MARCH 13, 2016 ~ LUEN

Yo! So I ended up picking Little Phoenix Is Not An Immortal as my new project. Thanks yuzu9 for your suggestion of this novel as well as Ok, moonalice13, and Kitty for their recommendations. Anyways since the chapters r seriously long my translation speeds gonna drop, but hey since they’re long the waits more worth it…….rite? (^3^) Btw there were some things I really couldn’t understand so if anything doesn’t look like it makes sense then its probably cause it didn’t make sense to me either. Maybe I should do releases every other week…..

Chapter 1: Chicken’s Cry Within the Heavenly Ocean (1)

Within the boundless Heavenly Ocean was an isolated island with hibiscus trees growing on it.

The waves were calm, the mist was still, and not a sound could be heard.

Suddenly, there was a chicken cry above the island, piercing through the clouds in the sky. Loud, reverberating, and resounding throughout the six realms.

The east brightened as the morning breeze blew at the approach of dawn.

On top of the hibiscus trees, a flock of heavenly chickens majestically stood at the ends of the branches. The red crests on the tops of their heads glistened and their bodies were covered in multicolored colored feather that were bright in color and dazzled the eyes. By no means could ordinary chickens compare to them. From the highest place the leader started and every chicken continued in alternation. One cry was followed by another and it spurred the cries of the ten thousand chicken within the homes of the human world.

In a split second, a round and red sun leapt out from the surface of the sea with its bottomless multicolored sunlight.

After the heavenly chickens received that boost, each and every one raised their heads, stuck out their chests and they proudly shouted with even greater enthusiasm. Within an independent nook was a small heavenly chicken with its neck contracted. It had a no energy to play look as it squatted among the foliage.

It was different from the other heavenly chicken. This small heavenly chicken looked really ugly. Its head and feathers were a gray-black color, dull and dreary. It was practically a heavenly chicken who had been roasted inside a boiler. Compared to the surrounding flock of companions who were gorgeously multicolored, it was particularly eye-catching.

That’s right. It was the protagonist of this story.

Within this ugly and small, heavenly chicken’s body, dwelled a special soul and that was our female protagonist, Tian Zhen.

People say that a crane stands out among a flock of chickens. Then what do I count as?

Tian Zhen silently used her claw to scratch her head.

Regarding this course of events, she really wanted to express some thoughts containing indecent words. However, there was only a flock of chickens on the island and they were also honest to goodness chickens at that. They had souls, but no spirit essence. It was very difficult to make friends. Actually, even if there was someone, they probably wouldn’t be able to understand her words.

Tian Zhen was truly mournful. She couldn’t speak the same chicken language. She spent an entire accepting this fact.

Alright, a heavenly chicken is a heavenly chicken. In any case, she was a chicken immortal and wouldn’t have to worry about someone cutting her neck.

Trouble quickly arrived.

She sensed the discontented gazes of all the heavenly chickens. Tian Zhen wanted to cry but had no tears——I know that you all bear the great duty of heralding the break of day for the six realms. However, don’t tell me that you all can’t see that I’m a hen? Is the job of heralding the break of day something I do?

Tian Zhen lowered her head and looked at her feathers. She sighed and suddenly felt sharp pain from her back. Turning her head to look, she saw that all the surrounding heavenly chickens had their neck feathers raised and glared at her with extremely unfriendly expressions. Her scalp immediately felt numb.

Shoot, I’m suspected of being lazy!

Seeing her not moving, the big heavenly chicken beside her readily gave her a ruthless peck again and this time it pecked at a feather.

A person who had fallen into the Heavenly Ocean was being bullied by a chicken. Tian Zhen felt hurt and helpless. After considering that the majority of these chickens’ nature was that of the basic poultry and livestock, making friends seemed impossible. If she continued to act this way, it was highly likely that she would suffer the entire flock’s beating. She promptly extended her neck and crowed twice in imitation.

The boundless Heavenly Ocean was momentarily silent.

The sound of the bizarre cry was resounding, but not penetrating. It was melodious and beautiful and carried a faintly discernible, ethereal lingering sound. The sound traveled through the clouds without restraint and it was enough to make all living things intoxicated.

All of the heavenly chickens were dumbfounded.

This is……my voice? Tian Zhen couldn’t believe it herself and gave another cry.

All of the chickens were enchanted and the slowly ascending red sun stopped.

The crow sent out by this hen was even more amazing than a rooster’s? At long last, Tian Zhen discovered a personal strength. Just as she was immeasurably self-satisfied, suddenly, another voice came from above her head——.

“Little phoenix?”

The voice was extremely pleasant to listen to. It was clear, suave,  and graceful? These words were insufficient to describe it. It was soft, but not feminine and was exactly at a good place in between. It also carried a faint, peculiar attractive force within it. Compared to it, even the cry just now was a bit inferior.

Tian Zhen had just adapted to the identity of a heavenly chicken with great effort and was instead, unaccustomed to suddenly hearing human speech——yesterday, I didn’t see any person living on this small, rotten island right?

“I said it sounded like one. Sure enough, it was here.” That heavenly voice sighed and said. Faintly concealing a trace of a smiling intent.

That was definitely human speech. Tian Zhen was overjoyed and raised her head to look.

That was……a phoenix!

An enormous fire phoenix was paused in midair. It had a pair of clear eyes, a prideful air, phoenix wings extending with a length of about 7m and glittering as if they were brocade, and very long tail feathers that glistened with golden light.

Compared to him, the multicolored heavenly chickens on top of the trees practically became crows.

