563 Level-Ups for Food Only

Three minutes ago.

In the past, during the Great Continental Canal War, foilcheon was learning half the drama.

But over time, he also came to grips with a complete drama, and he now uses this skill to gain the power to kill even those who finish a high-class job in a single strike.

The guild members of the kingdom of heaven revealed themselves.

It is not just 30 people.

Looking at them, the commentators voiced that they couldn't understand.

[All the executives, who could be the core of the heavenly foreign guild members, all showed up.]

[I don't know what the foreign kingdom of heaven is thinking.]

[Why are they here, supposed to be guarding the castle?]

The commentators thought that the kingdom of heaven was crazy.

Not only that, but also the Allies of 15 countries who are facing fewer than thirty members of the guild in the kingdom of heaven.

"What, you gave up the war already?"

"With no appetite, you drop your tail so quickly?"

"Phew...! Are you asking me to come and eat?"

"Puhahaha, hey, don't be so mean. I'm going to piss on our people."

The biggest disappointment was the people of South Korea.

[You didn't go to kill yourself because you were really bored...?]

[I'm not giving up like this, but the members of the Korean Foreign Guild are the key members of the Korean Throne War, so what if they're not all here?]

[I'm really disappointed. The heavenly realm. You mean you won't fight the vagina.]

Anyone knows that.

Fifteen countries in the heavens. I have a destiny to bear more than any other country.

The biggest problem is that you have built a kingdom first.

Some commentators pointed out this issue.

[I don't know if that makes any sense at all. Joy Co., Ltd. would have predicted this. You should have a limit on the number of countries you can ally with and attack a country.]

[Correct. This throne is not well prepared as it is urgently prepared.]

[The damage will be seen by foreign countries and the United States.]




"Gods X! I knew it!!!"

Fifteen thousand soldiers mocked.

All rankers are the chosen users of the throne. No matter how strong the members of the Foreign Guild are, what should we do?

That's when their laughter took over, and the sighing of the Korean people.

The Jinn, Khan, and Locke are hidden from us.

I cleared the way for him.

At that moment, 15,000 troops could be seen.

There was a man who bent his knees behind them and placed his hand on the grip of the sword that had entered the Black House, exploding the red aura at the Black House.

Company name.

It was Karl, Emperor of the Sword.


His sword draws out like a flash.

At that moment, an incredibly fast sword that splits a 40m radius explodes, cutting off hundreds of users in a heartbeat.






"I'm ready for battle!!!"

But it was too late before Foilchun said that.

A man who was hiding somewhere appeared in front of them with golden hair and a golden staff.

The name of the great man.

This is Ali the Golden Wizard.



The moment his palm was stretched out and his fist clenched.

Unbelievable things have happened.

Nearly 5,000 people were drawn into the center.

"This is ridiculous...!"

"Crazy……! You can't do this!!"

Many wizards around the world have denied Ali.

He's rumored to be the top ranking official wizard, and Alex is a boneless prodigy.

It has also been demonstrated throughout the world.

But in the end, he's on TV.

Without anyone experiencing it, I deny it without seeing it myself.

The sorcerers who had never denied him were astonished by his ridiculous extensive compression.

Even the top ranker wizards have to compress 300 to be amazing.

Of course, Ali spent an enormous amount of MP.

But he is the successor to the Mana Heart of the Black Dragon Bormon.

His MP was not what they had in mind.

"FireWill, FireWill, FireWill, Firewall, Firewall, FireWill."

More than ten firewalls he 'saved' trap them.

In there.


The sky is torn apart and Meteor falls to the ground.

"Wizards, dispel!!"

"Do you have any wizards you can display?!!?"

"Ah, who can dispel Ali's magic!?"

"Oh, no.

"Not available!!"

"How do I dispel Ali's magic!"

The strength of the characters in the game is different from the reality.

Dozens of low-level users, hundreds of people gathering, and not one or two high-rankers.

A typical example of that is Ali.


When Meteor hits the ground, more than 3,000 users who were compressed are hit by a direct hit and not hit by a fatal wound.



Someone gets crushed to death, someone gets burned to death.

However, as rankers, they attempt to organize quickly enough to fire a concentrate fire at Ali.

But in that moment.

"The Great Shield."

[Great Shield]

[Generates a shield proportional to the user's magic class and magic defense power.]

The Great Shield can only be displayed by the highest level of wizards.

Even Ali's is as tall and green as a great wall.


The skill of dozens of Wizards and melee casts are blocked as soon as they fire to counter.

"…… I can't use attack magic anymore."

Yes, at the start, all of Ali's MPs ran out.

Even storage skills eventually were limited and met their limits.


Like Ali, everyone in the kingdom of heaven pours everything out.

Foreign guilds in heaven were already preparing the best wide area when they laughed at it.


The Devil and the most powerful NPC you can find anywhere in the world.

He may not have been an absolute NPC, but he is in fact one who exerts the same or greater power.

