Chapter 244 Home Sweet Home? [1]

Chapter 244 Home Sweet Home? [1]

The captain's eyes widened, but he reacted quickly, turned back, and showed his salute.

"Lieutenant Skylark!" He shouted and looked at the towering figure before him.

The man before them had a pair of silver eyes and slicked jet-black hair. The Lieutenant towered above every single one of them. Deep bags were under his eyes as if he hadn't slept for a century.

Lieutenant Skylark nodded in acknowledgment of the soldiers' salutes. His presence commanded respect, and it was clear that he was not an ordinary soldier but someone of high rank and authority.

"At ease," he said in a deep, gravelly voice that seemed to carry the weight of many years of experience. His eyes scanned the area, taking in the dense forest around them.

"Report," he ordered, his gaze now fixed on the soldier who had informed the captain about the earth bear.

The soldier quickly relayed the information about the evidence of the earthbear's presence. Lieutenant Skylark listened attentively, his expression unreadable. After the soldier had finished, there was a moment of silence as the Lieutenant seemed to be deep in thought.

"I understand. Make your soldiers guard the parameters so the children don't leave them. At the same time, I want you take make sure nothing dangerous comes in. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Lieutenant ." The captain saluted.

"I will be remaining here as well." Lieutenant Skylark spoke with a deep voice reverberating through the air around him.

"I-Is something wrong, Lieutenant? Should I call off the academy?" He asked.

"No..." Lieutenant Skylark spoke with a grave voice that felt even deeper than previous words.

"Then, why would they station you here?" The captain asked before swiftly covering his mouth in shock at his own carelessness.

One could imagine what the place would have looked like if not for the hole going through the landscape, but the place looked beautiful even with it.

They stood on a vast expanse of golden grassland, the landscape stretching out in all directions, broken only by the occasional hill or copse of trees. The grass was waist-high, swaying gently in the breeze that swept across the open field. It gave off a warm, earthy scent that mixed with the faint aroma of wildflowers, creating a pleasantly natural perfume.

As the students reached the last arch, they saw something other than the forest itself in the distance.

In the distance, the town of Uladia came into view, encircled by low stone walls. Though not particularly imposing, the walls gave the town a quaint and welcoming appearance. It was a place where nature and civilization seemed to coexist harmoniously.

The tallest structure in the town was a grand church with a steeple that reached high into the sky. Its spire, made of gray stone, stood out prominently against the landscape. Stained glass windows depicted scenes from the town's history and the faith of its people. The church seemed to serve as the heart of the community, both a place of worship and a symbol of unity.

"We will be spending one more day in that town over there." The beast woman pointed with her blade at the town in the distance. She didn't look in the least tired. She felt more energetic than ever, and that feeling seemed to seep into the cores of the students around her.

Their hearts races with anticipation, yet some of them had their hearts race for completely unrelated reasons.

As the students approached the town, they could see the townsfolk going about their daily routines. Shopkeepers tended to their stalls, children played in the streets, and farmers led their livestock to graze in the nearby fields. It was a picturesque scene of everyday life in Uladia, a stark contrast to the looming mysteries of the forest they were about to enter.

The town exuded a sense of tranquility and safety, a stark juxtaposition to the impending expedition into the enigmatic Uladia Forest. The students couldn't help but wonder how the two worlds could coexist outside the walls and within the forest's depths.

As the students made their way closer to the town of Uladia, they came upon a pair of guards stationed in front of the town's gates. These guards were clad in polished armor, their helmets gleaming in the sunlight. Upon spotting the approaching group, the guards politely bowed toward the adult chaperones in a show of respect before turning their attention to the students.

One of the guards stepped forward, his demeanor firm yet courteous. "Greetings, travelers," he began, his voice carrying authority. "May I kindly request your visiting passes for entry into the town of Uladia? We must ensure the safety and security of our residents."

The students, accompanied by their adult leaders, readily presented their passes for inspection. The guards inspected each pass carefully, checking for authenticity and validity. Once satisfied, they returned the passes with a nod of approval.

"Thank you for your cooperation," the other guard said with a warm smile, a striking contrast to his imposing armor. "Enjoy your stay in Uladia, and may your visit be pleasant and trouble-free."

With the formalities complete, the gates to Uladia swung open, revealing the charming town that lay within. The students couldn't help but feel a sense of relief as they crossed the threshold, leaving behind the vast grasslands and entering a place that promised a respite from the impending challenges of the Uladia Forest.


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