570 Level-Ups for Food Only

Dietary Min-hyuk.

Min-hyuk thinks he has a lot in common with his predecessor Ellen.

With the exception of the reason that Ellen liked to eat, she dreamed that no one would be hungry in the world like Minhyuk.

In addition, Dietary Ellen had many colleagues on the continent, such as Minhyuk.

Just as Min-hyuk was between the continental emperor Elle and his sister, he boasted a thick friendship with the continental emperor at that time.

Just as Ellen had served as Hand of the Dragon Lord, Min-hyuk also stood by Luna, who would become the next dragon lord.

These two have a lot in common.

And the enjoyment of everyone that the appetite makes, which corresponds to the "top-notch" memorial. '

As expected of Min-hyuk.

'Clearly. Wide area buff skill.'

I can almost certainly say it.

Everyone's pleasure will be a broad-spectrum buff skill.

It would be very useful in a war.

And before I started the trial, I remembered the phrase in front of Min-hyuk.

[You can see once how your appetite failed the trial.]

Min-hyuk was able to borrow the power of the three gods.

In addition, we only have one chance.

Perhaps we can find the answer by peering into the failed trials of the appetite.

"I'm going to see a failed trial of the appetite."

Soon his place changed.

In front of the transformed space, the appetite stood in front of hundreds of thousands of hungry people.

Ellen's face is filled with anxiety as she looks around at them.

"I can't believe so many people are hungry. And if I save them from hunger, I will take the place of temples."

Along with him, an alert sounded.

[Dietary Ellen. He saved many hungry people from the continent. But that diet has been heavily guarded by temples.]

It was a story that could not be understood as a mind-revolution.

I could not fathom what the relationship between saving those who were hungry and the paper of altogether.

[Then the continental Ellen tried to take her place. This Abyss was probably his last gateway.]

'It is the final gateway for Abyss to ascend instead of the temple.'

Min-hyuk took it several times.

The culinary duty of being stopped by the templars.

He quickly took his place and tried to be free of them.

Min-hyuk watched the video unfolding before his eyes.

Feed 500,000 people. Edible Ellen cooked a few hundred meals a day without a sigh.

He rejoices to see those who eat his food and seek his strength.

But in the beginning, this trial seemed almost impossible to do alone.

Some of you have eaten food, and those dying awaiting Ellen's cooking provoked you.

Another big problem.

It's because those who ate the food asked to eat Ellen's food again.

"Gourmet, I want to eat your cooking again."

"Have mercy on me with your cooking!"

The appetite shakes its head firmly at him.

"My buff dish contained the strength to withstand an empty stomach for 30 days. So I'm going to cook for those who haven't eaten yet."

"Ah! How could you abandon us!"

"You're too much!"

"I hate you!"

That's all people are.

The first ones who had eaten and gained their strength turned away from the dying children and the elderly and again asked them to eat.

But Ellen does not bend her will.

He continued to cook silently for the hungry.

Then one day.

I fell asleep for a little while without knowing it myself.

And when I opened my eyes. Ellen must be terrified.

unfolding in front of it.

[It was like hell. It was the people who drank the food and killed those who had lost their strength and collapsed to take the food again. Tens of thousands of people died while he slept.]

Surprised Ellen.

They approach him with blood all over their bodies.

"Hehe, Ellen. With the numbers down so much, it'll be my turn to eat faster, right?"


Ellen has not said anything to the horror.

[Ellen suffers from the ugliness of humans. Over time, they killed the same humans. And the owners of the tombs of the twelve who had seen this asked for the help of the three gods. And before he began this trial, they had already told him, but his appetite had refused.]

"Diet. Our gods grant you strength."

"Choose three of us and borrow our power."

But, Ellen.

He refused again.

"I don't believe in the gods."

[Ellen had been robbed of many things by the temple. He also did not believe in one continental god or the other gods.]

Clearly, the gods of the Grave Master took pity on Ellen.

A man who challenges others to a full stomach instead.

But he was already too tired and his mind had collapsed.

