TL: Cyrylle

ED: Cyrylle

PR: Vaishu

QC: Crazyformyself

The girl, who was walking against the light, had changed into a blue and white school uniform. Her facial features were not quite visible, showing only the corners of her mouth that were slightly up.

When You-You got closer, she found that Mu Qing-Xue was indeed smiling.

Her hidden smile had softened the entire facial contours, making her original cold and sharp temperament suddenly become as light as water.

Even the edges of her eyebrows seem to be tainted with that softness.

Blinking in puzzlement, You-You unconsciously bit her lip, not knowing that her movement seemed to be an act of seduction in Mu Qing-Xue’s eyes.

What an innocent little vixen.

With a growing smile on her lips, Mu Qing-Xue secretly said in her heart, this girl’s appearance was not what it seems, the face looked very pure and innocent, but that body…

But that body… is damned seductive.

Recalling those erotic scenes in her memories, Mu Qing-Xue’s eyes darkened. She put her hand into her school pants’ pocket and clenched tightly, trying to suppress her heart’s restlessness with the pain.

“Wake up! Get up and eat, I brought breakfast from the canteen.”

Approaching the bed calmly, Mu Qing-Xue looked at You-You, suddenly her eyebrows arched and she burst out laughing, “You really can sleep, just like a little pig.”

You You: ……

Faced with the continuous collapse of Mu Qing-Xue’s persona, You-You was at a loss.

Because regardless of the original plot or the plot in the derivative version, it seems that Mu Qing-Xue has never laughed so happily and freely before.

Her smile was always shallow and restrained.

Just like her.

“Hmm? Why don’t you talk? Did you become stupid? Still sleepy?”

Mu Qing-Xue’s teasing voice— with a hint of flirtation— suddenly echoed over her head, and in the next second, You-You felt that the beautiful face in front of her was infinitely magnified. She could smell the faint cold fragrance wafting from Mu Qing-Xue’s body between her breaths.

The two were face to face and very close to each other.

So close that they could see themselves in each other’s eyes.

Abruptly blushing a burst of red, You-You’s lips trembled slightly, but did not say anything.

“Tsk, so red in the face, are you sick, or are you shy?”