It was not the first time that she had become an evil person, and she had rather enjoyed this feeling in the past. But today, when she thought about how Ning Yu's face had turned into a mess from crying when she left, Jia Hui felt upset all over.

"Why does it feel like I'm the evil queen that forced the princess to eat the poisonous apple …"

Jia Hui muttered. The more she thought about it, the more she felt that she was the same, so she shook her head. Don't think about it, her son was still waiting for her at home.

When Jia Hui returned to Mu Qingzhi's sickroom, she pushed open the door and saw two pairs of eyes looking at her.

Jia Hui was startled: "What's wrong?"

Zhai Jing was surprised: "Sister Hua, your efficiency is so fast!"

Mu Qingzhi could tell that something was wrong when she entered the room. He put down the script in his hand and raised his head to look at her: "What happened?"

Jia Hui pursed her lips and said: "That child... "I'll take it, I didn't ask for too much."

Mu Qingzhi pursed his lips, and suddenly felt a bit bad in his heart. He had a nagging feeling that his first night was only worth two hundred thousand, and the most important thing was that he had taken out his own money to buy his first night.

"Did he say anything?"

Jia Hui shook her head silently.

Mu Qingzhi threw the script in his hand onto the bed and snorted coldly. Zhai Jing saw that his face was extremely ugly and did not understand what was wrong with this ancestor. [Firstly, she didn't bargain, secondly, she didn't court death, and thirdly, she didn't try to coerce or coerce others to do anything. Is there anything that she isn't satisfied with?]

Mu Qingzhi said coldly: "You're useless. To be able to get rid of me with such little money, who do you think I, Mu Qingzhi am?"

Zhai Jing's face was filled with realization. Oh oh oh, so the ancestors felt that she sold herself for a cheap price? Tsk tsk tsk, you can't guess what the male god is thinking.

Jia Hui opened her mouth, wanting to say something but for some reason, in the end, she did not say anything. She said: "Since the matter has been resolved, I will return first.

Mu Qingzhi was still sulking and ignored his. He waved the fingers of his right hand, allowing her to do as he pleased.

Jia Hui pursed her lips, turned around and walked out of the room.

That night, the more Mu Qingzhi thought about it, the angrier he got. He tossed and turned in his bed for a long time without being able to fall asleep, and he didn't know what was wrong with him.

Mu Qingzhi got off the bed and went out of the room to the sofa. Zhai Jing slept like a pig.

After walking around the corridor, Mu Qingzhi arrived in front of Ning Yu's sickroom. After hesitating for a moment, Mu Qingzhi pushed open the door and entered.

Mu Qingzhi walked to the nurses station, and when the drowsy nurse saw him, she immediately became clear-headed. He shouted out with infatuation, "You are really f * cking handsome, but on the surface you still maintain your professional conduct." With a smile that revealed eight teeth, he asked: "Mr. Mu, is there anything I can help you with?"

Mu Qingzhi would never have a dark face in front of outsiders, so he was relatively calm as he asked, "Where is the Mister that lives at 202? Why are you not in your room at this late hour? "

"Ah?" "Oh!" The nurse regained her senses, "That mister had already left the hospital in the evening, is there anything Mr. Mu wants to see him about?"

"He's been discharged?" Mu Qingzhi was startled, what was this? Take the money and go?

In a moment, Mu Qingzhi only felt a wave of anger rising from below, luckily he was good at acting, and did not explode on the spot in front of the nurse.

Once they were out of the safe passage, Mu Qingzhi kicked the wall heavily, swearing, "F * ck!"

Mu Qingzhi was so angry that his face turned pale white, like a ferocious ghost. He reckoned that Young Master Mu had never been treated like this since he was young, and had even secretly bought a pack of cigarettes from Zhai Jing during the day. Mu Qingzhi stood in the corridor that night, and smoked an entire pack of cigarettes.

After that, two days later, Mu Qingzhi was also discharged. He accepted the script, which was an ancient costume drama, and the character Mu Qingzhi accepted was the Orchid Ridge King. He was also a general in the Northern Qi division of the Northern Qin Dynasty, and was one of the four great beauties of the ancient era.

This kind of character was basically tailored for Mu Qingzhi. Mu Qingzhi's beauty was similar to that of a general, sharp yet not soft.

Mu Qingzhi even missed his graduation ceremony, and after four months of filming, he went to take part in a fashion week. When Mu Qingzhi returned to the city S, half a month had already passed since the last ceremony.

In the resting room, Jia Hui, who had already resumed her daily work, helped him to delete the gifts sent by the fans.

Recently, there have been fans who have asked you to have a meeting with them. I thought about it, you have indeed been a little otherworldly after these few months of traveling with the movie crew Mountain Desert. Firstly, it is to give back to the fans, and secondly, to make the relationship between you and the fans better. "Whoa!"

Jia Hui took out a car key from the pile of gifts and waved it: "Bring the car! "So generous."

Mu Qingzhi took off his shoes, and hid himself in a corner of the sofa to play games. Lovely?

Of course, that was if he didn't say anything.

Hearing Jia Hui's words, Mu Qingzhi did not even lift his head to say a word, "No!"

Jia Hui was taking a photo and preparing to post it on his Weibo. One could imagine that tomorrow's headlines on Weibo would definitely be flooded with the topic of "Mu Qingzhi's fans sending their idol sports cars".

Jia Hui also guessed that Mu Qingzhi would not take it, she just wanted to tease Mu Qingzhi, and pretended to be confused: "I cannot accept such a precious gift, but if I reject it, the hearts of the fans will be hurt, what should I do?"

Mu Qingzhi won the competition, he was in a good mood, raised his eyebrow and put down his phone, then extended his hand out to Jia Hui: "Hand it over, I'll go back and forth."

Jia Hui hesitated for a moment. Although Mu Qingzhi was a little reckless, but he always had a sense of propriety towards his own career. When he handed the phone over, Jia Hui was still worried and said: "Don't do anything rash."

Mu Qingzhi scoffed, his hands quickly typed on his phone, and Jia Hui opened his mouth to shout from the back, "Let me see after you finish writing it, then we can send it."

Mu Qingzhi's hands trembled, and he raised his head to look at Jia Hui with an innocent face: "I've already struck it rich."