Bai Qu and Xixi.

These two names were enough to make her seethe with hatred.

If on that day she could convince herself that mentioning Bai Qu’s name was merely a coincidence, how could she now find any reason to deceive herself?!

Her chest heaved violently, and her vision darkened, but Fu Shu forced herself to endure the discomfort and stepped into the room, closing the door behind her.

Then, with a rough and extremely violent motion, she grabbed You You by the collar and dragged her to the couch.

The actions were crude and violent.

“Waah, waah, waah, waah, waah!”

Youyou’s face turned crimson, crying even louder.

Her fair and delicate neck was quickly marked with a red imprint from the fabric, and there were faint traces of broken skin.

“Waah, waah, waah, waah, waah!”

“Bai Qu, Bai Qu.”

Sobbing uncontrollably, Youyou cried out Bai Qu’s name, her pain and fear tearing at her heart. Fu Shu threw her onto the couch in a disheveled state, and Youyou dared not resist. Transparent teardrops quickly blurred her face.

[Host, host, don’t be afraid. She doesn’t intend to kill you, really.]

Anxiously pacing within the system space, Xixi wished she could kill this woman who was tormenting the host. But now their levels were too low, and they hadn’t even activated the system shop, let alone exchange for any lethal weapons.

Xixi tried to console the host in a panic, her wings trembling more frequently.

“Waah, waah—Xixi, it hurts.”

Disregarding Xixi’s comfort, Youyou curled up on the couch, crying louder. “I want Bai Qu, I want to go home.”

In the silent night, the girl’s loud cries were particularly piercing. Fu Shu, consumed by anger, smirked and pressed herself against You You.

A fair hand directly grasped the girl’s neck, preventing her from crying any further. Fu Shu tightened her grip, satisfied to see the girl’s face contort.

Fear filled the girl’s eyes as she looked at Fu Shu.

“Ark! Arghh!”

Youyou, who had never experienced such treatment before, was completely petrified by now.

Her face showed agony, her eyes clouded, transparent tears streaming down continuously. Some even traced her cheeks, dropping onto Fu Shu’s hand.

“Tsk, how pitiful.”

A barely audible sigh echoed in the living room.

A gentle and intimate whisper.

Fu Shu smiled softly, but her eyes were as cold as a snake’s hiss. “Look at these tears, they make even me feel sorry for you.”

She used her index finger to wipe the corners of Youyou’s eyes.

Fu Shu’s lips curved slightly, but her grip tightened.

She seemed to be venting her frustration, using just enough force to cause pain without causing harm to You You, slowly wiping away the increasingly fierce streaks of tears.

At the same time, her hand that rested on You You’s neck remained firm.


With a burning sensation on her face and unable to cry, Youyou broke down, choking and hiccuping, and the trend seemed unstoppable.

Fu Shu:…

“Stop crying!”

“Shut up!”

Her hand could clearly feel the spasms and tremors in the girl’s throat. Fu Shu loosened her grip, her face stern as she shouted, each time harsher than the previous.


With a clear airway, Youyou immediately burst into tears.

That sharp, piercing voice first afflicted Fu Shu, who was closest to her.

Her expression changed, and she decisively covered the girl’s mouth with her hand, preventing herself from hearing that annoying, mind-piercing voice that made her want to kill.

“Bai Youyou, do you really want to die?”

Her dark eyes locked onto the girl’s teary, misty gaze. Fu Shu’s tone was chilling, filled with a warning.

“If you want to die, keep crying. I’ll send you straight to hell.”


Waaah, it’s so scary.

Seeing that the girl finally heeded her words and tried to endure without crying, Fu Shu relaxed her brows and expression, but it quickly turned gloomy again.

“Why won’t you leave me alone?”

She lightly tilted the girl’s chin, speaking through clenched teeth.

“One time wasn’t enough for you to play with me? Now you want to keep messing with me?”

“Bai Youyou, what the hell do you think love is? You love when you feel like it, and you betray when you feel like it?!… What, am I, Fu Shu, really inferior to that Bai Qu, your beloved ‘brother’?!… You’re so infatuated with that wretched man?!”

Visions of their affectionate moments with that man flashed before her eyes, and a hint of crimson flickered in Fu Shu’s eyes, making her expression even more terrifying.

Using her body to forcefully pin the girl in the corner of the couch, Fu Shu stared closely at the girl who was within arm’s reach, suddenly emitting a cold laughter.

“Oh, wait, you’ve changed now. Your appearance has changed, and even your name has changed. So, what happened? Did your all-powerful ‘brother’ not want you anymore? Did he dump you?”

“Mmph, mmph.”

Completely unable to understand what Fu Shu was saying, Youyou pushed her away with both hands, trying to keep her distance.

Bad guy!

Bad woman!

An even more detestable scoundrel than Ling Ya!

“Bai… You… You!”

