"Ha ha, Ig is really a champion team. It has the strength! After winning two games, I will give my opponent a victory. I don't know whether I really want top to win or just want to pretend, but it's too big! "

Looking at the data of theshy 0-8-13, ashui 1-7-10 and Baolan 0-6-10, Xiao Ge really didn't know how to evaluate the game.

"It's ridiculous to choose Victor on the radio. I don't take other people's top seriously." Liu Qingsong said with a bitter smile.

"But this is not a bad thing, at least shows that Ig can only play in the field, if they take the next road as the focus of attack, they are asking for trouble."

In this case, Ig can see from the selection that they want to focus on the next road. But it's not up to Lin Weixiang to come to such a conclusion after playing such a game for half a day.

The coach said thoughtfully: "the down road of Ig has always been their weakness, so if we play Ig in the final, we don't need to waste more energy in the down road."

"On the road..." With that, the horse took a look at gimgoon and said, "I think Gimgoon should be much more powerful than the top team

As it is now the internal staff of FPX who are chatting, it is impossible for everyone to have any rhythm.

And FPX team atmosphere is excellent, we will not because of some messy things and glass heart.

As zhanma said, gimgoon is really a good anti pressure player in the single position. If the FPX plays Ig in the final, gimgoon may not be able to beat theshy on the road, but he can at least muddle through and will never be caught in a few minutes.

Moreover, it is impossible for the war horse to choose a hero who can operate and develop with theshy, just like the top team, so as to see if they can keep up with each other when they are on the right line.

If you really want to fight Ig, FPX will definitely choose a partial hero for gimgoon at the first time and let him play with theshy himself!

"The only regret is that top is a little too weak. I feel that they don't force Ig at all. When we play the final, we have to be careful of Ig's big moves If they have a big plan! "

Xiao Ge light said, the impression of this time Ig is really no big move. Because the atmosphere in their team is pretty good, everyone's state is also very good, they don't need big moves to beat all the opponents.

Especially Gao Zhenning, at this time his state is very hot, or that MVP Ning. Ig was defeated by top in the last match, but Ning's record was 11-4-3.

It's really hard for such a player to find any black spots. But since MSI season Invitational back, Ning seems to have changed a person.

All kinds of negative news emerge in endlessly, and their game level has also dropped precipitously. There is no way to use their own performance to make a strong response to those negative news and doubts.

Although the problem of Ig's assistance still exists, Ig really doesn't have to worry about his opponent just by relying on the performance of Ueno and ah Shui who can get rid of the burden occasionally.

But now it's hard to say, because Xiao GE's strong appearance, driving FPX team also strong rise. So when it comes to FPX, maybe Ig is ready for something.

But now the top level is not enough to force Ig's big move, so they can't see anything valuable.

"Look at the next one! Now the score is 2-1. If we lose another game, the two teams will play the final game. Ig definitely doesn't want to play Bo1, where everything is possible, so they should play some big moves next time. "

Warhorse pointed to the big screen, at this time Ig and top of the fourth game has begun

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