He does not seem to have made the right decision.

"Only my cooking can save them."

The cannibal Ellen believes that, and she cooks for them as best she can.

But in the meantime, as people continue to kill each other, Ellen's spirit deteriorates.

Also, when they had already killed each other, his ordeal had failed.

He was on the brink of death.

But he still said the same thing.

"Only my cooking can save the world."

He kept cooking on the spot, and it just kept getting worse. Now there was just a 'fanatic' left.

But even so, the people he fed were only close to 100,000.

Ellen is frustrated and fainted on the spot.

And when they opened their eyes again, only a few humans were left to kill and kill each other.

Then I realized my appetite.

His foolishness led them all to their deaths.

'If only you had borrowed the power of the gods.'

If I had used their power in the first place, Ellen might have completed this ordeal.

If they had abandoned their arrogance, they might not all have died.

He asked them one last time.

"Lord of Life, grant me a life that will last 10 days, Lord of Crafting, grant me the power to create a special power. Immortal God, please lend me the strength to devote all my strength to the ten days that I have lived. Lord of Time, when I create a special power, give it back to me when they are all alive."

At that time, the god of time shook his head.

"The trials are over. Also, borrowing power is only possible with the power of the three gods."

"I'm asking because I know I'm going to die. I know I've already fallen from this ordeal of Abyss."

The four gods lent him their power.

His ordeal was already a failure.

The gods despised him and helped him borrow the power of the four gods.

Then the flame of life began to burn from Ellen's body.

He used up all his stats, skills, and powers to create a skill.


Despite the vomiting of blood from his mouth, he continues to pour out all his strength.

Even as I was dying, I burned all my power with the power of immortality and used the last.

When it was finally 10 days. One of his dishes began to scatter a beautiful light.

The light was so beautiful that even the gods had never seen it.

The God of Time returned from time to time when he first came along with the appearance of that dish.

500,000 hungry people.

In front of them, Ellen closes her eyes and reaches death.

One dish he cooked with him in the sky for the hungry.

Maybe it was just a bowl of 'dead' that was slowly coming down.

And the light stopped him, and within half a million people showed up with the same kill.


Min Hyuk was frightened.

One dish became 500,000 dishes.

"Cooking duplication?"

It was an inevitable force.

And Min-hyuk was notified.

[That day, the appetite saved half a million starving people with its last breath, and he became one of the Gods who defended the Abyss by dying in the Abyss.]

[On that day, the appetite was recorded as a historic god who created the first continental god to make an alternative.]

[Name of the Biggie. "The Pleasure of All."]

500,000 people who feed on him and find their strength in honor of his cold, dead appetite.

Since they were polite to the cannibalism, it was the way they dreamed of a world without hunger.


The video ended, and Min-hyuk returned to Abyss.

Together, Min-hyuk looked at the 500,000 starving people in front of him.

Min-hyuk's arrogance that only his own cooking can save them and the folly of his appetite that excluded the gods.

And I finally looked at myself and I thought about him, who fed half a million people.

In addition, Min-hyuk now had to feed 500,000 people here in a totally different way than his appetite.

'I don't have the power to please everyone.'

But is it possible?

As Ellen showed me, those who ate the dishes became more violent, leading to the killing of each other.

Just like in Ellen's day.

But Min-hyuk soon made a bitter smile.

'I know an easy way to solve this trial.'

* * *

Viewers who were looking at the Sword Defense of the Lord of the Throne.

South Koreans sighed.

That's why, South Korea was ahead of contribution by vomiting incredible vapors.

It was because the Republic of Korea was caught by the worst god's sword in the throne defense.

Swords of God that appear in the order of 1-28.

The power of the swords of the gods in the 1st to 5th place was the difference between the swords of other gods and the sky and the earth.

However, the sword of the strongest god of Korea was snatched.

[No, what do I do if I work hard for the Korean rankers and the heavenly countries? I ended up being the victim of a fucking gambler.]

