League of heroes, also known as lol, is a MoBa competitive online game developed by a fist company.

In November 2009, the League of heroes began the internal test. On September 22, 2011, national service began its first public test.

S1 is not warm, S2 has little influence, S3 is all over the world.

In just over two years, League of heroes has become the most popular game in the world.

So far, the summoners of varland have changed from tens of thousands to tens of millions, and finally tens of millions.

The birth of hero League makes the global E-sports get great development. Nowadays, the e-sports industry has been recognized by all sides and has developed into a mature and influential formal industry.

Xiaoge was originally an ordinary hero League player. When he entered the pit in S1 period, he gradually got out of the way when he came to S2.

At that time, lol's professional games had already taken shape.

Those top and most gifted players stand in front of the public and show their superb understanding and operation of the game, which has attracted numerous summoners.

In ancient times, LPL belonged to only two teams, we team with 6 billion fans and Ig team of national husband Sicong.

However, the competition between Ig and we is only reflected in the competition. We should hang Ig in terms of the number of fans and popularity.

But Xiao Ge is not the legendary "60E", he has always been a fan of Ig team.

Over the years, Xiaoge's support for Ig has never changed. And his own lol level is steadily improving. In that year, he even once ascended the top of the national uniform.

Xiao GE's dream is that one day he will also be on the professional arena, and join the Ig team that he has loved for many years to help Ig achieve some hegemony.

It's just that playing rank is not the same thing as playing career after all. For various reasons, Xiaoge didn't succeed in joining the career circle, let alone his favorite Ig.

With the passage of time, we and Ig, the old strong teams, gradually become lonely. The emerging teams OMG, RNG and EDG are rising strongly, and the LPL competition area is gradually growing up.

Unfortunately, the LPL Division has never been able to win the championship of the s race

Until the S8 season, this year, Ig team finally won the first s championship in history in the LPL division of H country!

For a time, the Ig team was in the limelight and won a lot of fans.

Xiao Ge thought that the victory of S8 would be the beginning of Ig team's return to the peak and the establishment of a dynasty, but who ever thought that the peak of Ig only lasted less than half a year!

MSI season Invitational, the group stage scored 9-1 Ig, in the knockout match lost to TL team.

Then all kinds of negative rumors about the team upset the day, in the wind and rain, the LPL summer game began.

Ig, after all, didn't break free from all kinds of rhythms. It seems that after climbing the highest peak, they directly fell into the abyss

Seeing that his favorite team seems to fall apart after the peak, Xiaoge is very sad.

During that time, he frequently ran to the Internet bar all night long rank.

On this day, near daybreak, Xiao Ge, who had stayed up all night again, was so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes. But before he fell asleep, a series of strange sounds suddenly sounded in his mind:

"Ding The system detection is completed, and the system binding is successful! "

"Ding! The basic ability of the host begins to load! Neural response capacity loading 10%…… 50%…… Nerve reaction ability loading success, loading level a +! "

"Super energy loading 40%…… 70%…… Super energy loading success, loading level a +! "

"Super game focus loading 60%…… 85%…… Super game focus loading success, loading level a +! "

"Game understanding, overall view, consciousness ability loading success, loading level a +"

"Hand speed, game operation ability loaded successfully, loading level a +..."

"Ding! Completion of crossing preparation, coordinate time point - November 4, 2018, crossing start! "

"Ding! It is detected that the current version message is S8 version, and the data is being uploaded synchronously! "

"Ding! The data has been uploaded successfully, and the first task has been issued. The task content is to reach the top ten of national service, Korean service and canyon in two months.... "

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