Book 1: Chapter 14: Acting and Illusions

Name:Lone: The Wanderer Author:
Book 1: Chapter 14: Acting and Illusions

By all rights, Lone felt he should be a bit angry. A group of strange men had come to his home with weapons drawn clearly ready to kill first and ask questions later if need be.

This could go so many different ways. Im just glad I store everything in Dimensional Storage. One more reason it was a wise decision to use a slot on getting it.

Lone wasnt a murderer. He didnt get any tendencies or thoughts that made him wish someone would just drop dead.

Perhaps with enough prodding and pushing hed be more than happy to punch an asshole in the jaw, all the more now that laws werent exactly a thing here.

Or, perhaps they were and he just didnt know. Maybe this was an elven island. An elven island that just so happened to host a pack of wild goblins.

Speak or die! This is your final warning! the elf demanded.

This guys losing his patience as quickly as Im realising I might not be able to take on seven armed dudes who actually live on this world, Lone thought.

Swiftly coming to a decision in light of the impending crisis, Lone popped up from out of the bushes with his arms above his head.

He slowly and very carefully said, "I am Lone, Lone Immortus, a Golden Foxkin. My companion and I arrived on this island only a few days ago. Not by choice."

Brows were furrowed and hints of compassion could be seen on the elves expressions. The one closest to Lone even lowered his bow a bit. Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

"Where is your ship? " the centremost elf asked in a far calmer tone than his companion had been speaking in.

"... It sunk, hence why we're stranded here," Lone replied. 'I should change the topic so he can't poke holes in this little lie, shouldn't I? Also, keep a note of it. Ship and sunk. Gotta think up the how and why too if it comes up.'

I see, the elf replied. Tragic. Your companion, may they stop hiding as well?

Lone nodded slowly before he said, Cmon, Soph. You can get up.

She seemed wary but she did as told and stood at her full height, revealing herself.

One of the elves showed a disgusted expression. A human. Your owner? We can set you free, Beastkin.

Another nodded. Though we have different backgrounds, as fellow demis who suffer under their hands, we understand your plight.

Ah, fuckin perfect, Lone sighed in his mind. Youre mistaken. She and I were slaves, yes, but not anymore. Our master died in the wreck.

He then gently held Sophies eyelids open and whispered, Its okay, when she got startled by him.

See? That bastard took her sight just for looking in his eyes when he spoke to her, Lone said with venom in his tone. Were not the only ones they go after.

He let go of her and spat on the ground. Shes a child. Fuckin good riddance, I say. Ill take washing up on an island with goblins on it any day over serving that cunt.

The elves shared a few glances between one another before sheathing all of their weapons. Truly, disgusting beings capable of so much sin, those humans.

Indeed. To do this to one of their own Barbaric, another added.

You mentioned goblins the central one said as he seemed to carefully count Lones tails. Once he was done he wore a surprised look on his face. Nine? So such a thing is possible Regardless, goblins, yes, Ninetails?

Okay, so, they appear to believe me. Thats ideal. Also, I assume Ninetails is a far more respectful form of addressing me than Beastkin was. Nine tails on a Golden Foxkin is unheard of to these guys as well apparently? A lot of information, a lot of lingering questions, Lone noted mentally.

"We were attacked by goblins on our second day here but we managed to fight them back. The very next day we hunted a group of ten of the monsters," Lone detailed in a tired and hopeless tone.

He then ran his fingers through his hair and said, "There was even a massive one with the first group. Somehow I managed to make them flee after quickly killing one of them but boy was that fucker scary. He was easily three times my size."

"A Hobgoblin? You speak the truth? One showed caution in the wake of you?" the central elf asked.

Lone smiled wryly. Do I have a reason to lie? Were scared, tired and just trying to survive. Honestly, any help you could offer would not go unappreciated.

"It must have been hard, Ninetails. Even for a foxkin - a golden one to boot - goblins can prove to be a challenge if you are greatly outnumbered."

The elf stepped forward and bowed deeply at Lone. "I am Lal'roh, formerly of the western world tree's Green Keepers. We have little to offer, in truth, but we share the same plight and perhaps we can be of use to one another."

Lone tried his best to mimic the gesture as a show of politeness. While he did that, four notifications clouded his vision.

The host has developed the passive skill: Acting.

Passive Skill: Acting

Naturally makes everything that the host does which does not align with their personality or motives 5% more believable.

Cost:N/A Mastery:Beginner Level 1

The host has developed the passive skill: Persuasion.

Passive Skill: Persuasion

Naturally makes everything that the host says 5% more believable and also entices the host's listeners to trust the host's words by 5% more.

Cost:N/A Mastery:Beginner Level 1

Lone immediately saw the usefulness of both skills. However, his mind was busy trying to deduce the meaning behind what this elf Lal'roh had just said.

'What exactly is a world tree and why is it implied that there are many? Maybe one per cardinal direction since he said western? What are Green Keepers? Why is he a former keeper, not a current one and what does he know about my new species?' Lone's mind was racing as he and the elf broke their bows.

Holy fuckin shit he exclaimed. I actually magic. Real magic. Im a fuckin wizard! Haha Hahaha!

Impressive, is it not? Lalroh asked with an approving nod, seemingly misunderstanding the target of Lones words.