The figure of the Devil rises from above the head of the strongest man who cannot even rest from the sword.




[All stats +16% and skills +2.]

[The rush lasts 5 minutes.]

It is the most powerful broad-spectrum skill of such an Elf, and it expresses a skill that even the head of the once great demon Beros had cracked open.

"Slash the Devil."


There is a tremendous number of magic launched around the flying Elphas, but their defenses are unimaginable.

Ignore him and lengthen the sword to 10m.

In addition, Giant Slash is a skill that exerts an additional 3, 000% Attack Power.

If the Elphas' Attack Power rises by 3 or 000% higher than the Minority Revolution's Attack Power, the Distracted Dragon is also slaughtered.

The disaster fell to the Allied forces.



The ground splits in half.

Those people up there?

Everyone is scattered to ashes.

Immediately, the Great Pirate Gorfido.

The legend of the Japanese server, which is not left behind by the Elves, moves.

A 10,000 year sword in one hand and a 10,000 year chain in the other.


The moment his ten thousand year sword plunged into the ground.

The Tidal Wave, which held hundreds of blades more than 14m high, swept the enemies away.



"Shhhhh, ahhhh!!!"

The attack power of the Great Pirate Gorfido is also unimaginable.

In addition, the sunknife was one of his strongest broad-spectrum skills.

Enemies are swept away in a flash.

Hoilcheon. He couldn't be trusted.

'Oh, no. This makes sense!?'

Makes sense.

All the foreign countries were waiting for them with their broad-spectrum skills ready.

In addition, their defense strength is at a level that can withstand the attacks of confused rankers.

Moreover, as the fifteen nations united and attacked, the heavenly nations heard these notifications.

[You are under attack from 15 countries.]

[A system that recognizes intensive attacks gives special rewards to the foreign kingdom of Korea!]

[All stats gain 5% more!]

[Skill cooldown decreases by 5%!]

[All AP & DP +10%!]

It wasn't just that.

They have a walking buffet maker, the great man's name is Chimeris.

[Get Brave Pair Buff Effect!]

[Brave Pairs increase all the stats of those battling with the Chimeries by 15% or more!]

[All stats increase by 16%.]

Yes, they are more special in many battles by walking buff maker chimeris.

And their attack is not yet over.

Four dragons in the sky.

Black Flame Dragon rides on the red dragon in black armor and commands it to descend.




The legendary four dragons shot Bress with all their magical power, and his troops disappeared without hesitation.

In addition, Penrus, which is burned by Kaistra flying over the sky, also emits the Bress of Light to destroy hundreds of people.


"Waving Kid!!!"

"Lightning Blade!!"

"Giant battles!!!"

"Jeffrey's fury!!"

"The Sword of Athens. Chapter 7. Judge's Sword!!"

"Moon Bomb!!"

Dozens of foreign dignitaries.

Rankers on top of the top rankers in the world spread out.

Thousands vanish, 3,000 vanish, 7,000 die.

Together, simultaneously, they heard similar notifications.

[All MP has been consumed!]

[Active Skill is no longer available!]

[Stamina is running low!!!]

[All MP…….]

[No more Active Skills…….]

[Steph Mina…….]

Most foreign nationals used all their skills and MP in just two minutes.

Even the most powerful NPCs like Elphas and Gorfido were the same.

It can't be true that these strongmen unleash both their scrolls and skills.

They use the right skills and MP usage differently than normal users, making them effective at hunting and war.

But because of that, he stabbed a hole.

Most people listen to MP exhaustion notifications and stumble upon the limits of the steam.

Nearly 100 rankers survived, including Foilchun, swallowed dry saliva.


They've lost their word.

Of course, they were among the lowest ranked rankers selected to serve as search parties.


'Is this the rage of strength...?'

The Grand Devil Beros may be able to slaughter more than 10,000 High Rankers on his own.

Likewise, these people are going to look like the Devil Beros to them.

And one last thing.

Those who have lost their minds hear the cries of a pig in the sky.

"Phew, Phew!!!"

The power of predators.

In fact, the Baby Pig Kong, with the most deceptive power, has the skill of the Great Pig Gorpido. You use a sunbeam to wipe out the last of your enemies.


Beans whip their backs against the sunknife.

"Wake up!"

The cute appearance of Kong smiling with one mouth.



The commentators and viewers who witnessed it did not say anything.

Foreigners in paradise who are about to die of exhaustion.

Their eyes were still as strong as theirs.

The people here.

Especially the foreign guild members.

I wanted to show you.

The world often says that the kingdom of heaven is nothing without the culinary reform.

Without a heavenly country, South Korea is the lowest pharmacy in Athens.

But I wanted to prove that I wasn't.


She looks at the camera and laughs.

"You said allies?"

A small country in Asia.

Less than one-half of China's population.

But no one in the world was arrogant, she said.

I didn't just hear it, but I clapped.

And Korea.




The whole nation began to cheer warmly.