Ten minutes into the game, Xiao GE has reached level 8, doinb has also reached level 8, and theshy is exaggerated to level 9! The level of the three is ahead of the game!

At this time, the dopa on the opposite line of doinb is level 7, which should be a little less experienced than level 8. Nuguri, who is on the opposite line with theshy, is miserable. He has just reached level 7, and his level is nearly two levels behind!

The level of leadership and the equipment of leadership, which makes Xiaoge, doinb, theshy three people's combat effectiveness to be significantly ahead of the opposite in the field of three people.

"Go, jingugu! I'll flash. Let's catch it Xiao Ge finished painting F6 and ran straight up the road, "if Niu Guorui dares to guard the tower, we will kill him. If he abandons the tower, we will push the tower directly. Today, we have to make it clear to him!"

Doinb doesn't know why Xiaoge is so targeted at nuguri, but he, who is used to Xiaoge's command, still follows Xiaoge on the road after pushing the line.

As soon as doinb started, DOPA immediately sent out the miss signal, and then ordered a signal that his big move was ready.

Nuguri knows that his combat effectiveness is weak, but now his level has fallen behind a lot. If he loses experience again, the game will be gone, so he has to take this wave of gank!

What's more, the signal intention given by DOPA is also very obvious, that is, I have a big move to support at any time and take over this wave!

As a good friend of theshy, DOPA certainly knows how powerful theshy is.

Now nuguri can't beat the tower. If you don't find a way to kill theshy to relieve pressure for nuguri, the snowball will roll bigger and bigger. In a few minutes, theshy will definitely destroy the game.

"Brother, come and help! They're coming to catch me. If this group wins, we'll turn it over! "

Nuguri immediately called for canyon's help, but Canyon didn't say anything. After half a fight, the monster left behind and ran straight on the road.

"They want to take this wave group too! These guys are quite confident, but they are afraid to live in a dream! We have destroyed them directly! "

Xiao Ge takes the overlord step to run on the road. Even if he passes by the other party's real eyes, he doesn't care.

Because before playing the game, Xiao Ge had decided to fight recklessly. If you want to be reckless, you should be reckless to the end!

Soon, doinb has shown his way as an assassin, turning over the wall (E) and running to the stone man field on the road.

Nuguri quickly retreated to prevent himself from being dropped before the support of his teammates arrived.

But he didn't pull back. He was very particular about his position. One step back, you can join the canyon behind you, and one step forward, you can enter the tower.

Doinb didn't directly attack nuguri, just constantly deterred him. Xiao GE has come online to push the tower with theshy.

All of a sudden, nuguri and Canyon, who were still submissive just now, began to approach under the tower. At the same time, Xiao GE's head lit up an eye sign, is the card open big!

"He's not luck, he's destiny!"

A string of red, yellow and blue playing cards are lit up under doinb's feet. Obviously, the first target they choose is doinb!

Xiao Ge and theshy can't wait to push the tower, so they hurry to get close to doinb.

After landing, the card holds a yellow card and directly sets doinb in place.

"Electric power surge!" Nuguri's e-enhanced electromagnetic gun also came.

And then the barrel came crashing into doinb with its beer belly!

Obviously, the three of them want to lose doinb first!

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