"Niu Guorui, right! You like pressing lines, don't you? You want to prove yourself! I'm sorry, I'll give you a taste of being targeted first, so as to save you from being caught by caps when you are S9! "

Xiao Ge gives a thumbs up to theshy and pushes the line for her.

I think it's comfortable to play games with experts. I don't need to talk too much. I don't even have eye body communication with each other, so I can know each other's intention.

As for nuguri, Xiao Ge can remember how nuguri was caught by caps in the quarter elimination of the S9 finals.

Earlier, in the group stage, when nuguri and theshy were interviewed by the media, they had some tit for tat remarks.

Both of them think that they are the stronger single player, and because they have similar styles and are highly appraised by the outside world, they will be compared from time to time.

The so-called literature is no first, martial arts is no second.

Such two excellent single players, of course, are very unconvinced with each other. The media also know this, so they will take a little rhythm in the interview.

In the interview, theshy directly expressed his disdain for nuguri and publicly expressed his disapproval of nuguri's gift of stealing money.

It's not the most important thing. The most important thing is that theshy makes it clear that nuguri is the type of player he hates, because nuguri is so easy to get caught.

Although in the subsequent quarter finals between DWG and G2, nuguri's performance fully proved theshy's point of view, he really couldn't take care of his life when he was caught by caps.

But in the group stage, Ig was beaten 2-0 by DWG.

In these two games, nuguri fully demonstrated his ability to play on the line. He is one of the few people who can play 55 times against the line in the whole s game.

Not only that, but also relying on the advantages of the team, DWG has made a great success of theshy. So in the group stage, DWG hit theshy in the face with action.

But now there is still a whole year to go before S9, and because of the emergence of Xiao Ge, I don't know how it will develop in the future, so it's meaningless to think about S9.

Xiao Ge now only focuses on this game, and in this game, he decides to play more cruelly than caps, and he wants to directly crack nuguri's mentality!

"I'm sorry, Niu Guorui. I have to let you realize the fear that the emperor Mao brought to you as soon as possible!"

While saying this, Xiao Ge sends a signal directly to theshy, and then they invade into the red buff field opposite.

As soon as I ran near the stone man, I saw that the wine barrel was beating the stone man.

The operator of the barrel is canyon. He and nuguri are teammates of the DWG team. Obviously, they are also in double row.

Although Xiao Ge is now one level behind the bucket, he is now followed by a gold medal hitter.

In the face of Xiao Ge and theshy, canyon can only give up stone man decisively.

But just after taking two steps, he came back with something wrong. Because if he leaves at this time, nuguri can't play!

At this time, nuguri, who is still at the first level, doesn't dare to hand in the TP online, because once he hands in the TP, Xiao Ge and theshy will cross his tower again, and he will blow it out completely!

But nuguri can't even walk on the line, because theshy has started to break the line between his first tower and his second tower!

And Xiao Ge, also calmly hit the stone man. After beating the stone man, Xiao GE has been successfully promoted to level 3 because of his experience in one blood and on-line soldiers!

"Asiba! This is the dog of theshy! Canyon, come and help me! There's the middle road. Come and help me, or I won't be able to play! "

While nuguri kept sending signals to the Middle Road, he yelled at the canyon beside him

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