If Xiao GE's previous four kills only made the suspense of the game less serious, then this wave of three against five teams killed the opponent, and after Xiao Ge got five kills again, the suspense of the game has completely lost.

The next game, the entire Hongqiao world performing arts center has become Xiao GE's show. And the whole Summoner Canyon becomes Xiao GE's Shura arena!

"Calf B! Take off Although he was sacrificed, but see Xiao Ge won the five kill, a Shui or a voice broke the voice.

"God K really deserves its reputation. You used to kill us in the opposite way. Now you are on our side to kill our opponents. It's so comfortable to have God K!" Rookie started licking, too.

"Ha ha, little K, you are too good! No wonder you have so many fans... " Blue Princess is also very happy, but his focus seems to be the number of fans.

The coldest one, theshy, is no longer very cold at this time, but "gimgoon like" yells out: "Asiba, nice! Xiao K

"Low key, low key! The killing is not over yet. Next, I really started to kill pigs! " Xiao Ge happily returns to the city and turns to the shy and says, "brother shy, you really need to practice your Chinese! I'll take you back! "

After returning to the city, Xiao Ge, who has won the five kills and made up a wave, directly makes the twilight blade, and then makes up two long swords.

At this time, Xiao Ge already had two big pieces for soldiers to fight with wild sword and twilight blade in 11 minutes, as well as a pair of five speed shoes and two long swords.

Soon, Xiao Ge, who went out again, directly started the merciless slaughter. And it's the kind of brutal killing that catches and kills people and sees them chasing people.

In this way, the game to 20 minutes, Xiao GE has won the exaggerated 21 heads! It's head count lead time count!

The most important thing is that one of the branch tasks given to Xiao Ge by the system is to win at least 20 heads in the same game in a professional competition.

In the first scene of his comeback, Xiao GE has already completed this task!

And this time after the completion of the task, the system was generous, one-time to Xiao Ge three skill points!

And the system gives a new branch task: kill at least three dragons in the same game in the professional arena.

Now in this game, I'm afraid this task can't be completed. Because with Ig's advantage now, they don't need to fight at all. They just have to go to the other side's Highland by force.

If VG dares to defend, it's almost a group annihilation.

At this time, Ig has already removed all six outer towers of VG. And the whole map has been completely occupied by Ig, VG did not dare to go out, only obscene highlands.

In this way, they successfully avoid being killed as pigs, and Xiao GE's number of murders no longer increases with time.

In 28 minutes, Xiao Ge was already a soldier fighting wild sword, twilight blade, Youmeng, Chunge Jia and bloody hand. He, who has already pretended to be a God, will no longer continue to abuse vegetables, calling on the army to prepare to push off the opposite side.

On the commentary stage, the doll dutifully explained: "this wave It seems that Ig doesn't want to play with you, and is ready to end the game. And VG, it seems, is to continue to defend, ready to fight to the death

"Wait! Thersy's Silas steals Tam's trick, and then takes rookie's knife sister directly to VG's Highland! It's the start of the party

The interpretation of the League of heroes is different from other projects. It needs a good mouth to explain the League of heroes. Because you must speak fast, otherwise what you say can't keep up with the situation.

Miller and doll have been explaining for so many years, but there's no problem with their speaking speed. But they didn't spend too much saliva in this round of group war. Because the regiment war starts fast and ends fast.

"Rookie's Dao Mei made a big move. She was four at once! Baolan's Bulong also started the big move. Although it's a little biased, it doesn't matter, because Kamen has already stepped on the wheel, and the acceleration effect of Ma's big move is coming! "

"Kamen, who has already made six gods' clothes and has already made spring brother Jia, is not afraid of anyone. He has a big move WOW! WOW! WOW The doll even "wow" three times: "what harm is this! Melt three people directly

"Another Q, cut off the big mouth! Sword demon flash increase (R) escape! In this case, Ig can have a wave... "

"Wait a minute, kamne got four kills again! This time, Ig is going to flush the spring and help Kamen take five! The shy is the first, rookie is the second, and Baolan is the first. Only ah Shui is pushing the tower of ten Fen Nu! "

"But it doesn't matter. Under the cover of his teammates, Kamen killed the sword demon again and won five kills! A game double five kill! Kamen in the first game of comeback, handed over 29 killed 0 dead 8 assists of terror answer paper, let's congratulate Ig

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