C231 Departure to Pure Land(part Ii)

In the afternoon, on a prairie.

In the wilderness, a dozen odd stones were scattered across a barren land. The surface of the stone was covered in carvings, but it also had verdant moss growing on it, blending in with the living illusion.

The Excess Light flashed a magic spell on the rune. The stones on the ground began to move, they began to form a specific shape. A small stone door appeared out of thin air, and at the center of this stone door, there was a layer of membrane that looked like a mirror.

Magical light shot out from within, and the particles of light scattered in the air like raindrops.

A young knight walked out from the light. It was Arthur.

He looked around at his surroundings. The clear air floated above this boundless prairie. This verdant and beautiful world was the pure land of Eliason.

He looked at the sky again. The red, white, and blue moons in the sky each reflected a different light. Moreover, their sizes varied, and under the reflection of the numerous stars, they emitted a magnificent halo.


The time in the Pure Land is different from the time in the mortal world? The noon of the mortal world was actually the night here … Midnight?

Due to the lack of time as a reference, Arthur was unable to know the correct time. But he couldn't help but feel that something was off. The Subspace made by the elves had even distorted the time in the real space.

"Oh, the air is good!" "Bedivere said as soon as he came out of the Teleportation Portal.

Storm Island was originally a lush green world, and the air was also good, but Werewolf Boy's sense of smell was definitely capable of detecting the differences between these two worlds, Arthur thought.

In this prairie, there were no man-made objects. It was just a simple natural scenery, pure green and overflowing, thus, relaxing the mind.

However, there was something unnatural about it. Arthur looked at the horizon of this world. Instead of letting the atmosphere deflect to produce a red glow, it was giving rise to a high-energy purple spectrum. The Elves seemed to have surrounded this Subspace in some sort of barrier.

How big was this world? Arthur could not help but be confused.

"What now?" Eavan asked. He covered his eyes with a piece of cloth, as if to let his blind eyes rest more fully.

"Imperial Mother —" The Malefic flew onto Arthur's shoulder and urged, "I can feel Imperial Mother's presence in this world. We need to find my Imperial Mother immediately." "

"Oh, do you have a clue?" Arthur immediately asked.

The red fire dragon didn't answer.

"I can feel my mother's breath, but I don't know where it is," White Frost Dragon said. "There's only a general direction." "

"Good, good, that's all it took to help you two dragons find your mother." Arthur ridiculed, "Since we're already here, there's no need to rush." Scouts first. You'll help with the scouting, won't you, Xivia? "

"…." All right. "Via the White Frost Dragon did not like to let other creatures sit on his back. He treated this as an insult." But he had no choice now, so he could only follow Arthur's instructions.

"Come on up, kids." The huge Sylvia wagged her tail unhappily.

"Biddy, you take care of Eavan." Arthur climbed onto Malefic Red Fire Dragon's back. "Lianyin, you and I will be in a team." "

"Wait!" Tristan looked at Arthur in dissatisfaction, then looked at Xian Wei, "You want me to sit on this dragon alone?!" "

When Eavan, who was still blind, was taken care of by Bedivere, Baimei could also feel the abnormality in her surroundings. Lianyin is able to use Reconnaissance Magic, so it's better for him to be in my group. Do you have any problems with this configuration, boy? "

"I can also use basic reconnaissance magic!" Tristan was not convinced.

"That's better. You and Sylvia are the best." That was it. Arthur said mercilessly as he patted Malefic's neck and indicated for him to take flight.

Woo woo woo — —" Tristan bellowed as he pinched the dragon's belly, indicating for Xian Wei to take off.

"Don't pinch me, boy!" Do you want to die?! he said fiercely, flapping his wings and flying away.

The three dragons spread out, keeping a loose formation to scout. This is a formation designed to expand the scope of the search.

"Kid, didn't you boast that you could use reconnaissance magic?" "If you can use it, take it out quickly," said Xian Wei, looking around while flying. He did not forget to mock Tristan, who was on his back. "

"Got it, long-winded guy." Fly steadily. Tristan said as he held out his hand, releasing a layer of frost from his palm. Merman Boy blew at his palm, causing the frost qi to scatter and scatter in the air like snow.

