With a grim smile on her icy face, Mu Qing-Xue clenched the flyer in her hand tightly and bit her lower lip harshly in self-abuse.

A faint, rusty taste spilled in her mouth, and Mu Qing-Xue stretched her tongue out to lick it. The fishy taste made her frown.

Sure enough, her own blood isn’t delicious but…

Hers should be delicious right?

Licking her crimson lips, Mu Qing-Xue stared at a distance not far away. With the figure of a short person standing under the sun—white and glowing, smiling like an angel—the dark thoughts in Mu Qing-Xue’s mind nearly drove her insane.

How naughty.

She’s obviously already hooked up with me, why seduce others?

Is it because I’m not a man? Or is it because I’m not as rich as they are?

Looking down at herself, Mu Qing-Xue’s eyes turned dull as she saw the inferior clothes hugging her body, affirming her thoughts that You-You must be disgusted with her due to her financial status.

“Ha, Ha, Ha”

A series of cold, eerie laughter flowed from Mu Qing-Xue’s mouth.

She tightened her grip on the flyers until her veins were visible, her knuckles protruding. Her aura became depressed and dull as if it was being restrained for a long time and would just explode any second now.

She obviously knew that the two of them were from different worlds, so why did her heart hurt so bad at that moment?

At first, she treated her as prey that had aroused her curiosity, so why did she feel so much pain because of a mere prey’s betrayal?

“Mu Qing-Xue, you’re really stupid to be fooled by a scheming, two-faced girl. And you even actually want to spend a lifetime with her and work hard to make money so that she can live a good life?”

“Ha, people don’t even care about you anyway, okay?”

“She’s just playing with you to see you making a fool of yourself and acting like a clown.”

Mu Qing-Xue constantly murmured words of sarcasm and mockery to herself. Then, she suddenly looked at her clear palm and pressed her index finger to her lips.

“As a traitor, you should obediently accept punishment right?”

Anyway, I won’t let her go.

Followed by Wei Yang and Ji Lin, You-You entered the haunted house. You-You didn’t know that Mu Qing-Xue had become blackened. Now there’s another godly brain ability.

Meanwhile, Xixi in the system space:

She shivered as she looked at the ‘blackened’ value which was nearly full.

It’s over… her host is definitely going to be tormented!


‘Xi Xi, the haunted house is so fun! Have you ever played in one?’

Unknowingly having interrupted the system in her excitement, You-You stared at the various gory and bloody scenes in the haunted house without blinking.

Various screams of excitement and fear from men and women assaulted their ears, nearly shattering their eardrums. You-You looked at the headless ghosts, long-tongued ghosts, and bloody staff who suddenly appeared before them, and excitedly grabbed Ji lin’s coat.

‘Xi Xi, Xi Xi, you wait, I’ll have some fun first then come back, hehehehe.’


Host, you’re not going to die if you don’t seek death!

You can’t just focus on playing around and throw the task target to the back of your head ah~ Hello?!

Noticing You-You’s actions, Ji Lin had thought that she was frightened, so he held her wrist.

He pulled You-You into his arms and began to warn the ghosts in a cold voice, filled with displeasure.

“Stop scaring her, otherwise we can have a match right now.”

After a pause, he spoke again. This time, his voice was lighter.

“I was a champion in national high school sparring, and I’m a karate champion too.”

You-You, Wei Yang: …….

The crowd of fake ghosts and people eating melon seeds: ……..

Powerful, awesome, and someone who shouldn’t be messed around with, thumbs up!

After being escorted out of the haunted house by staff, the depressed You-You stared at Ji Lin bitterly. This guy is just like that guy Bai Qu…

Ji Lin was a little embarrassed when You-You stared at him like that. He touched his nose as he pondered his abnormal actions today. Normally, he was a cold-tempered person. Besides Wei Yang, even to the Ji family parents, he had always maintained a calm disposition. He acted as if he had nothing to do with the Ji family despite being their son.

Petting the girl’s head, Ji Lin found the feeling quite comfortable and continued doing it for a while. As he continued to rub her head, his heart became a little tender.

“Ahem, are we going to the restaurant next?”

Seeing Wei Yang’s strange look towards him, Ji Lin stiffly took back his hand silently.

Even his voice was deliberately cold and indifferent.

No, I don’t want this!

You-You secretly rolled her eyes and thought to herself that she must get rid of Wei Yang and Ji Lin. Otherwise, how would she be able to play properly at all?

You You looked around, and her eyes flickered as they swept past Mu Qing Xue, who had been watching their interactions.

