A lot of people think that it's not a good thing for a person to just think about the show when playing a career.

But in fact, this matter needs to be seen dialectically. If a person only wants to show, but the show blows up in the end, he must be spurned.

But if you succeed in every show, you will get more praise. After all, the premise of the show is strength, people with strength show, people without strength can only be shown.

And professional players are not stupid, a lot of times you rely on conventional operation is not able to kill them, you have to add a little "show" can.

Xiao Ge just a wave of geometric bucket itself has enough show, and finally he added difficulty to himself, but also achieved success, which is even more show on show.

Faced with this kind of operation, no one can say anything. And coach zhanma, then added a sentence in the small book: bold and careful, excellent overall view.

Before, the children in the meeting room said that if Xiao Ge could catch the next road again, he would almost wear it, and Lin Weixiang's KASA would not be able to hold it.

Xiao Ge couldn't have heard what the child said, but he didn't hear it, which doesn't mean he couldn't think of it.

Because the understanding of the game is in place, Xiao Ge naturally knows when and what he should do. It's easy for Xiao Ge to catch the dead one more time, which is also clear to him.

So as soon as he caught the chance that he would rather not be on the next road, he decisively directed the next road to cross the tower. And this wave over the tower is very successful, Lin Weixiang once again won the head and ate a blood tower alone.

As for Xiao Ge, after Xiu died of a Shui, his data was 3-0-4. Next, he got a huge advantage and started to take off.

In 15 minutes, Xiaoge met Ning in the field. If Ning had chosen to withdraw at the first time, Xiaoge could not help him. But he chose to fight. After a show, Xiao Ge won Ning's head.

In 16 minutes, theshy was on his way to finish the kill. At the same time, Ningdao middle road gank jingugu is perfectly squatted by Xiaoge.

After a wave of 2v2 regiment war, Jin Gugu takes Ning's head, and he is later taken by hindra. Xiao Ge also succeeded in chasing hindra to death, and the two sides exchanged one for two.

In 18 minutes, the two sides broke out the little dragon group. Theshy was very effective and successfully took Tauren and gimgoon's head. But Lin Weixiang's Casa equipment is too good, under the protection of Xiao Ge and doinb, Lin Weixiang won three kills.

In the end, the group battle was two for four, and only a Shui's EZ successfully escaped, and the remaining four people were all killed.

After this wave group, the advantage of FPX has been expanded again, and even the crushing of Ig has been formed.

With the gradual formation of Casa's equipment, there is pressure on the theshy single belt, which Ig only relies on, because Casa can fly to the single belt line for support at any time through big recruitment.

When the situation develops to this point, Ig can't be carried out alone, and the regiment war can't be fought again. There's almost no hope of a turnaround.

But Ig played very tenacious, even if the disadvantage is very big, but also stick to the high ground. But FPX team's ability to go up to the high ground is not very strong. For a time, Ig really dragged down the situation.

Until 27 minutes, Xiao Ge seized the opportunity of the gap of vision in Ig Dalong district to direct the fight against Dalong. When Ig reacts, FPX has successfully won the dragon.

Then in the highland battle, Xiao Ge broke the situation.

Rookie, relying on his self-confidence in his own operation, wants to rely on the weak to retreat (E) to interrupt Xiao GE's meat bullet impact (E).

But Xiao Ge once again showed his strong operation ability and reaction ability to complete the show. Before hindra's weak retreat pushed him, he completed the e-flash.

This operation is the same as Xiao GE's previous use of the prince's EQ to dodge the bull's head of WQ Er Lian. He dodged sindera's e by flashing, and his e skill effect successfully hit rookie.

Next is a big move to blow rookie back, and then the teammates connect the output and successfully kill rookie.

After that, Ig had no ability to resist and was directly destroyed.

In 32 minutes, Ning was caught by Xiao Ge again. Then other people came to support, and a wave of regimental warfare started unexpectedly.

But the economic and lineup on the huge disadvantage, let Ig simply can not win.

After a wave of 2 for 5, the game ends directly.

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