C59 Seek in the West True

"Phew." Bedivere trembled and quickly hid beside the fire to keep warm. The silver fur on his body was steaming white.

In short, the experiment was a success. "Arthur added fuel to the fire, driving away the cold night air," According to the reports of the assault of the Knights, it seemed that the deep ocean Giant Demon had used the ancient castle's drain to attack. "

"And it's clever. It's slowly finding its way to the bigger drain, and from the beginning of the attack [to drag people away] it became [to take them apart and then to drag them away]." "It's a horrible old castle spirit." "

"Arthur, you knew it would appear in the bathroom? "Why didn't you tell us earlier and drag us in as well!" Biddy almost died, thanks to you! "

"I didn't know that the Giant Demon's tentacles would grow so quickly and be so hard to deal with." Arthur muttered, "And we still need to take a bath..." "

"Biddy had two showers in a row!" It's to accompany you on this ridiculous experiment! The Merman Boy shouted in anger.

"Forget it, forget it, Tristan." Bedivere hurriedly said, "Didn't we successfully achieve our goal?" "

"But this is trouble." "There's almost no way to stop the monster from coming back." It was good that Tristan could copy the trident, but this little bit of completed product was not enough to defeat the deep sea Giant Demon. Just a few tentacles are already so difficult to deal with. That Octopus Monster has hundreds or thousands of tentacles, and its main body is hundreds of times larger than what we can see now. "

"Is it possible to replicate in large quantities?" Arthur asked.

"Impossible." Once something created by Ice Molding leaves my hand, the photon will quickly dissipate and it will shatter in less than a minute. Tristan said, "And it takes a lot of concentration and concentration to make this thing." You want me to build a spear for you while you're fighting? You might as well just send me straight into the mouth of a Giant Demon! "

"Humph." Arthur clenched his teeth, unable to come up with a good idea.

"By the way, don't you think it's unusually quiet?" Bedivere asked softly, "Could it be that all the Knights of the Westernmost Knight Organization have gone to bed early?" "

"How could that be? It's only around eight in the evening. Even if they're moving to another base tomorrow, they shouldn't be resting so early, right?" There had to be someone left on guard. Kay said.

"No, really no one." Arthur looked out the window, "Other than our room, there are no lights in this fortress." What the hell. "

"The Giant Demon's attack?" "

"Impossible, unless the Giant Demon can instantly put down the entire Westernmost Knight Organization, otherwise it's impossible for it to not have sounded the alarm. "And there's always a room that's a blind spot for an attack." Even if one used the sewer, the Giant Demon's tentacles could not reach every room in the entire castle! "

"Then how do you explain the situation?" Tristan shouted.

Knock, knock, knock.

Everyone was shocked: someone was knocking on the door at this time. Arthur looked at Kai, he himself wielded his light sword and remained on guard, and slowly walked to the door, while Kai Er wielded her weapon, following behind Arthur.

"Who is it so late?" Arthur asked first.

"Help, help!" said a boy's voice. "Papa, everybody, all passed out!" "

"What!?" Arthur pushed the door open, but then a thin layer of green smoke started to permeate beneath his feet.

"Damn it!" Everyone quickly covered their noses.

"Come with me!" cried the boy at the door. "We must go up at once!" "

"Why should we believe you?" Arthur shouted. In the darkness, he could only see that the other party was a thin and frail child, or at least not a threat to the knights.

"You must believe me!" "My name is Eavan, I am the son of the Heavenly Stage Knight's Yoens!" "

"I only heard that Heavenly Stage Knight Yoens has a son!" "And we already know of Knight Gaia Oyun." Yoens. Where did you come from? "

"Well, actually!" "I, I am an illegitimate child. My father has never publicly acknowledged my birth." I have always been assigned to watch from the lighthouse at the top of the castle. I am not even a knight. --But you must believe me! I'm here to help you! If even you fall, who will save my father!? "

Although Arthur did not want to trust strangers, but as matters stood, lead the way, young man. We don't have a choice, if we don't flee quickly, we'll only be swallowed by this Poisonous Fog. "

"But, Arthur!" Kaye protested loudly, which made him suck in a lot of the Poisonous Fog and start coughing.

"If I find out we're not running away, I'll stab the kid." Arthur chased everyone out of the room. "Is this alright?" "

"You can do whatever you want to me. Just follow me!" Eavan hurriedly moved towards the depths of the corridor.