im Ji-hye, were the vice guild masters in the kingdom that was established by the users of Athens, who were said to be foreign, and even their appearance was as beautiful as chewing the dizzy actors.


"Ho, you don't think Jeanie's going to be a part of this fashion show, do you?"

"Could it be the finale?"

"Oh, no way."

"If the genie stands, will the other guild members come?"

"Crazy...... Isn't that a great specialty?"

Reporters were excited to talk to each other.

Every guild member in the kingdom of heaven exerts enormous influence.

In addition, as the Jeanie is the world's beloved fashionista, all the guild members are also famous for their amazing fashion flows.

Even with most of them wearing it, they boast a tremendous amount of impact.

What if there are guild members from foreign countries gathered here?

"This will be the best fashion show ever."

But he's a dream story.

It is impossible to say that they are always busy here.

But what if we get together?

"Can everyone here just breathe?"

Nothing could be denied by a journalist.

* * *


In other words, Imdazol was sitting in a special waiting room.

She took the medicine out of her purse and drank it with water.

It was a panic medication that I usually suffer from.

It was also one of the reasons why she was so quiet in the heavenly countries. She's trying not to stand in front of as many people as possible.

But not today.

After taking the antianxiety medication with water, she hurriedly put the barrel of medicine in her handbag.

Then a staff member comes in.

"Aren't you coming to the kingdom of heaven today?"


Dasol's lips were bitten.

I think I've already heard that question from the staff about 30 times.


"…… Damn, I'm in trouble. I'm really looking forward to hosting."

The staff rushes out, staring at you.

At this point, she begins to notice.

'No way...'

And in less than two minutes, again.

Knock, knock.

"Aren't you coming to the kingdom of heaven today?"

Another staff member comes in and says,

Then Dasol noticed.

'Because of the kingdom of heaven, not me...?'

Right then.

"Get lost!!!"

A man grabs staff's arm and throws them out of the waiting room.

Soon he entered the waiting room.

It was a global designer crystal.

Dressed in glamorous makeup and white tuxedos, Crystal was a middle-aged man.

The roaring man approaches Dasol.

"Are you nervous?"

"Yes, I'm nervous. But…"

Dasol hesitates, and Crystal notices what she thinks.

"No, Dasol. I didn't expect that at all. I chose you because I saw your video. Don't think of other people's nonsense."

Crystal meant it.

It was the host who wanted the kingdom of heaven.

Crystal chose her as a finale because she truly was a gem that had yet to appear in the world.

But with Crystal's recommendation, the host accepted her in anticipation of a foreign country.

"Think only of your stage. Then the whole world will be amazed to see you."

"…… Okay."

Dazor grimaces his head as Crystal's voice reveals the truth.

Soon after he left, Dazor couldn't hide his grief.

She wakes up and walks into the bathroom.

After entering the bathroom, she lets out a trembling breath.


As I was washing and wiping my hands, a woman came in with her heels twitching.

The woman who came into the bathroom and touched her coat hanger said,

"People are very disappointed. The only reason we found a ranker named Asgall as a finale is because of the 'Foreign Nation'."

Dasol could not conceal her curiosity by a woman speaking in ridiculing voices.

Soon, the face of the woman turned around.

Wavy hair that extends about 5 inches long. Not as beautiful as Dasol, but she has beauty.

It was Lee Ji-hye, a Korean actor and world star.

He is also an elementary school alumni with Dasol. Even more disgusting is the fact that Dasol was ahead.

"With an unqualified child in the first place adorning the finale on stage, how ridiculous can people be, and how ridiculous can the audience be? At least he trusted your backpack."

Her voice is very aggressive.

Lee was expecting to decorate Crystal's finale for the first time in Korea.

But Dasol.

It's also known as Asgall in the heavenly realm, and the child who bullied him in the past?

This is absurd and frustrating. That's why I want to stomp on it.

"She's even an ugly half-woman."

Half-blooded bitches are the ones she used when she used to harass old Dassols.

Now, the beauty of Dasol could not be said.

However, very rarely, there are those who deny and act and attack like Ji Hee.

Her hands are covered in soft silver hair from Dasol.

Then Dasol's body trembles.

"Oh? Were you scared because of your old memories? Will you cry and tell him to stop crying like he used to? Then I'll stop!"

Lee Ji-hye smiled and liked it.

I thought if I did this well, I could stop her from going onstage.

Her index finger moves to push against Dasol's forehead.

* * *

The time.

Paris Charles de Gaulle International Airport.

With one man in a suit leading the way, a large number of people are focused on a crowd of about thirty.

"I've never seen Orientals like that…… They're as tall as Europeans. Even the necessities are so beautiful..."

"What, models?"

Someone stands in the lead and sees a man in a walking suit and says,

"Phew, appetite...?"

"Chew, it's a kingdom of heaven!!!"


The whole airport became noisy.

* * *

When Izzie's detection tip tries to push against Dasol's forehead.

"Why leave the body?"


Izzie saw her face change at a rapid rate.

She's a ghost from the battlefield. I finally saw the look in Asgall's eyes.

Eyes flashing through silver hair.

Suddenly, I was creeped out. She realized something was wrong.

But first...

"Glad I could give it back."

Dasol grabs her hand and breaks it free.



A loud scream burst from Lee Ji-hee's mouth, but Da-sol kicked his abdomen with his foot without stopping.



Seeing Ji Hee laying around on the floor, Dasol received water in a cup prepared for brushing her teeth.

"Hey, do you think you'll be okay like this!?"

Lee Ji-hee said, Da-sol's face was horribly cold.

"No, maybe not. What about your past?"


Lee Ji-hee's pupils began to tremble.

Dasol was not ashamed of his past memories.

She got over it. She got over it. She got over it.

The water she took in the cup spilled over Izzie's head.



Dasol, who threw out a plastic cup, closed his mouth with his hands.

"Oops, you need to get your makeup back on."

After saying that, Dazor turned around and tried to go to the bathroom, he heard Jihee's voice.

"You can do nothing without the kingdom of heaven! Can't you hear everyone laughing at you?"

"Make him laugh. I'm gonna walk onstage."

Her splendid reckoning is about to begin.