The difference between the newly rich and natural nobles! Tian Zhen’s eyes didn’t blink as she looked towards the phoenix……’s head where a man stood and she drooled.

White clothes edged with gold, a gold colored belt, long hair hanging down, and a person could drown to death within the tenderness in his phoenix eyes. As far as his age goes, let’s say he’s young. His solemn appearance contrarily contained hidden prestige, let’s say he’s old. While looking at that incomparable face, I would feel a twinge of guilt.

His entire body was covered by a faint God halo. Beautiful and peaceful.

The Holy Father? This name jumped out from within Tian Zhen’s mind.

The white clothed Holy Father steadily sat on the phoenix’s back. His warm smile was as warm as the rising morning sun: “Little phoenix, do you still want to stay here?”

Little phoenix? He rode a big phoenix to come look for a little phoenix? Tian Zhen subconsciously looked to the left and right in confusion. Without waiting for her to find her target, a slender and beautiful hand extended over and carried her into the arms of a pure white chest.

The embrace was spacious and exotic smells assailed her nose. Tian Zhen’s blood pressure violently surged and she fainted.

“How could a little phoenix from our Bird God race have been reduced to entering a chicken flock?,” He softly tidied her feathers. His time contained some love as well as some ridicule, “To have actually learned how to crow?”

Phoenix? Little phoenix?

Tian Zhen turned her head and looked at the flock of heavenly chickens atop the hibiscus trees. Suddenly, she had a “looking up at the sky and laughing heartily while leaving home”-like urge——who said only an ugly duckling could become a white swan? I, an ugly little chicken, have also become a little phoenix today!

The white clothed Holy Father smiled: “How could a phoenix stay with a chicken flock? I’ll take you to the place where you should be, all right?”

Tian Zhen incessantly nodded her head.

Upon seeing this, the white clothed Holy Father was just about to say something, but stopped again. He turned his head and looked towards the other side.

At the boundary between the ocean and the sky, countless, densely packed black spots were spread near and far. They orderly moved towards this side and stopped when they were 330m away. Unexpectedly, it seems like they were actually many birds.

Within the blink of an eye, a black figure arrived before my eyes.

That was a mighty roc and in a flash, it had retracted its wings and changed into a human form. It had the appearance of a 40 year old general. He slowly descended and respectfully made a greeting towards the white clothed Holy Father: “Chui Tian, leader of the Northern Seas Ninth Heaven Leviathans and Rocs Division, pays his respect to Zhao Huajun.”

Zhao Huajun? Tian Zhen secretly noted this name down. It looked like he was a leader.

Zhao Huajun peacefully acknowledged the greeting and amiably referred to him as the “Roc King” and asked: “The emperor has appointed you for a task?”

Chui Tian replied: “Precisely. The Demons have assaulted the realm and subordinate is under imperial orders to return to the Northern Seas and move the army. Subordinate heard of Zhao Huajun passing through here and hence, decided to wait here.”

Zhao Huajun said: “I guarantee that I will elect you to join the imperial court. In these years you have done countless meritorious deeds and have made me gratified. The Bird God race has thrived because of you.”

Chui Tian hurriedly said: “It is only right and natural that subordinate did his utmost for his emperor and for my king’s orders.”

Zhao Huajun nodded his head: “The moving of the army is an urgent business so there’s no need to be overly courteous. Go.”

Chui Tian excused himself and began to leave.

Zhao Huajun recalled something and shouted for him to stop: “There’s a little phoenix here who has been reborn after bathing in fire. I think she forced that to happen by chance and although she managed to escape with her life, she injured her brightly colored wings. As a result, she lost her base nature out of confusion and mistakenly joined a chicken flock. You came at just the right time. Could you bring her back to the Northern Seas phoenix race in passing?”

Chui Tian said an “as you wish,” and stepped forward to receive Tian Zhen.

Tian Zhen gazed at that pair of sharp, triangular eyes and that bearded chin and then gazed at Zhao Huajun’s handsome face again. She decisively puffed up her neck feathers, flapped her wings, and her two claws tenaciously grabbed Zhao Huajun’s front lapels, refusing to let go.

Zhao Huajun couldn’t help smiling: “You’re unwilling to go to the Northern Seas?”

Tian Zhen repeatedly nodded her head.

Originally, he had heard a member of his base race imitating a chicken cry and so he had followed the sound and came here. Seeing her confused and unaware of her identity, he had intended to send her back to her race. Who would have thought that this little phoenix could communicate with such intelligence despite not having the least bit of cultivation. Zhao Huajun regarded her with two tenths more fondness. He lifted a finger and propped up her small head: “Clever little phoenix, since you’re unwilling to go, then follow me back to Yu Mo Heavenly Palace to cultivate.”

God! That smile is too dazzling! Tian Zhen’s head spun and deleted the indecent words from her thoughts about this course of events.

Actually, being a bird isn’t too bad…….

Zhao Huajun had been in charge of the Bird God race for many thousand years and had a heart that loved and was protective of the people. How could he know that another soul dwelled within the little phoenix’s body. He waved his hand for Chui Tian to withdraw and the fire phoenix that he was riding on slowly rose.

Its phoenix wings lightly flapped and in the blink of an eye, they had traveled 8,000 miles as they directly flew in the direction of the imperial court.

Crossing the Heavenly Ocean, the large wilderness was filled with luxuriant growth. There was dense fog spiralling among the clouds. There was a mountain and the mountain’s name was You Po. It was so tall that you couldn’t hope to see the peak. It had strange, craggy rocks and the mountain looked extremely harsh.