273 I hate writing titles


The black-haired girl was screaming at top of her lungs while running around like an earthworm in the rain. The blonde boy running beside her was no different than her.

‘Can’t I just abandon them?’

A thought, that he had never ever considered in his life neither thought that he would one day, crossed his mind. The annoyance and anger he felt right now were too much that the man, who had always done everything he could to protect his unit members, was now thinking about abandoning them.


He shook his head. There was no way he could do such a thing even if he was irritated and furious. He had to protect those kids.

‘I will give them a beating later.’

But that didn’t mean he would let them go like that. He had to vent his anger somehow!



The team leader sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Cant a shield for them.”

He then whispered to Elsie.

“But I’m maintaining our invisibility right now...”

“Do you see any need to be invisible anymore?”

Elsie blinked her eyes.

“...Actually... no... I don’t...”

She shook her head with a helpless face and canceled her invisibility spell. As soon as she did so, a bunch of people was seen, hiding behind the cars used to transport food. At the same time, a shield appeared in the air, covering the two earthworms and the whole group.

“The prisoners!”

“They are the captured agents!”

“After them!”

“Call all of the guards!”

“Don’t let them go!”


Something landed right on top of the shield and exploded.

“Holy shit!”

Serria cursed as she looked up. The shield had protected them from the explosion but it didn’t seem like it would be able to hold up for long.

“Rai, where are the teleportation devices?”

“Right here!”

Rai took out the teleportation devices they had stolen from the guards and held them in front of the team leader’s face. They belonged to the agents of Bordkly who were guarding them the whole time. They were designed in a way that they would work on Bordkly, just as how the unit’s devices worked in their own country. Still, they doubted that they would work now that they knew these agents were in their lands. As much as they knew, teleporting was blocked in Bordkly for a few days before they got captured.

The team leader handed them to Elsie and Serria before starting to run towards the exit gates and gesturing to the others to follow him.

“They are not working!”

“It is still blocked!”

Elsie and Serria said at the same time after inserting their mana into the device.

“Damn it!”


Another attack landed not too far away from them and exploded, destroying a part of the shield.

“Should I steal that car?”

Darren commented while pointing at a car, making Carlson snort at him.

“Do we have the time to do that? We will be surrounded if we-”


The car that Darren was pointing at exploded.



“We will have no other way but to kill you all if you don’t stop right away!”

A group of Bordkly’s soldiers and agents were blocking the exit while pointing their weapons at them.


A huge gust of wind pushed on the enemy, making them move back on their feet a little bit.


The team leader clicked his tongue. His guns were taken and he couldn’t find a replacement for them, making him unable to fight properly. The team leader took a deep breath before raising his hands. He twitched his fingers as if he was grasping some invisible threads and then spread his arms as if he was pulling the invisible threads.



Thin, small and large, lines of black and purple appeared in the air all around the group of people. The lines, the threads, looked like they were small pieces of the night sky scattered around in the air. It looked like the space all around them was sliced into countless pieces and they could gaze into Space itself.

Then the man controlling that space pulled his arms.




Pained groans and screams raised in the air. The soldiers and agents who had lost their focus when they were hit by that strong gust of wind couldn’t defend themselves against the attack that came to them from all directions. The lines, the threads of space, had cut their bodies ruthlessly.


The team leader clicked his tongue again.

‘It’s not enough.’

His attack was not enough to deal with all of those soldiers. His power was weak in itself and couldn’t deal fatal damage like the others. It was only by combining his power and his weapons that he managed to fight the battles, but now his weapons were gone.

It wasn’t just him who couldn’t fight properly at the moment. There were four aura users that were literally useless without their enhanced swords. They couldn’t use much aura without a weapon unless they were sword masters or near to becoming one.

Reyan and Darren could create small, tiny, and weak blades of aura from time to time, but those attacks couldn’t do much in this situation.

And there was also the deputy team leader who also couldn’t do much without her greatsword besides punching and kicking people on their guts, which wasn’t really a suitable skill for their situation.

The only ones who could fight to some extent were Rai, Serria, Elsie, and Alan. Rai’s power to create wind was not so effective when they were facing a literal army, Elsie was a support-type mage and didn’t know many attack spells, and Alan had long gone crazy but even if was still sane, he couldn’t still fight a whole unit, and also Serria was not enough to defeat all of the enemies.

“Stop right there!”

They were surrounded from all sides.

“We will have no choice but to kill you if you don’t surrender!”

They heard the voice of the leader of the unit that had captured them through the speaker.

“Stop your actions and surrender!”


The unit had no choice but to stop running as they were blocked from all sides.


Team leader Dains whispered in a low voice.

“Use your power to move the team up as much as you can.”

Rai raised his eyebrow.


The team leader looked at their surroundings. There were lines of soldiers blocking the man gate and their sides were also blocked by the agents of the special units. They couldn’t pass either of them. But there was one thing they could do.

The path they just took to come here. The path was blocked by a huge military car. It was because the soldiers and agents couldn’t block there as the path was damaged by the explosions and a fire was burning everything up.

“Can you overturn that car?”

The team leader ignored Rai’s question and just said what was in his mind.


“Serria, do you know what spells that fool used to fly?”

Serria didn’t need to ask who the team leader meant by that.

“Just to some extent.”

“Can you do the same thing?”

Before she could answer, the loud voice of their enemy’s leader was heard again.

“Drop whatever weapon you are holding and kneel down!”

The team ignored the voice.

“I can’t do the exact same thing, but I can repeat the things he has explained to me.”

Team leader Dains nodded his head.

“Elsie, cast another shield. Serria, try moving us up a little bit. Rai, use a part of your power to overturn that car and the rest to help Serria push us forward. Alan, stop all of their attacks for a small moment.”

The team didn’t ask anything else and just did what they were ordered to do.




An enormous gust of wind, almost like a small tornado, appeared in the air, heading towards a specific car and hitting it. The car flipped a few times and moved back as if it was just a toy car.

The unit members saw the shinings of the symbols of magic spells before they felt their body weigh less than it was supposed to. They felt too light that they thought they could fly if they just gave a small push to the ground. But there was no need for that as a small wind pushed down on the ground just at the same time.



The unit members’ bodies were shot forward as if they were small features and not humans.


The wind that had pushed the car back also made the fire on the ground spread all around. The agents who were near the fire were caught in the flames. Of course, not a single flame reached the unit members as they were being protected by a shield, and no one of their enemy’s attacks harmed them as they all stopped midway and couldn’t even reach them.

At that small moment, the unit members ran past the car and towards the destroyed watchtower.