A big bubble floats up and disappears from the dock for building a gigantic beast type magic construct.

From the bridge over the dock, I looked up at the 100 meter, clock tower class Arachne magic construct under construction.

Progressing to the second stage of the construction, its shoulder was sticking out of the 10-meter-deep dock. Looking at it from behind, it looks like a giant taking a bath.

Maa, its 6-meter big head with eight eyeballs on it might look like a monster getting out of the swamp from the front.

「However, when I look at it again, it’s really big. It’s so big that I have to look up at it even though it’s only from the shoulders up.」

「The army is planning to build a city on the back of the magic construct in the end.」

「Uhee, a moving city? I’m someone who get quite motion sickness so I don’t think I could live there.」

Professor Marino of the Magic Construct Laboratory and I, his assistant, were making final adjustments to the control stakes to be driven into this thing while we chatted about such things.

Although the cause of the problem has not yet been elucidated, beast type magic constructs are created by human hands but if they live long enough, they will acquire an ego.

As you can imagine, if a magic construct of this size moves in the wrong way, a city will be destroyed…..

Therefore, it was decided to put a control stake into the magic construct from the start to prevent it from acquiring an ego.

「Then…..let’s start」


The work began with Professor Marino’s signal. I crossed over to the magic constructs shoulder with a ladder from the bridge.

「Nerve check」

「Nerve check, start」

I cast a detecting spell on the magic construct’s neck and confirmed the location of the nerves that were to be bypassed.

The Arachne, which is a humanoid upper body on top of a spider’s body, has nerves and muscles similar in structure to those of humans.

I checked the motor nerves running from the magic construct’s brain to the dorsal side and after marking the break where the control stage would be inserted, I returned to the bridge.

「Nerve check, complete」

「All clear, good」


「Incision, start」

At the professor’s signal, the two students, both from the magic construct lab, rolled up their arms and moved from the bridge to the magic construct’s shoulder.

One of them moved a big steel scalpel, which was made for this purpose, to the magic construct’s neck by levitating it.

The other one makes the floating steel scalpel vibrate. The two students control it slowly and cut a slit in the magic construct’s neck.

The neck is nearly four meters thick and because this Arachne is designed for combat, it’s even more difficult to find the right balance of strength.

Of course, even though it’s sturdy, it’s not strong enough to withstand offensive magic, which is why they are taking this roundabout method.

It would be pointless to cut too deep into the head and cause it to fall off.

The use of magic is a matter of necessity with some fields being suited for it and others not so much.

「Incision, complete」

「Incision, clear. Control stakes, insert.」

The one who’ll do the most important work is the one in charge.

Professor Marino magically levitated the control stake and inserted it into the neck slit according to the blueprint.

「Insertion, complete」

「Regeneration spell, start」

「Regeneration spell, complete」

I casted healing magic little by little into the surface of the magic construct’s skin.

If I heal the wound all at once, the control stake will be pulled out so just close the edges of the wound and let the rest of the wound heal naturally.

In such a state, a normal creature would probably die but this is not enough to kill a magic construct.

It is not yet known why they don’t die.

In fact, it has been less than ten years since I created the magic crystal exchangeable long lived magic construct and no one knows if magic constructs have any other deaths besides running out of magic crystal and reaching the endurance limit.

To begin with, even though it has a structure similar to existing animals and acquires ego, it is honestly questionable whether the concept of life, let alone healing, exists for a magic construct, which is a man-made creature that operates only with magic power.

We are using something we don’t fully understand to the fullest.

Maybe someday, mankind will be stroked with a painful blow due to his arrogance…..let’s hope that time will happen after my and my children’s generation.

I prayed to god I didn’t believe in much as I looked at the black fluid mixed with gold particles flowing from the puncture wound of the control stake.