With Xiao Ge taking out Rambo at the end, the lineup of both sides is finally determined, red side (Ig) vs blue side (we):

on the road: Kenan vs Crocodile.

Field: Rambo vs Olaf.

Middle: plane vs. Ritz.

Ad: Ice vs verus.

Auxiliary: cask vs bloom.

"Wow, Kamen took out Rambo again! In the final of the spring match, Kamen used Rambo to burn down Ig's almost winning League title

Xiao GE's final counter took out Rambo, which once again aroused many memories of Yi Bi's elder sister: "I don't know how Ig people felt when they saw Kamen take out this hero..."

"I don't know what Ig people think, but I think we must be very uncomfortable here!" Che Xiao said: "we're very afraid of Rambo's big moves, especially verus. Rambo can't help him!"

"Kamen's final counter is really a pure counter hero who makes us feel terrible!"

Yibijie then said: "we know that now no matter who plays Ig, BP is a headache for them. Because Ig has a strong carry ability on the road and in the middle, many of their heroes can't let go

"Now Ig has another Kamen, and many of his heroes can't be released. As long as he gets those heroes, it's destroying heaven and earth! So when I play Ig, many people complain that ban is not enough! "

Che Xiao said with a smile: "to tell you the truth, I think the team is playing Ig now. If you add two more ban seats to them, I'm afraid it's not enough."

"Because Kamen's hero pool That's the absolute sea of heroes! Besides, when other people are good at heroes, there is a certain possibility that they will not be able to play an effective role, but this will not happen to Kamen. "

"You just let him get the hero he's good at It can't be said that he is good at it. As long as you let him get the hero he wants, he will definitely be able to make the opponent despair! "

"Yes! Now that the game has started, let's see if Kamen can burn the summoner Canyon again like his teammates in the spring finals

"In fact, he should at least show that kind of performance. Otherwise, you'll have to fight hard against your teammates and be submissive to your opponents. You'll have to be hit hard by your teammates..."

On the commentary stage, Che Xiao and Yi Bi have a good chat. In Ig's team voice, rookie is also happy: "little K, you have to burn the opposite side through, otherwise, we will beat you."

"That is to say, we Ig have been established for so many years. We have won all the s Championships, but we haven't won any league titles! It's not easy to have a chance for the spring match, but it's ruined by your hand Rambo! "

"So this game is your casting. Whether you are an undercover among us or not depends on your performance today."

Xiao Ge said with a sneer: "I don't know what qualification you losers have to shout in front of me. Shouldn't you say: God K, we've seen your Rambo, lead us to win this time!"

As soon as Xiao GE's voice fell, Baolan said directly, "God K, we've seen your Rambo. It's really fierce. Please lead us to win the match. We won't work overtime this time, OK?"

"Damn, Baolan, what are you doing?" Ah Shui cried helplessly: "can you have some backbone! Why do you ask for it? "

"Yes! Now the momentum is gone "Rookie is also helpless.

"This game, vonen c..." Theshy's a little confused about the situation.

Xiao Ge didn't expect Baolan to admit her advice directly. She said with pride, "in this case, I'll give verus to me. This time, I'll give my uncle a challenge."

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