After the start, Xiao GE's strong field change destroyed jankos's rhythm. However, because of Baolan's strange understanding of the game, jankos succeeded in completing gank on the next road, which made him slightly stabilize the rhythm.

What's more, Xiao Ge changed the field with him, not to let him brush the field. When Xiaoge brushes jankos red buff field, jankos can also brush Xiaoge red buff field.

Therefore, jankos is no worse than Xiao Ge in brush field development. The only difference is that Xiao Ge got two heads on the road, while jankos just got an assist.

In this way, the development of jankos is not as good as Xiao Ge, but it is relatively smooth.

In terms of development, jankos was not an opponent when he met Xiao Ge in the field, but he could still play with Xiao Ge by virtue of the hero attribute of spider.

But with the end of the little dragon group, the gap between jankos and Xiao Ge is completely opened. Since then, jankos has met Xiao Ge in the field. If he wants to play, he is playing with his own life!

So the advantage of Xiao Ge is not only to suppress the rhythm, but also to fight against the wild. And jankos, which group of wild monsters he wants to brush completely depends on which group of wild monsters Xiao Ge allows him to brush.

In recent minutes, jankos is really oppressed by Xiao Ge. Now it's not easy to wait until a new round of wild monsters refresh. After a long hunger strike, he hastens to supplement his development.

"I feel that they are about to seize the road. You should be a little more careful. I'll help you squat right away!"

Jankos went to brush the claw frog directly after finishing the three wolves, and then he was ready to help the next road squat.

"Not necessarily, they may have gone to catch it! Their next path They're going to find a loophole. They're going to catch it. There's a chance! "

Because of Baolan, Ig has always been their weak path. I have studied Ig carefully before the G2 match and naturally know this. What's more, when they were interviewed before, they openly expressed their disdain for Baolan in front of the media.

This disdain for Baolan made jankos dare to squat in the grass at Level 3 to find gank chance. And Baolan did not disappoint them and gave them the chance of gank.

Now the G2 urgently needs to find some situation, and the first target is naturally the next way of Ig.

The main reason is that the combination of Galen and cat is different from before, because Galen and cat have reached six.

When Galen comes to six, he has a wave of super-high explosion. And after six cats have a big move, they have a very powerful control means of forehand and backhand.

"This wave can be the first second of the little mage, I flash Q silence him, the cat moves to control, he flash can not press out, will eat the cat moves to control! If Bobbie dares to come back and save him, we'll kill him! "

Perkz confidently arranges the group strategy, and the combination of Galen and cat can be reflected at this time.

Jankos also had a sweet taste from Baolan. At this time, he agreed to perkz's plan without hesitation. After brushing the claw frog, he came to the explosion fruit above the grass in the river.

G2 suffered a great loss from the previous explosion fruit in this position. Now, they are ready to recover some face through this explosion fruit.

After everything was in place, perkz gradually became bold.

Now the battle line is in front of the G2 tower. As long as perkz can silence the little mage first, the cat will immediately leave people, and jankos will quickly enter through the explosion.

Suddenly, when perkz caught ashui's Q soldier, he flashed close and made a decisive [fatal strike], and Galen's big sword with the power of demacia cut ashui's head directly.

Then perkz opens [trial], dancing the magic of love while adding damage. At the same time, the cat attached to him also started the big move, and jankos above the river also jumped into the river with the explosive fruit!

The silent a Shui couldn't let out a flash, and he couldn't use his own e to get away. He had to go to the bottom of the tower.

Now Galen's equipment is not up, and the silence effect of [fatal strike] is only 1.5 seconds. Even if Galen has a big move, 1.5 seconds is not enough to make him lose a second.

But the time of 1.5 seconds is enough for a Shui to eat the cat's three big moves. After the three big moves, a Shui will be imprisoned in the same place.

In this way, the super control side is enough to make Galen play enough damage. What's more, when the cat zooms in, a tiger missile also hits ah Shui.

At this stage, the damage of [tiger missile] may not be enough, but the deceleration effect of this skill is equivalent to declaring ah Shui's death penalty.

Because a Shui, who has been slowed down, can't get rid of the pursuit even if he has a chance to hand over the flash!

Not to mention there is a spider in the river, at this time it has exposed its fangs to ah Shui! , the fastest update of the webnovel!