In a lightbulb moment, You-You ran over to Mu Qing-Xue, her tone, expression, and attitude appearing very affectionate.

“Student Qing-Xue, did you also come here to play? It must be fate that we met here, so how about we stay together hmm?”

The girl in her arms was looking very beautiful, and as always, had an effect on her. However, this time it was different. Indeed quite different.

With calm eyes, Mu Qing-Xue looked closely into You-You’s clear and bright eyes, however, her expression was a bit distant. It was as though she was looking through You-You.

Mu Qing-Xue agreed softly, and her lips hooked up into a smile. Even her eyes shone a little.


Without noticing the change in Qing-Xue, You-You nodded and quickly turned to Ji Lin and Wei Yang with a smile, “Thank you for hanging out with me today, but I’ll be with Classmate Qing-Xue now, so…”

You guys should hurry up and leave now!

Everyone except Mu Qing-Xue understood the girl’s underlying meaning, and Ji Lin pursed his lips. However, Wei Yang stopped him from saying what he wanted to say.

“Hey Ji Lin, if we don’t leave, won’t we be late?!”

Ji Lin: …….

“I got it.”

With a slight sigh, Ji Lin looked at You-You, then at Mu Qing-Xue, then his gaze shifted back to You-You again.

—— “Don’t play games that are too exciting, don’t eat things that are too spicy or sour, and you’re not allowed to play past nine o’clock in the evening without going back home, you also can’t…”

A long list of things she wasn’t allowed to do was narrated to You-You, who bitterly buried her head in Mu Qing-Xue’s shoulder, reminding herself that she hadn’t heard anything, and that this was only an illusion. Damn fake rascal.

After waiting for the silence, You-You secretly glanced up, and pleasantly found that Ji Lin and Wei Yang were no longer there.

“Classmate Qing-Xue, shall we go back into the haunted house?”

After saying that, without waiting for Mu Qing-Xue;s reply, You-You dragged her over to the stall to buy tickets, coaxing: “The haunted house is really fun, Classmate Qing-Xue, you’ll really like it.” As for Ji Lin, You-You thought to herself that Bai Qu and Ji Lin might…

Hehe, she doesn’t know oh~

Looking at her wrist that was tightly gripped in the girl’s hand, Mu Qing-Xue’s gaze softened for a moment before it became cold and hard.

The haunted house was very familiar to Mu Qing-Xue who had been working in the amusement park for several months. She had even played some of the fake ghosts who You-You was praising several times.

So, when she discovered that You-You’s attention was on the unsightly, bloody, and gory props that were inferior to her, she couldn’t stand it. Walking over to a secluded corner with You-You, she kissed You-You into silence.


Why can’t she focus all her attention on me?!

Honestly, why can’t you just look at me?!

Why do you still want to seduce and attract others so unscrupulously?!

Why must you make me angry?!

The kiss was filled with boundless anger, and their lips and teeth intertwined. However, after a while, a faint taste of blood came from You-You’s mouth and wafted into Mu Qing-Xue’s, permeating her tongue.

After tasting You-You, Mu Qing-Xue exerted more force and broke through her tongue. The taste of blood got even stronger.

“Wu Wu… ”

You-You was very surprised. She had been caught off guard.

At first, she blinked blankly. However, when she came back to her senses, she struggled hard, while asking XI Xi for help.

‘Xi Xi, what’s wrong with Mu Qing-Xue? I don’t like this.’

[Host, the task target is currently emotionally unstable, so comfort her, go along with her, and try not to resist her.]

Seeing that the blackening bar had gone down a little, Xixi spoke more sincerely.

[Seriously host, you must not irritate the task target anymore.]

Irritate? When did she irritate her?

Puzzled, You-You sucked in a deep breath and turned pale. Her tongue had been bitten, and she broke out into a cold sweat.

Seriously, it’s too painful, wifey~

Because Xixi told her to stop struggling, You-You stilled and timidly hugged Mu Qing-Xue’s waist, trying to recall the white lotus appearance in her mind so that she could use it. But at that same time, You-You was already tearing up.

It seemed like she would shed tears at any moment.

It was just a pity that You-You’s docile behavior didn’t restrain Mu Qing-Xue.

She. Was. Addicted. To. This. Girl. And. Her. Beautiful Taste. Unable to extricate herself from her, her reason gradually lost in the fight with lust and desire.

A hand trailed down to the girl’s waist and reached within. You-You was startled, and hot teardrops started streaming down her cheeks.

Some also got dropped on Mu Qing-Xue’s face.

The tears awakened Mu Qing-Xue, and she pulled away from You-You’s face, wiping her tears and asking coldly: “Why are you crying?”