[Fortunately for you, of the twenty-eight swords of the gods, it took 46044]

Even the kings of each kingdom, who were watching the flow of Defence, gave orders as they held back the gods' swords.

"Send 5,000 troops to the kingdom of heaven immediately."

"Send all available troops to the kingdom of heaven!"

The foreign kingdom of heaven, attacked by the sword of the first god, is nothing but good bread for them to eat.

In fact, the foreign kingdom of heaven, where tens of thousands of troops are to be attacked by the sword of God, seems to have been conquered.

Even the Allied forces have gathered around 100,000 troops.

Due to the ongoing battle, the foreign kingdom of heaven lost about 7,000 troops, and more than twice its troops had to stop the sword of God.

"The Throne War is over."

"Oh, shit. What a luck charm!"

"What to do, Jeanie!?"

South Korean rankers have fallen into chaos. After the sword of the former god in first place, I was able to do so well, and the 100,000 troops were coming.

[Crisis is coming for the foreign kingdom of heaven.]

[In the throne room, the kingdom of heaven is very unlucky.]

[In this way, the foreign country of heaven is likely to be taken down before the culinary Min-hyuk "participates in the middle."]

[That's too bad.]

And 100,000 troops gathered in front of the kingdom of heaven, looking out at the kingdom of heaven.

"Why is Tum's Black Entrance of the First God so long?"

"I see."

"Maybe it comes out late on purpose because it's the most powerful god's sword?"

They laughed and laughed as they watched the kingdom of heaven as if they were blind.

And at the forefront of them was Kenlauhel, who was surprisingly the king of France.

Ken Raohel has been a man who has drunk much of his appetite from the royal appetite of a foreign kingdom.

Because of this, the grudge against his culinary reform was enormous.

Then Ken Rauhel tried to catch the vanguard who was destroying the kingdom of heaven.

There's the king. 'Because of its privilege, it has become 1.5 times more powerful than usual.

Even France, fortunately, will be able to endure without confidence because the sword of God is weaker than expected.

'When are you coming out?'

Centauhel's body growls.

He will wipe out those whom Min-hyuk ate of his food cherished.

That's when I heard the notification.

[The Last Blade of God is about to appear in the world.]

Sword of the first sequence.

He was reminded of a notification completely different from the other gods' swords.

[The ultimate sword that crossed the throne with the Black Past Nerva Sephiros instead.]

[Even the Black Emperor Nerva Sephiros is afraid of him!]

[Even the Black Gods have slain them.]

[Instead of…….]


The world was amazed.

Presence revealing itself now.

It is referred to as the sword instead, and it is compared to Nerva Sephiros who will lead the second Athens.

"Ahhhh, crazy...!"

"We're done...!"

The Korean rankers were even more frustrated, and the 100,000 troops facing him were delighted.

With him.


There was a meteor-like drop on the ground, and the dust rose.

I see his shadow through the dust.

Ken Raouhel.

He was delighted.

Destroy the kingdom of heaven! '

Screaming Korean rankers.

A troop of 100,000 rejoiced on the contrary.

At that moment, you hear a voice from the dust.

"Mercenary slash."

I did not doubt that 100,000 troops would soon fall down that fortified wall.

And the sword instead of the temple speaks.

"Final Chief."

At that moment, hundreds of long, sharp swords began swarming.


Not in the heavenly realm, but through the gap of 100,000 troops.

The swords pierce the rankers' epic grade defense gear and legendary grade defense gear and slash those who stand in their way.

7,000 rankers disappeared in a single swing.

Along with him, additional notifications were sounded.

[Sword instead of Alternate.]

[A man who fought alongside Nerva Sephirus to take the sword's seat.]

[His name. Broad!]

And Jeanie was looking at this from the top of the wall.

A person wearing a cape imprinted with the symbol of the "Foreign Kingdom of Heaven," where the dust cleared and the fork and knife crossed, appeared.

A person who was in charge of livestock workers in the kingdom of heaven.

A mercenary king, swordsman of the underworld.

On his return, the genie cries out in joy.