Fu Shu grabbed the girl’s hand, which was fumbling around, her face turning pale. She looked at Youyou with an unfriendly expression. “Are you always so unsatisfied?”

“Don’t Bai Qu and Ling Ya satisfy you?”

Thanks to Su Ling’s big mouth, Youyou was familiar with the meaning of the term “unsatisfied.” Her face twisted slightly for a moment. When her mouth was finally free, she vehemently shouted, “You’re the one who’s unsatisfied! Bai Qu is my brother! My blood brother! How can you say that! I hate you, you monster!”

This person cursed Bai Qu to die last time, and now she’s talking about Bai Qu like this. She really, really hated her, didn’t she?!

Seeing the tears that had already stopped start to fall again, Fu Shu, disregarding her own shock, instinctively shouted again.

“Stop crying, I’m sorry!”

Seeing the girl standing there in shock, Fu Shu cleared her throat and glared at Youyou obliquely. “But before that, I have a question for you.”

With a mess of tangled thoughts in her mind that she urgently wanted to unravel, Fu Shu set a rule before You You could speak. “Listen, you must truthfully answer whatever I ask next. Otherwise, I will strip you naked and throw you onto the streets.”

Youyou’s pupils contracted at the words, immediately nodding in fear.


Seeing the girl’s faint smile as a reward, Fu Shu asked the question she most wanted to know: “Bai Qu is really your full brother?”

Youyou nodded.

Fu Shu:…

The smile on her face almost couldn’t be maintained. Fu Shu felt a throbbing pain in her head, a headache that made her temples pulse.

She forcibly composed herself and asked again, “You have a system named Xixi, and right now, it’s bound to Bai Youyou’s body, not the other way around, is that correct?”

You You consulted Xixi’s opinion and nodded.

“Other than in this world, have you seen me before?”

Based on the answer provided by the system, Youyou shook her head.

With a face that confirmed her suspicions, Fu Shu pursed her lips and asked the final question unhappily, “Is your target this time Ling Ya?”

Youyou nodded.

Afterward, a long silence fell over the room. Fu Shu didn’t speak, and Youyou didn’t dare to breathe too loudly.

As a result, when Fu Shu finished integrating all the information in her mind, she realized that Youyou had curled up on the sofa and fallen asleep.

It’s hard to describe the feeling.

Fu Shu’s heart was still in turmoil.

She loved her, and yet she hated her. She wanted to teach her a lesson, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it.

Whether it was before or after being dumped, Fu Shu had secretly arranged for several attempts on Bai Qu’s life, but not a hair on his head had been touched.

A buzzing vibration interrupted Fu Shu’s thoughts.

She answered the phone, and her voice returned to normal.

“Fu Shu, have you seen Youyou? Is she okay?”

Calling at such an opportune time, Ling Ya’s tone sounded extremely anxious to Fu Shu. “Let Youyou answer the phone, or tell her not to turn off her phone.”

“She’s sleeping.”

Her tone was somewhat cold.

Fu Shu thought for a moment and added, “Don’t worry, before she fell asleep, her mood had already calmed down. I reckon she’ll be fine when she wakes up tomorrow.”

“Thank you, Fu Shu.”

“Oh, you’re welcome.”

With the same two sentences, the meanings were remarkably different. Fu Shu smirked sarcastically as she closed her phone, secretly remarking that this woman was just as foolish as she had been in the past.

— Both of them had been deceived by this hypocritical white lotus.

Taking a deep breath, Fu Shu shifted her gaze back to the girl in front of her. Her eyes flickered, but she still bent down and lifted her up, placing her on the bed in the bedroom.

The girl had cried hard just a moment ago, so she was disheveled. Fu Shu frowned upon seeing this and without much thought, she stripped her clothes off and carried her into the bathroom, placing her in the bathtub for a thorough wash. After cleaning her up, she returned her to the bed.

In the system space, Xixi was desperately trying to comfort You You.

Tears welled up in its eyes, and its entire cat face looked pitiful and evoked sympathy.

【Host, please don’t be sad anymore, okay?】

【Seeing the host cry, Xixi can’t help but want to cry too.】

【Host, host…】

With a pleading and cajoling tone, the system finally made You You look up. She had red eyes and was trying hard to stop crying, but her voice still sounded a bit gloomy.

‘Xixi, how did I suddenly come back?’

【It’s the points, host. One point allows the host to stay in the system space for ten minutes, but once the time is up, the host will still have to go back.】

Youyou: …

Just the thought of going back and being bullied by that big demon Fu Shu made Youyou’s expression even more desolate.

She sat on the bed, curled up into a small ball, resting her head on her arm. She said, ‘Then I’ll wait until that big demon leaves before I go back. I don’t want to see her.’

【Alright, host.】

Xixi calculated the accumulated points, which amounted to six points per hour, and let out a silent sigh.

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