CH 26

Name:Living Together Author:
Chapter 26 - She Doesn’t Let Me Say It

Translator: Superbulat

While Wen Jin streamed himself playing games, Jiang Wan went out to clean after catching up on sleep.

The clothes and bedsheets hadn’t been washed yet. She threw them in the washing machine and cleaned up the kitchen.

After nearly an hour of cleaning work, she returned to her room.

She sat on the bed for a few moments before unlocking her phone. While biting her lip, she typed in Wen Jin’s name, clicked ‘follow’, and entered Wen Jin’s stream.

Wen Jin didn’t like to talk when he was playing games. Jiang Wan stared at him for five minutes, and he had only spoken one word in total.


Jiang Wan: “…”

She didn’t know how to play games and couldn’t understand them. She only knew he appeared to be very skilled. The screen was full of comments that said, ‘Jin-ge is so handsome’. After some thought, she hesitantly typed a line of words and clicked ‘send’.

【Want something to drink?】

She thought that her comment would be drowned in the sea of bullet chats, but unexpectedly, Wen Jin noticed it.

He stared at her ID for a moment before looking in the direction of the camera and saying,

“I want.”

The entire bullet chat exploded:

【Ah Jin, why did you suddenly look at me and say ‘you want’? What do you want? Ahhh! I’m not ready yet!】

【The commenter above, stop being shameless! Ah Jin was clearly talking to me! Hubby, I’ll be right there!】

【Honey, I have cleaned myself and lay down on the bed! Come on! Don’t take pity on this delicate flower!】

【Chicken coop warning!】1

【You guys are crazy, aren’t you? Ah Jin was clearly replying to the fan with the ID I’m Wanwan (婉婉), not Wanwan (碗碗). She asked him if he wanted a drink, to which Ah Jin replied ‘I want’… Wait a minute, I seemed to have discovered something extraordinary!!】

【Oh crap! Could I’m Wanwan (婉婉), not Wanwan (碗碗) be his girlfriend?!!!!!】

【No way?!!?!】

During the game, Wen Jin glanced at the comments on the screen, pondered for a moment, and said, “She doesn’t let me say it.”



【Holy fuck! She really is! ! Brothers- I mean, sisters! Go! Go find out who she is!】

【I have looked into her! She’s an ASMR streamer who has never shown her face on camera!】

【She started doing livestreams half a year ago and only has around 20,000 followers.】

【Then she’s doomed. Tens of millions of our troops will surround her soon.】

Jiang Wan was pouring Wen Jin a drink in the kitchen.

She poured a glass of orange juice, then gently opened Wen Jin’s room door, went in quietly, and placed the drink by his hand while avoiding the camera.

Wen Jin took a look at her, reached for the glass, and took a sip.

The fans blew up again when they saw this scene:

【Ah Jin! Is that woman next to you now?! Let us see her!!!!】

【She even brought him a drink. That woman is really the one who lives with Ah Jin!】

【I’m jealous!!!!!】

【What kind of woman is she?! Hubby! Let me have a look at her so I can give up!】

Jiang Wan was about to walk out when she heard Wen Jin speak, his bass voice unusually low and sexy,

“I can’t.”

“She’ll be angry.”

The fans went crazy.

【Ahhhhh! Who the hell is it?! How did she get Wen Jin to be so obedient to her?!】

【I’m so jealous that my body is breaking apart!】

【Why does such a handsome man dotes on his girlfriend so much?! I’m going to beat up my boyfriend now!】

【Wait for me, the commenter upstairs. I want to smash my man’s dog head too! Jin-ge is so perfect T.T I’m envious of his girlfriend!】

Jiang Wan was completely perplexed. She went back to her room and looked at her phone, wanting to see what Wen Jin was talking about.

But then she saw a screen full of comments mentioning her ID, followed by two red words in capital letters — ‘I’M JEALOUS’.

Her phone was still vibrating, alerting her that she had gained new followers.

She clicked on her page puzzledly and discovered that in the time she went out to pour a glass of juice, she had gained…100,000 followers.

Her phone was still vibrating.

The numbers were still rising.

Stunned, she dashed into Wen Jin’s room, pointed to her phone, and mouthed to him, “Fans. Many of your fans are following me.”

Wen Jin cast a glance at her, then at the camera, and said in his deep voice,

“Don’t ask her questions about sexual impulses or how many times a night.”

He looked very serious. “She will get angry.”

Jiang Wan: “…”

The bullet chat was full of comments spamming:

【Help! My tears are bursting out!】

【Pfft hahahahahahahaha!】

【I’m crazy laughing hahahahahaha!】