582 Level-Ups for Food Only

A feast with the king.

At that time, hundreds of millions of people gathered to watch the culinary reform.

Why are they all here?

There are two things.

Number one.

He was last recorded on the throne because he had a cult and fanaticism for slaughtering many enemies and surviving the invasion of all the kingdoms.

In fact, even if they were enemies, they left behind achievements worthy of applause.

Number two.

I dreamed while looking at the kingdom of heaven.

I also want to be a user who does not fall from many dangers with them.

I want to be a part of a foreign country!

That's why.

In particular, the desire of the people for the kingdom of heaven was even hotter as the server integration had just been released.

Many people asked Min-hyuk at the dinner.

'How can I join the kingdom of heaven!?'

"Even at level 180!? '

'What are the benefits of going to another country in heaven!?'

'O King of the Foreign Kingdoms of Heaven, answer me.'

Hundreds of millions of people raised their voices.

It was embarrassing for anyone.

However, Min-hyuk was not embarrassed at all.

Maybe it was because it was Min-hyuk who had Kang Min-hu by his side.

A king's blood will never change.

He told me briefly.

"Anyone can enter the kingdom of heaven if he has the will to be with them. But I wonder if our kingdom of heaven can accommodate everyone. '

That was the end of it.

He didn't say anything anymore.

But this is how users came to have this idea.

"Yes, the kingdom of heaven cannot accommodate all users. '

'Then, I will go first and apply to join the kingdom of heaven.'

'We have to get a seat!'

Many people prepared to run to the kingdom of heaven. An interview about why you're going abroad? I didn't have time.

Of course some people did.

However, the rumor that they were going to 'hit' the kingdom of heaven was much larger than the story that they were going to 'join'.

They did not slumber and knew that other users of the country were running along with them.

It was faster to bite down on the teeth.

And one of them is the Chinese user, Byron.

He was the top ranker you would recognize in China.

Then he couldn't control his trembling heart.

'I... will be a member of the kingdom of heaven...!' '

The one who ran so fast.

He soon could not clear the question.

The King of the Gentiles stood on the wall and waited for others to gather as well.

'Man, there won't be room in the kingdom of heaven, but I'll accept you soon...!'

The reason they ran so fast was because there was no room.

After all, the number of users who can accommodate the Kingdom has reached its limit.

And wait for everyone. The king of the heavenly realms stepped forward.

In the meantime, countless people shouted at him to accept them.

The king of the kingdom of heaven looked at them mercifully and said,



"Well, well……!"

"What nonsense...!"



Huge wavelengths spread like Tidal Wave.

The viewers and commentators who were watching the broadcast were appalled.

[Now, millions of satisfied users have been confused by a single speech by the king of the foreign kingdom.]

[Millions of users are requesting to join the kingdom of heaven. The kingdom of heaven might become an empire, a country of tremendous power, if you just recruit them.]

[I also told them that the appetite holds for all of them.]

"Are you kidding me!!?"

"Who did we come here for?!!"

"Die!!! Are you playing with us!!?"

"Disappointed!!! Do you want me to beat him?"

It was not strange for users who were wandering the streets to attack the kingdom of heaven immediately.

In a certain way, it is understandable.

I gave up new content about the length of the stars, and someone took a leave of absence from the company and ran here.

What did the King of the Gentiles say?

In addition.

"You said you'd welcome me if I came sooner!!"

"Never mind. From this day forward, the kingdom of heaven will perish!!" "

It's only a moment when people turn around.

And Hayes saw this.

She was delighted as if she had just arrived.

Bigger than the material you said.

But now it is a disaster.

Millions of users cannot afford a foreign kingdom of heaven.

'Why are you doing this, Your Majesty……!'

Hayes couldn't catch the ribs.

Users who even prepare for an attack.

Hayes thought that Min-hyuk was mistaken, and turned to him.

But there's still a smile in his mouth.


And Hayes.

She was able to reach one conclusion.

'No, that's right...! You can't accept them!'

She was appalled by the visions of Min-hyuk.

Accepting them all into the kingdom of heaven now.

It is self-destructive.

Inside there will be an enormous number of spies planted in each world.

Not only that.

Assuming that the kingdom of heaven is ten square feet, there cannot be 100 people in it.

If they all come in, the kingdom of heaven is literally saturated.

The inn, the restaurant where they stay. Everything is lacking and there are not enough people in charge of security.

It's not good that there are always many users.

A good thing that the size of the kingdom must support it.

But there's one more question.

'Knowing that, why did you bring them here?'

That's why the estramorwn are angry now.

Why give you hope if you won't accept it?

Then Min-hyuk leaves his mouth.

"I once said to myself, 'I wonder if you will receive them all."

"Then you shouldn't have let me!!"


No, Min Hyuk clearly told them in a certain way.

'I wonder if we can accommodate them all.'.

But they made a choice, and it was they who came to us.

Min-hyuk opened up the path of possibility.

However, the anger of the people will be quiet in that speech.

Min Hyuk looked back.

At that moment, Ali, the Golden Wizard, stepped forward.

[Voice amplification magic triggers.]

[Engages translucent giant enchantment.]

At that moment, translucent Minhyuk appeared 20 meters above the wall of the kingdom of heaven.

The translucent appearance surrounding the golden crown is acting like a real Minhyuk underneath.

In other words, it is magic that allows all of them to relax to see Min-hyuk.


Along with the words of Minhyuk, the voice was spread to angry users by amplification magic.

For a moment, the people were silent.

Min Hyuk looks around at them with a majestic voice.

"What is the kingdom of heaven to you!!!"

Those who heard it suppressed their anger for a moment and thought.

What about the other countries?

'The country of the dead.'