"What is this?" A juggling technique? The White Frost Dragon disdained.

"Don't be noisy, it's going to take shape." Tristan shouted.

The snow scattered in the air started to turn into countless Snow Butterfly. They fluttered and dispersed, quickly spreading through the vast space.

"Oh?" It really was a magic trick. What's the use of these butterflies if they're so fancy? "

"I gave these snow butterflies the simplest order, flew around, and told me everything I could sense." They write down anything unusual and fly back to tell me. "

"Can you do this?" White Frost Dragon snorted, pretending as if nothing had happened. He himself was an expert in ice magic, he knew clearly that to create a self-controlled Demonic Envoy and even give such complicated instructions to it, it was actually an extremely difficult and profound magic.

The young man on his back was unconscious. What an outstanding magician he was.

During Tristan's few months of studying in Wang Li's library, he was able to comprehend an extremely profound principle behind magic. However, he was a very naughty kid who only focused on studying magic that he liked and was interested in, and did not care about the parts that he was not interested in.

He could have been a very great magician. However, he walked further and further on the remote road, only studying for his own interest.

What a pity. White Frost Dragon Immortal Via thought. However, what would become of the Fishman's magic was completely unrelated to Xavia. Selfish, proud dragons do not care about the lives of others. He tossed the thought to the back of his mind and continued to observe everything on the ground with his keen dragon eyes.

"How strange." "Malefic flying in the lead could not help but say to Arthur," Flying in this Subspace seems to be extremely easy. "

"Easy?" Arthur asked loudly, facing the incoming wind, "How can I relax? I'm going to die from cold." "

"I can't tell you the details." Malefic Red Fire Dragon replied. He felt relaxed, as if his entire body had become much lighter.

Arthur had actually sensed it a long time ago. The moment he stepped into the Pure Land Ellison, he had already sensed it. The "relaxation" that Malefic spoke of was actually when the gravity lessened.

Unlike the mortal world, the gravity here wasn't 1G. Arthur felt his body becoming lighter. Originally, he had blamed this on a good atmosphere and a comfortable environment. But now, from Malefic's mouth, he believed even more firmly that there was no doubt about it.

The dragon's feelings were much more honest than those of humans. Humans would often be deceived by the various mental functions they had. When a person's feelings were dishonest, they would often experience a [misconception]; however, their Dragon were all single-minded idiots, so their feelings were the truest and most realistic [directness].

This Subspace is smaller than the gravity of this world. If one were to count it based on Arthur's own experience, there was not a single gram here, at most, it would be around 0.75 grams.

When Eavan was fighting Purple Electric Dragon Spark earlier, he jumped ten feet into the air in an instant. It must have been the effect of the gravity of the pure land on his Storm Island.

The biggest question is, why? Arthur could understand why the elves would modify the laws of physics to create an immortal Subspace. But did they have to spend so much time making low gravity, time difference, and three moons in the air? What did all this have to do with creating a more comfortable life for them?

Just as Arthur was at a loss for words, Lianyin suddenly shouted from behind him: "We've detected a reaction of a Organism. Five kilometers away, at three o'clock. "

"Malefic!" "

"Got it." Malefic turned his head and changed the direction he was flying in.

When the other two dragons saw the Malefic turn around, they also followed suit and flew towards the direction of three o'clock.

"Hey, did you leave that butterfly behind?" "No," he said.

"What do you care?" Tristan said, "This is not a magic technique that will work immediately." "

What he meant was that he would have to wait until the butterfly scouted the surroundings before reporting back.

How stupid and unreasonable was this scouting magic that was slower than his own speed. But Savia kept telling herself, Don't bother with it, don't bother with it. No matter how stupid someone else's magic was, it had nothing to do with her. He held back.

He did not know how powerful the "abandoned magic" that Tristan had coincidentally invented was. As long as the temperature allowed, the distance that Snow Butterfly would be able to fly was limitless. Furthermore, once the condition of "gathering information" was met, no matter where or when, the butterfly would always return with Tristan as its target, reporting all useful information.

If Tristan was given enough time and patience, he would even know all the information in the world without leaving his house!