Little note that you should totally ignore if you’re awesome:

I received an email yesterday complaining about the updates and I… am pretty disappointed about it. I know that they have been sparse and very random lately but I have been pretty open with the current situation; I am very busy.

Most of you are amazing and supporting people, always there for the new updates and encouraging me to go on when I would rather spend my tiny free time doing nothing. Because of that, I feel kind of bad complaining about this message but it really made me sad.

My professional and personal lives are a mess and translating is a hobby. I don’t get paid and I can only do it when I have the time, which is very rare at the moment. I am exhausted, I miss my family like most of the world since 2020, and neither my husband nor I had the time to go grocery shopping this past month.

So please don’t be mean to me. I am trying my best to go back on schedule and I do not believe I deserve the complaints. If you really hate the current update frequency, let the chapters stack or eventually contact me to help with the translation.

And for the others, you amazing people, thank you so much for your love and support~ You are all incredible.

Chapter 44: Little wolf cub (1)

Sirius was currently the most popular idol male group in China and its three members, Tan Tian, Lang Xing, and Ou Qi had become some of the most famous artists of the country right after their debut. Their popularity had never gone down and in just two years, they had already won many awards and since Lang Xing had become last year Idol Competion’s dance champion, Sirius had risen to new heights again.

Anyone that could invite them as guests for the second public performance would instantly cause a huge sensation and as Qiao Dai’s fan, Ou Qi naturally wanted to help. He walked briskly to their lounge and as soon as he pushed the door open, he rushed to his teammate.

“Brother, I need to tell you something.”

Ou Qi told Tan Tian with excitement about his idea. After listening to him, Tan Tian looked apologetically at Qiao Dai and said: “I’m sorry, we have to think about it. We cannot agree right now.”

As he spoke, he looked at Ou Qi who had no choice but to nod his head before he whispered: “That… I mean…”

Ou Qi breathed deeply, a little regretful. He turned to Qiao Dai and muttered with some embarrassment: “Sister Daidai, I’m so sorry…”

Qiao Dai quickly waved her hand. The members of Sirius were all her seniors, she was already very grateful for the boy to be willing to help. How could she blame him if he couldn’t? Something must have happened to them, even their agent looked somewhat anxious; Qiao Dai realized she was intruding and after exchanging their contact information, she went to look for suitable guests.

As soon as she left, the agent sat down and frowned.

“Has anybody heard about Lang Xing?”

The two idols shook their heads. Even his teammates couldn’t get in touch with him, it seemed that Lang Xing had disappeared again.

The agent sighed. The members of Sirius were fantastic artists but their flaw was that Lang Xing was a strange character. When the group had been formed, he had added additional terms to the contract; the agency had to accept the fact that sometimes it was impossible to contact him and he had also refused to stay in the apartment rented for him.

The company had reluctantly agreed to his conditions. In the past two years, Lang Xing had not delayed any training or concert but would occasionally disappear and return after a few days. After a while, the agency had stopped caring and accepted Lang Xing was somewhat of an eccentric.

“Didn’t you say that a reporter had found his home address? Isn’t he there?”

The agent shook his head in his turn and sighed again. He shouldn’t be so anxious, Lang Xing was an adult and he was almost 190 cm tall. There were very few people that could hurt him or take advantage of him.

But where was he?


“I apologize, Miss Qiao. Your trip today was in vain.”

After leaving Sirius’ lounge, the staff had led Qiao Dai around to talk to more artists. Unfortunately, people were either unavailable or not currently in the building and needed to be contacted another day. In the end, Qiao Dai strolled around for the whole afternoon and made no progress.

“It’s okay. I’m sorry for troubling you all day.”

Qiao Dai wasn’t discouraged. She had already been prepared to find nobody today and when she heard her host, she quickly said she wasn’t disappointed.

The woman had been working here for a long time and thought it was rare to find people as patient and understanding at Qiao Dai. After all, people in the circle would inevitably become somewhat arrogant with time and stop caring about staff members like her.

She glanced at the dark sky from the big windows. Clouds had gathered and the howling wind hit the glass with a heavy sound. It was clearly about to rain.

Qiao Dai had come by car and it had been sunny when she had arrived. She didn’t bring an umbrella and Galaxy’s headquarters was built in a park. To get to a taxi, she would have to walk outside for a bit without any shelter from the rain.

“Miss Qiao, let me get you my umbrella.”