'A country of immortality that will not fail.'

'The country of Tokyo.'

'The country of the first user.'

There are countless titles.

And Min Hyuk says.

"Do you want a kingdom of heaven open to all who come in?"

As soon as they hear that, they are in shock, pounding their heads with a giant hammer.

Users who are requesting to join this seat.

Low varies between levels 100 and 500.

Of course, users between 400 and 500 levels are less than 1%.

Most of them were beginner labs or mid-level users.

Why did they chase after the kingdom of heaven?

because they were soon to be the greatest and the greatest of history.

Users from 100 to 300 levels sign up here?

Then the kingdom of heaven loses its value.

It is clear that they do not want it themselves, and it will become a guild where there is no need to join the kingdom of heaven.

"Ha, but you should have told me!?"

"The hope we had in the first place!!!?"

However, users between 100 and 300 levels complain about it.

Yes. If you were only going to get rankers in the first place, why did you make us come?

There are many smiles in the mouth of users between 400 and 500 levels.

'Cause we deserve it.'

However, there will be those among the 100 to 300 level users who have the chance of ranking and will be ahead of everyone.

'Your Majesty, we need answers.'

I was sweating cold behind Hayes' back.

In the words of Min-hyuk, the history of the kingdom of heaven will now be decided.

Here, even if we are attacked by guns and destroyed, even if we stop them, we will no longer find the Gentiles and become a nation that will perish.

At that time, Min Hyuk said.

"I want to see if you can come to the kingdom of heaven. I'm sure you will, too. My comrades beside me are strong, and I am also strong, not afraid among tens of thousands of enemies. You will want it."

At that moment, Min-hyuk was alerted.

[The brightest sun.]

[Activates the voice of the king.]

[His words sound even more powerful to those who hear the king's voice.]

And this qualification is key.

"I believe you know the 'StarCoin' of the Path of the Stars."


A coin that appears as an Event with the Road Open of these stars.

A gold coin like a star, which can be obtained as a special reward.

A typical example is the hunt for 'boss monsters'.

Boss monsters are not bosses because they have a high level.

You can call yourself a boss monster because you are strong at that level of hunting.

And in the case of these StarCoins, very few worst chances are dropped from boss monsters.

However, you can get '25 Platinum' by selling this StarCoin to the Shop.

It's a huge event.

More importantly.

'Users between 100 and 500 levels can earn StarCoins on equal terms'.

The system prevents StarCoins from being dropped when a user above level 200 hunts a boss monster at level 100.

In addition, StarCoin's acquisition requirements are marked as' no party hunting '.

That is, only those with the same level of power and superior control can gain StarCoins.

"He who wants to come to the kingdom of heaven. You will need to collect StarCoins."

At that moment, a notification struck everyone in the place.

[The Kingdom quest begins.]

[Kingdom Quest: Collect 2 StarCoins for your first qualification test.]


The hearts of the users were pounding.

That is why, even at the same level, a slightly stronger person can enter the kingdom of heaven.

You can enter if you are a level 100 user.

The same goes for Level 500 users.

That is, only 0.01% of qualified people enter the kingdom of heaven.

But who's to complain?

"Jim has given you equal opportunity."

It is true.

And the kingdom of heaven will only receive hundreds of millions of people.


A minority user of 100 level 0.01% will become a ranker in the future.

If 500 level 0.01% of users were recruited, they would become pillars of a foreign kingdom of heaven.

'Your Majesty……!'

Hayes shudders.

It gave me goosebumps behind my back.

This was true for all of the applicants who were there.

'If I become 0.01% and join the kingdom of heaven...!'

"The kingdom of heaven will remain under the name of the sovereign nation. '

'I will be the greatest!!!'

And Min-hyuk wedges.

"The future owner of the kingdom of heaven. It's you."



"Long live the kingdom of heaven!! Hail, Hail!!"


"Let's go, get some StarCoins!!!"



Millions of cheerful users rush towards the path of the stars.

Since then, Min-hyuk, king of the kingdom of heaven, is smiling softly.

And Hayes.

She approaches.

"Great, you're great. Your Majesty...!"


However, Min-hyuk was not moved by the smiling face.

"I, Your Majesty?"

"Puaha...! Hey, Hayes. I could have been in trouble. Right!?"


Hayes had only just found out.

Minhyuk was also on a dangerous tug-of-war.

Then, Min-hyuk looks at them and rolls his mouth.

"Hayes, do you see it?"

Hayes thought to himself,

People who want to come to our kingdom of heaven!

My heart is burning!

Ah! I'm impressed!

Do you feel the same way?

The reality was different.

"Bunches of money are running...!"


However, it was Min-hyuk who quickly destroyed the emotion.

Min Hyuk looks back at Hayes and smiles viciously.

"You said we'd get something bigger than material, right? But I got material. I got people."

"…… ah!!"


She was frightened.


Minhyuk said he paid two "StarCoins" on the terms of his nationality in heaven.

25 platinum per individual and 50 platinum on two sides.

That is.

"Phew... You're actually signing up for 50 platinum?" '

Yes, it is.

50 platinum per person per day.

In other words, there are only 150,000 platinum members.

It will quickly fulfill the benefits that were not taken by this throne.

"Would you bring me another coin? Your Grace, I picked this up on the path of the stars. Try one. I hunted this one. Would you like to try it? You'll be delivering food, right? Hahahahaha!!"



She is a wood that will become a legendary fraud.

And Min-hyuk?

'God of fraudsters...?'

Without even knowing it, the faces of the running users were bright.

"I can join the kingdom of heaven, too!!!"

"GazAAA to collect StarCoins!!!"

"Long live the kingdom of heaven!!!!"


A beautiful world.