Chapter 10 - 10: Golden Portal

Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Golden Portal

A while ago...

Asty was walking towards the backyard where the pond was, Aurora was silently following her. She was excited because now she can become stronger and curious as she was now crippled so how was Asty going to train her.

Asty continued to walk and finally stopped at the shore of the pond. Although the pond wasn't very big, it's depth was huge so one can't see they bottom from the top.

"Looks like we have to make our own training ground as that lazybum didn't expect to gain a disciple so quickly and never built anything for training." Asty sighed and looked at the pond and a idea came to her mind.

"Let's go we'll make this training ground in the pond." Asty said as she raised her paw to enter the pond but stopped and looked back at Aurora and said "But you're a mortal so I guess you won't be able to breathe underwater, how troublesome."

Aurora wanted to retort that nobody could breathe underwater except some water element Profound Artists but even they have to expend a large amount of Profound energy in using it. But she kept her silence as her sixth sense told her it wouldn't be good.

Asty waved her little paw and a water bubble appeared around Aurora with her as centre. Aurora tried to touch it but her hand passed through it easily, the bubble bulged a little bit it didn't explode.

"You don't need to worry, just come with me." Asty said as she entered the pond, she let the water of the pond sank her as her destination was the bottom of the pond.

Aurora hesitated but also followed Asty and entered the pond. Aurora was shocked as she could breathe underwater now, she could see the water outside the bubble. It was a magical scenery she hasn't even imagine before. Some small fish would occasionally pass by her bubble.

As the water bubble not only preventing water to go inside, it was also blocking any aura and energy from going inside, that's why Aurora didn't know that even the weakest among these small fish is a Ruler Profound Stage, after staying in this Heavenly pond for a month their cultivation has skyrocketed.

Soon they reached the bottom and Asty was the first to land followed by Aurora. Aurora was a little confused by Asty's action as she didn't know what she was doing, how can this be training ground?

Asty then walked towards a somewhat plain area, after reaching there she began to draw a big circle. After drawing it she stood at the center of it.

After that Asty's eyes changed to golden colour and space around her began to distort and some cracks appeared near her as if cutting the reality itself. The circle under her also changed as space began fluctuating in it and its colour changed into bright golden colour.

Aurora was dazed seeing this heavenly phonenomina, she couldn't comprehend what was going on. She just stood there like a statue. Now she firmly believed Asty was out of the world and on a level she could only dream of reaching.

After some time, the phonenomina stopped and only the circle emitting golden light remained, upon which Asty levitated, it was a strange sight of a cat levitating within the water.

Asty then stared at Aurora with her golden eyes. Aurora felt something tremble with her but she doesn't know what it was.

"You felt it, didn't you? It was the bloodline resonance as we share the same bloodline." Asty said, her eyes returning from golden to pitch black.

Aurora was first dumbfounded and then became excited, she didn't know where she got this Bloodline from but one thing was sure, she could become strong as Asty someday and perform techniques like Asty, just by thinking that Aurora became escatic but Asty's following word's shattered all her dreams.

"Don't be delusional, what you have isn't even a minuscule portion of what I have and even with that, you would have bear many hardships, but for now even building your foundation will be difficult but it all depends on you so good luck on what you're going to face." Asty said with a light innocent smile.

But for Aurora that smile felt like it was from the devil itself, she wanted to ask what she meant but before she could, Asty entered and disappeared into the golden light of the circle.

As Asty left, the bubble surrounding Aurora lost the energy source and burst out, enabling the outside water to fill the gaps. noVE)lb/In

Aurora didn't even time to think as all the water came down upon her and and drowned her. The pressure was too great for Aurora to handle and she immediately knelt down on her four limbs and she shut her mouth to save whatever air left in her. The pressure not only came with volume of water but also it's quality, it was very dense.

Blood began to appear in the water as various cuts began to appear on Aurora's body bringing sever pain to her, her vision began to blur but she still persisted remembering Asty's words. She understood the meaning of them now, only by being tenacious enough and persist in situations like this can she be powerful like Asty.

Aurora tried her best to raise her head but it proved to be very difficult as even moving an inch brought her intense pain and her injuries grew, she was already numb in some parts of her body but she still tilted her head and her gaze landed on the golden portal, she knew if she wanted to survive she had to enter that.

She gritted her teeth and crawled towards the golden portal, it was just a few steps away but this small distance felt like infinite to Aurora.


A crackling sound came as bones of Aurora's whole hand broke, she wanted to scream but she held it in fear of taking the water in. Now she was not only facing the pressure from the water but also beginning to feel suffocation.

She could only look at the golden portal as it was the only thing that could save her.