The woman went to get one from the office and handed it to her but Qiao Dai refused. She shook her head and said: “No, no, what about you?”

She wasn’t a fan of the rain because it made the ocean fierce. But she was a sea otter, what raindrop could scare her? Unlike her, ordinary people would catch a cold and get sick if they stayed too long under heavy rain.

The woman smiled and put the umbrella in Qiao Dai’s hands.

“I’m fine, I will ask my boyfriend to pick me up.”

Boyfriend. Qiao Dai blinked, a bit confused.

As she walked toward the exit, the rain gradually increased. Qiao Dai listened to the sound of the rain on the windows and slowly made her way to the lobby on the first floor. 

Chapter 44: Little wolf cub (2)

Outside was even worse than it had looked from inside the building. The road was blurry and Qiao Dai walked slowly, carefully holding the umbrella to avoid any accident.


Between the heavy noise of the rain, Qiao Dai heard a small cry and she stopped in her tracks to look around with squinted eyes. After a while, she noticed a small shadow cowering from the water.

Qiao Dai hesitated for a minute and stepped toward the cry. As she got closer, she realized the shadow was a drenched fluffy puppy. It looked somewhat unhappy and was staring at the building behind her intently.

Was it waiting for its human?

“Why are you here by yourself? Where is your master? Did you get lost?” Qiao Dai was really surprised to find a puppy in such bad weather. She couldn’t help but find it a little pitiful but also rather similar to her; she was also a small animal and it was very easy to empathize with.

The puppy was a husky with beautiful fur despite the rain and clever eyes. Despite its wet body, it couldn’t hide its strength and energy.


The puppy noticed Qiao Dai’s approach and it howled. Its eyes shrank nervously and it took a defensive posture.

“Don’t be afraid, I won’t hurt you.”

Qiao Dai waved her hand, trying to appear harmless. The dog seemed to understand her and stopped howling. It looked at her and stretched a paw forward.

Qiao Dai couldn’t bear to leave a puppy in such weather. She looked at its pitiful appearance and checked the weather forecast on her phone; the rain was announced to last for a few days. If she left it here, the little thing could get sick and die.

With such dark thoughts, she decided to bring it back to the dormitory with her. As soon as the rain would stop, she would entrust the dog to the program team, maybe have them find its owner or a family willing to adopt it.

One human and one dog braved the rain slowly with one umbrella. Because she was carrying a wet animal, no taxi wanted to let her in.

“Little girl, with such a big dog on a rainy day, which driver will take you?”

Every time a taxi stopped and noticed the dog, they all refused her fare. Not only they didn’t know whether the dog would bite, it was also soaked all over; nobody wanted to watch the all car seat.

The latest driver couldn’t bear to look at Qiao Dai, who was shaking in the cold wind. He told her the dog was a problem and if she wasn’t willing to put it in the trunk, he wouldn’t drive her either.

Because of the heavy rain, cars had their lights on and Qiao Dai stared at them in a daze, trying to find a way to get back to the dormitory. Lost in thoughts, she didn’t notice right away the vehicle that stopped in front of her. When she looked up, she instantly came back to her senses.

“Cheng Su?”

The window rolled down and revealed the handsome profile of the driver. Hearing the girl’s slightly surprised voice, Cheng Su unlocked the door.

He was weirdly not surprised to find her on the side of the road with a drenched dog, unable to get a taxi willing to take her. Hadn’t she come here to find guests for her upcoming performance? Why would she pick up a dog instead?

Cheng Su had not planned to come at first but when it had started to raid, he hadn’t been able to stop himself. And as soon as he had approached Galaxy’s headquarters, he had found this silly sea otter with a silly little puppy.

“Thank you.”

Qiao Dai carried the wet dog and placed it into the car first, before getting in too. As soon as the door closed, she immediately started to feel a little warmer.

Cheng Su looked at Qiao Dai in the rearview mirror. She was also soaked and he frowned when his gaze fell on the animal.

“This dog…”

Qiao Dai lifted her head slightly and waited for the rest of his sentence. Cheng Su quickly looked away and started the car again.

“I don’t like it.”

Qiao Dai stared at the beautiful puppy and couldn’t help but wonder why Cheng Su would dislike such a cute little thing. 

But as she watched the animal, she missed its reaction when it heard the word “dog”.


Lang Xing: … I am a wolf!