"Brother Shuizi, I really don't know what to say! In this period of time, it's not easy for you to be caught 0 for 2! "

Xiao Ge felt a little pain in his head: "brother shy, don't take it. They are going to fight the dragon. Let's force them to fight the Dragon according to the situation. If they can't, I'll take a look at the dragon."

"Stop fighting, this wave I think it's better to let it go. They just used Snake Girl's and Ke lie's big moves to force the group to explode! "

Baolan always likes "counseling". Of course, he still shows some remorse for being caught by himself and ah Shui.

"It's true that if you give them a dragon, they can still fight. But if you send another wave, it will blow up! " A Shui doesn't agree with Xiao Ge either. They go up to play in the group.

"Stop talking nonsense, we are saving your lives, you know!" Xiao Ge said: "if they get the dragon, and then we lose, then the keymen in China can't blow you two out of the flower!"

"Come on, you two don't talk any more. Just watch our operation and it's over! Once I get the dragon or win the league, you two will be responsible for shouting 6! "

After BB finished ashui and Baolan, Xiao Ge continued to command rookie and theshy: "rookie, old rule, give me the ball. Brother shy, pay attention to my big move But they all have flashes except Snake Girl.... "

"Anyway, you can see the situation later, but if they dodge me, you don't have to worry. I have a way to let you take the big move!"

The 26 minute game is already in the middle and late stage. At this time, the regiment was short of two people, which had a great impact on the situation.

And it's because of two more people that the G2 dares to make a big decision. At this moment, it doesn't matter what "Kamen is here, don't fight the dragon".

If you are ahead of two people and are scared by a slogan that looks scary but has no practical significance at all, then don't talk about competing for the championship in G2, just go home.

"Jankos, they must not get the Dragon this time! If the dragon is robbed, the audience who cheers us on will spray people! "

Although he won't give up fighting for the dragon because of that slogan, perkz still has enough respect for Xiao GE's fighting for the dragon.

"I think they probably won't rob the dragon and will directly join us. After all, the three of them are fully capable of completing 3v5! "

Caps can see further. The reason why the hero of windup is the favorite of the competition is not only that the hero is very stable and not easy to be targeted, but also that her later ability is the main reason why she is favored by the public.

Especially when it comes to the later stage, as long as there is a hero who can cooperate with the wind up, even 2v5 is not impossible.

"It doesn't matter. Now we all have flashes except perkz. Just pay attention to the size of the stone man!" Mikyx firmly remembers the summoner skills of all the members of the team, and naturally has more confidence in his heart.

"Yes, yes! Since there are flashes, it must not be called the stone people! If anyone is punished in case of flash, he must be punished after the game

Wunder was targeted miserably for the whole game, but after a wave of spiritual opening just now, his previous depressed mood has been swept away, so he speaks with more confidence.

On the Ig side, if ashui and Baolan didn't take the second place, because their big moves are very functional, so whether it's the big move of ice or the big move of Baolan Titan, they can be regarded as a good pioneer.

Then Xiao GE's stone man takes the ball to join the big move, the spring can enlarge, and Yasuo can follow up the output. Such a set of combo can definitely have a devastating effect.

But now ah Shui and Bao Lan are the first to start the group. The only way Ig can open the group is Xiao GE's big move.

Of course, Yasuo can also use the wind to open the group. But Yasso is not a suitable hero to start with, especially when facing the five hands in a group. If theshy dares to enter the field first, he will be killed instantly.

G2 has already understood this, so they all hold the flash to watch out for Xiao GE's big move. At the same time, Gallio and Chiana pay more attention to the dragon's blood, ready to stop Xiao Ge into the Dragon pit to rob the dragon.

But just when the Dragon had more than half of his life left, Xiao Ge rushed to the Dragon pit with the wound up devil puppet!

"They're going to start a regiment. Pay attention to the big move of avoiding stone people!"

Caps roared. As soon as the voice fell, Xiao GE's stone man hit him with a big move!


Xiao GE's "unstoppable" was undoubtedly aimed at the crowd, but when he was still flying in mid air, the G2 people in Longkeng had decisively handed over the flash and scattered one step ahead of time!

As a professional player, you can't avoid a stone man's r if you have a big move on your hand and have prepared in advance.

Even perkz, who didn't flash, was on the move at this moment, almost avoiding Xiao GE's collision.But even if perkz is grown up, it doesn't matter. As long as other people are OK, they can drop Xiaoge for the first time. Second off Xiao Song, they can be more unscrupulous fight dragon.

As for theshy, he's not a snake girl, is he?

Even at this moment, people in G2 are looking forward to theshy's big move, because in this situation, Ig will definitely come in and die one by one!

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