The combination of yasoga's wine barrel, before Xiao GE's crossing, was a routine that appeared more than a month after the release of 9.15. Now, many people only know that Yasuo has been enhanced, but few people think of using Yasuo to walk down.

In fact, Yasuo's going down the road is not a particularly bad choice, especially when he has a wine bucket around him.

Before reaching level 6, they just need to be a little bit obscene. After level 6, they force to open the group. If you can't, plus playing wild, it's definitely a combination with no solution.

What's more, in this game, Xiao Ge takes out the prince to fight wild. Whether it's the E, R of the wine barrel or the second company of the prince's EQ, they can all cooperate with Yasuo's enlarged moves.

Seven inches for snake, seven inches for RNG, that's Uzi! The main target of Ig is also Uzi!

As long as we can use this system to kill Uzi in seconds, the combat effectiveness of RNG will be reduced by at least half!

So Xiao GE's gank focus in this game will also be on the next road. Of course, the premise to complete gank on the next road is that Yasuo on the next road should reach level 6 first.

Before Yasuo reached six, Xiaoge could not just brush the wild. The main reason for Casa's selection of NOC is to prevent Ig from taking out the system of global support flow, which Xiao Ge expected before the competition.

How is Casa NOC playing? Xiao Ge doesn't know. To be sure, Casa has been practicing this hero in private in recent days.

But no matter how he practices, he can't change the heroic attribute that gank's ability is very weak before NOC reaches level 6. In contrast to the prince, as long as the two levels can release EQ two companies, they already have good gank ability.

Therefore, Xiao Ge must rely on the advantage of the prince to find a few rhythm before NOC to six!

If the lineups on both sides want to play in the first division, RNG will undoubtedly have more advantages. Because Tam learned a Q when he was a hero, and then licked his tongue all the time. It was really helpless and disgusting.

So Ig doesn't mean to play the first level regiment. It uses the word long snake array to go out, find the right position and stand well, so as to prevent RNG people from doing things.

RNG seems to be afraid of Xiao GE's inexplicable routine, so the first level doesn't mean to make trouble. It's also a word long snake array going out, with Ig staring at each other.

After the wild monster refresh, both Xiaoge and Casa started to fight from the red buff. The difference is that Casa's NOC eat level, so he chose to brush three groups of wild monsters in the red buff area.

Xiao Ge, after brushing the red buff and F6, began to march towards the blue buff field.

Kennan's sword magic is inferior to the line, but the League of Heroes game often doesn't look at counter and counter, mainly depends on ID.

So when he saw that theshy beat zrr's sword demon hard with Kenan, Xiao Ge knew that there was no chance in a short time.

But Xiao Ge can only choose to continue to brush wild, but with CASA against brush wild, obviously Xiao Ge wants to play the game way, he wants to use his hero characteristics to play advantage in the early.

"Brothers, be steady! Don't press the line so hard, otherwise I don't have the chance to gank! "

Xiao Ge mumbled, and found that not only theshy but rookie in the middle was more ruthless: "rookie, let's get off the line a little bit. Olaf should have finished painting the upper half of the field and returned home. He may want to catch you after going out!"

"Well..." Rookie nodded, intending to make up for the last soldier and then retreat.

But just as he was preparing for the a-men, akali crossed the line and began to attack rookie.

At this time, tiger's action is equivalent to writing a few big words on his face: the fight of labor and capital has come!

"Damn, I'm not so sure. I've just finished. I'm coming." Xiao Ge didn't even think about it, so he gave up half of the river crab and rushed to the middle road.

Xiao Ge just walked a few steps, and sure enough Olaf got out of the river.

After this wave of Casa successfully circled, he hit rookie with a Q [nightmare path], and then immediately put the e skill on rookie, silent fear.

After two seconds of guidance, NOC will implant all the nightmares into the opponent's mind, causing damage and letting the opponent fall into fear.

“Rookie! Hold on, I'm coming! Hide from akali W. pull the gate when you win Shit! It's a hit

Rookie's line pressing is a bit deep at this time. Although he has w [valkiri dive] and flash, once he is stuck by the opposite skill, he is still very difficult to run.

What's worse, rookie can't avoid any skills. He's already stuck , the fastest update of the webnovel!