Chapter 236: Wiping All Out

Name:Live Dungeon! Author:
Chapter 236: Wiping All Out

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Orbis did not pursue the retreating Explorers. Instead, he focused on deflecting the arrows shot by Christia. Tsutomu, having anticipated that Orbis would launch a strategically targeted attack like he did against Eunice earlier, wore a perplexed expression.

“What’s with him? I was certain he would attack,” Eunice said, now holding the Black Staff with her left hand instead of her tail, her expression echoing Tsutomu’s confused look as she flew beside him.

“...Who knows? He must have something planned.”

The moment when the Shield was opened to let the Explorers in seemed like the perfect opportunity for Orbis to strike, yet he let it pass and retreated instead.

“...That guy obviously countered Leon’s moves so effectively before. Why would someone like that miss such a golden opening? It makes no sense!”

“True,” Tsutomu gave a noncommittal response as he took another look at the Shield perimeter.

They surrounded the Royal Capital in multiple layers, opening one by one to let the Explorers inside for evacuation. Even after landing, Tsutomu and Eunice remained on guard, expecting an attack, but almost anticlimactically so, nothing even close to that happened.

“Hey! That’s the Potion I drank! You were just about to drink it, weren’t you!?” Eunice exclaimed as she saw Tsutomu holding a vial.

“The one you chugged like a damned glutton is this other one, idiot.”

“You just want to share an indirect kiss with me!! Your intentions are crystal clear!! Even if not now, you’ll definitely do it later!!”

“Oh, shut up,” Tsutomu sighed.

Their banter over Blue Potion highlighted the ease with which the Explorers were evacuating. Holding the untouched Blue Potion vial, Tsutomu looked down at Eunice, his disdain toward the latter’s intrusive thoughts evident in his eyes.

“It’s your fault for running out of energy in the first place. Can’t you even say thanks for the Potion you DID drink? A White Mage over level seventy running out of energy like that is unheard of — or what, should I have just left you there?”

“Uh, w-well... Sorry about that...”

“And come to think of it, why didn’t you support Leon with your dumplings from the start? Really, most of Golden Tune really turns their brains off when it comes to him... Maybe this is why you haven’t been able to beat the Winter General yet.”

“...I know,” Eunice muttered, tears welling up in her eyes.

Noticing that, Tsutomu crouched slightly to level his line of sight with Eunice’s.

“You said you couldn’t use the dumpling skill for multiple people at first. But you did it, didn’t you? Sure, you’re not as good a Healer as Stephanie or Lorena, but you’ve ARE my student and even invented your own skill. You’re a good enough Healer, I’d say.”


Eunice, her breath hitching, calmed herself and listened as Tsutomu continued.

“So, stop losing your head over Leon and strengthen your resolve. If you don’t get a hold of yourself here and now, Leon is going to die. There will be times to use your dumplings again. When that time comes, make sure to support Leon properly.”

“...I know.”

Eunice, now looking wide awake, met Tsutomu’s gaze. He proceeded to groan dismissively and turned away. He did not want to help her, but in this situation, not making her useful would put him at risk too. Eunice, angry at his reluctant advice, let go of the Black Staff and pounced on his back.

“Mark my words! I’m definitely going to surpass you someday! Just you wait!” she shouted.

“I’ve heard you say that way too much. I’m not waiting,” Tsutomu replied, irritated despite her light weight as she clung to his back.

In that state, they continued moving forward with the line, eventually making it inside the Shield perimeter.

Inside the perimeter, alongside the citizens evacuated from the monster-infested Royal Capital, were members of Ealdred Crow and many other Clan members from the Labyrinth Conquerors. Over a hundred Explorers had gathered, including Stephanie, Pollux, Bittman, and the reinforcements sent to the Royal Capital such as Garm and Diniel.

[Why is SHE staring at me?]

Among the crowd, Hannah, hidden behind Daryl’s large frame, kept sneaking glances at Tsutomu. Her fearful look, as if she expected a scolding, almost made Tsutomu lose his composure. Stephanie, too, was watching with wide eyes, but Tsutomu did not notice as he was focused on Hannah.

“You better put it to good use.”

“...Heh, just you watch. You may handle the Black Staff well, but I’m still the best!”

Tsutomu almost laughed at her sudden cheerfulness. Noticing Cecilia smiling at the exchange, he nodded and spoke to her.

“Thank you for organizing the healers from Golden Tune earlier. You really saved us.”

“Oh, no, that was nothing special...”

“From what I’ve seen, you can handle a variety of skills and perform well as a Healer. We’ll be counting on you from now on as well.”

“Y-yes, of course...” Cecilia stammered, bowing her head, somewhat off-put by Tsutomu’s uncharacteristic genuine smile.

After briefly speaking to other Clan members, a call came from Christia in the sky, summoning all long-range Attackers.

“Just you watch — I’m not the same as before!”

[Yeah, right, I saw enough on the Pedestals to know that.]

Alma, gripping the Black Staff tightly, marched off with determination. Tsutomu watched her fly off, waving lightly. Then, he returned to Absolute Helix, noting that Leleia and Diniel were already heading to their designated positions.

“This thing can stretch quite a bit, huh,” Tsutomu remarked as the Shield perimeter started caving in under the assault of the monsters.

“It’s a bit unsettling...” Daryl agreed as he saw the Shield, like rubber, stretched to its limit.

The Shield magic that had repelled even the Devourer Dragon’s charge now held back tens of thousands of monsters, and its durability was being fortified with each passing moment. Though the monsters’ own weight kept the Shield in place for now, everyone could guess what would happen once the tension broke.

Meanwhile, Christia led the long-range attack squad, preparing for a coordinated assault. The previous volley of skills had obliterated tens of thousands of monsters, instantly creating a mountain of corpses.

Among the attack squad was Alma, wielding the black staff, who stood out with her unmatched firepower, capable of annihilating thousands of monsters on her own. Alongside her were Diniel, the top archer, and numerous other high-level Attackers, ready for battle.

[She could treat it with more respect... But I guess it’s still better than her hugging it in her sleep like a body pillow.]

Tsutomu narrowed his eyes as he watched Alma skillfully twirl the Black Staff with one hand, a far cry from the way she used to cradle it. Since he still had at least some degree of attachment to the staff, seeing it handled so carelessly irked him.

“Brooklyn, are you ready?” asked the head of the House Babenberg, who was fortifying the stretching Shield.

“No problem,” Brooklyn Kantjelucia replied, her sharp eyes focused on the sky above.

High above the mass of monsters, a set of sharp, transparent Shields, hung ready like a guillotine.

“Long-range attack squad, prepare to fire. Wait for my signal,” Christia commanded upon confirming that the nobles were ready.

Explorers prepared Blue Potions, knights loaded Magic Stones into their tools, and close-range attackers stood by, ready to deploy.

“Let’s go,” Brooklyn said to the head of House Babenberg.

She released the sharpened Shield magic she had kept suspended in the air. The monsters below had no time to react as they sliced through them from above.

With the equilibrium broken, the built-up force in the Shield suddenly released. Monsters were thrown back by the rebounding Shield, their bodies joining the dead ones previously crushed by the guillotine. Simultaneously, Brooklyn disengaged the entire front section of the Shield.


At Christia’s command, the Explorers unleashed their skills in unison. The ensuing explosion echoed through the battlefield, and the monsters were swept away like debris in a tidal wave.


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