CH 46

Name:Living Together Author:
On their way back, Jiang Wan kept crying.

Wen Jin bought chocolates and gave them to her, but who knew that when Jiang Wan saw this, she cried even more.

“Why are you crying?” He wiped her tears away.

Jiang Wan had always thought that, except for her, everyone else’s parents loved their children, but after seeing Wen Jin, she realized that he might be even worse off than her, and that made her really sad.

The trick of buying chocolates to coax someone was what the policeman had told Wen Jin when they went to the police station previously.

He remembered it to this day.

What he knew were either things he had read on the internet or learned from other people’s mouths.

He had no common sense at all.

He didn’t even know how to be shy.

His way of getting along with people was one of fairness and equality.

The more Jiang Wan thought about it, the more she felt that Wen Jin was a child who grew up in a cage.

Just like her. She had been imprisoned for nine years, and when she was released, she had forgotten how to communicate normally with other people.

She lowered her head and wiped her nose. With a nasal voice, she asked, “Wen Jin, did you live here before?”

Wen Jin nodded. “Mhm.”

“I want to see where you used to live.”

She wanted to know what had happened to him.

Wen Jin looked at her for a moment and asked, “After seeing it, will you stop crying?”

Jiang Wan’s heart ached, and her eyes were about to turn red again. She gave a firm nod. “Mhm.”

They arrived at a residential area near the city center that required a face scan to enter. When Wen Jin held Jiang Wan’s hand and walked in, the machine couldn’t recognize his face, so he had to register at the guard house.

The security guard stared at Wen Jin for a while, unable to recognize him, but when he saw Wen Jin’s name, he suddenly asked, “You’re Professor Wen’s son, right?”

Wen Jin nodded expressionlessly.

The security guard slapped his own thigh. “Oh! I knew it! You look quite similar to your father. You’ve been away for years, more than ten years, am I right?”

“Seven years,” Wen Jin replied.

He was nineteen years old when he made money from playing games, bought a house in Haicheng, and moved out. He had never returned since.

“Ah, seven years.” The security uncle sighed and asked, “Aiya, are you moving back in?”

Wen Jin stopped responding to him and led Jiang Wan toward the neighborhood.

Jiang Wan waved the old security guard goodbye with a smile before following Wen Jin inside.

The security guard stood at the door, looked at Wen Jin’s back, and shook his head. “Sigh, he’s a good kid, but…too bad……”

As he sighed, another security guard came over, and the security uncle immediately told him, “You’re late today, so you missed out on this! Professor Wen’s son has returned!”

“Professor Wen’s son? Ah! Is that the sleepwalking genius?” The man was astonished.

“That’s right! He’s the one!”

“Is he cured now?” the man asked.

“I’m not sure, but I see that the boy is getting more handsome and even bringin his girlfriend home, so he’s probably all cured now.”

The man was even more surprised. “He even has a girlfriend now? I thought that he had some sort of emotional deficiency or something. Is that cured as well?”

“I don’t know, but he still doesn’t really talk to people.”

“Then he hasn’t been cured yet. Sigh, what a pity.”

Wen Jin walked in after entering the password to open the front door.

The large living room had very simple decorations, with a leather sofa, a transparent coffee table, and no television. Apart from the potted plants, Jiang Wan was drawn to the dozens of transparent fish tanks.

She changed into house shoes, and from a distance, she saw that almost every table nearby had a large glass tank placed on them with green plants inside.

She curiously asked, “Why do you have so many money plants?”

Wen Jin took a glance at the plants. There was no emotion on his face.

“Those are not money plants.”

“They’re the organic vegetables they grew.”

The shoes in Jiang Wan’s hand abruptly dropped to the ground, and she looked around in a daze.

The large living room had more than ten tables of various sizes, which had nearly forty to fifty large glass tanks placed on them, all of which were full of organic vegetables.

At that moment, the only thing on her mind were the words Dorayaki had said.

—“Even a tiny bit of vegetable leaves will cause him to vomit terribly.”

—“Since the day we met him, we have never seen him eat vegetables. Once during a meal, he accidentally ate vegetable leaves and vomited for a long time. His face was pale white.”