Of course, Lone was incredibly impressed by the large, shimmering bubble that was perhaps 200-metres in diameter that had appeared after having stepped within its boundaries.

Slowly setting her down and grabbing Sophie's hand, Lone said to her, "Dont let go of my hand, okay?

She was a smart woman under all of her timidness so he was confident shed continue to act entirely blind as his lies required of her.

Sophie nodded, making sure not to speak either just as Lone had instructed her to earlier.

A short walk away from the edges of the barrier was what appeared to be a desolate and rundown camp of sorts.

There were roughly 15 to 20 more elven men equipped with bows, daggers and short swords busying themselves all with work. Quickly though, they noticed Lalrohs group as well as Lone and Sophie.

Each one of the distant elves looked at Lone with hopeful caution and at Sophie with both pity and worry.

"Come," Lal'roh said as he waved the odd pair over. "Let me bring you to the chief of our tribe. She will wish to hear about your encounters with the green devils, the goblins."

The three made their way to the largest tent in this camp, separating from the rest of Lalrohs group. They then entered the big tent with the elf at the head of the trio.

Sat on the floor with crossed legs was an elf who had strikingly fairer skin when compared to the ones Lone had met so far. Her ears were also a lot longer. 'A different race of elf?'

Lal'roh lowered his body and kissed the woman's forehead. "I greet the chieftain."

Standing up, she returned his greeting by placing her lips on his forehead as he had to her. "Lalroh, welcome back. It is a blessing you returned unscathed. Who, might I ask, are these outsiders?"

"This is Lone Immortus and his companion. They are survivors of a shipwreck that killed their master. We found them by the southern shore. They had begun building a cabin of sorts with rudimentary defences, Lalroh explained.

Lone bowed and said, Its a pleasure to meet you. Im sorry about my companion, Sophie. She cannot see nor speak.

Kindness and compassion flowed forth from the chieftains stoic expression. I understand. Continue, Lalroh.

Nodding, the elf said, The ninetails says they encountered a Hobgoblin. He also makes claim that he and the child survived an attack from a raiding party before going out to actively hunt what I believe to have been a regular scouting force of the green devils."

Lal'roh's tone was incredibly humble. Clearly, this woman had a far higher status than he did in this little community.

The chieftain eyed Lone from top to bottom and cast a scrutinising gaze upon Sophie though soon warmth returned to her eyes.

"My people detest humans. Your kind seems to always view us as mere merchandise, but your dead eyes tell of a story of betrayal, of pain, of hope and of freedom For a blind person's eyes to tell me more than a person with clear vision normally would... I am sorry for all you had to endure, little one," the chieftain said.

Sophie flinched a little but tried to smile thankfully in response, seemingly not knowing what else to do.

Nodding, the woman moved on to Lone. "And you, Ninetails. Not only have I never met a Golden Foxkin in my long life, but I haven't ever heard of a beastkin possessing nine racial traits. How curious you are. I can only imagine what sort of a person your master must have been to acquire you. Im glad youre free now though, even if youve traded one hell for another."

'Okay, thats new. Are Golden Foxkin super rare? Can I squeeze out more info without coming off as suspicious, maybe?' Lone thought as he schemed.

"I have also never met your kind before. I dont even remember seeing the mainland before. Our ship was our home for so many years Please, forgive my ignorance, but who are you people?" Lone asked in a light-hearted and curious tone.

"Ah, of course. How silly of me. I never introduced myself, did I?" The elven woman replied with a hint of embarrassment.

Congratulations! The host's passive skill [Persuasion] has levelled up! It is now Beginner Level 2.

Nice, I wonder why it levelled now though and not when I expanded on the lie earlier. Do I need to fool more people for the skill to gain progress? Food for thought, Lone wondered.

"I am Rewal'eh, former council member of the western world tree. I was exiled for my 'heretical' thinking. Now I am simply the last remaining High Elf of this pitiful tribe," the elven woman claimed with a sad sigh.

"I see Forgive me if this is rude to ask, but how did such an important-sounding person end up on this desolate island filled with goblins, of all places?" Lone asked, eager to learn more of this world and perhaps of its customs.

Smiling bitterly, Rewal'eh answered, "Both my memories and powers were sealed upon my exile. The same was done to the High and Wood Elves who served under me. We were brought here and ordered to start a new life or to die. We chose the former, but deep within the heart of the forest laid a dungeon that we overlooked as weak."

A dungeon? Is that a technical term or just a descriptor? Interesting, interesting, interesting, Lone thought.

A heavy sigh of regret escaped Rewal'eh soft lips. "We were assaulted by at least 1,000 goblins - or green devils, as my tribe have come to call them as well as dozens of Hobgoblins.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before continuing, We killed and killed and killed, however, it wasn't enough. Our women were taken from us, our men slaughtered or eaten alive. Luckily, we had no children with us when we were exiled. I cannot imagine what such disgusting beasts would do to them if we did."

Resting her eyes on Lone's golden irises, Rewal'eh ended her story. "We discovered a Goblin King was pulling the strings behind the endless assault. With no way to slay such a powerful monster in our current states, we had no other option than to carve a path of blood and flee. With what little magical power I still possess, I was able to set up this barrier, but as you can see, destruction inches ever closer."

Lone didn't reply for some time. His mind was too busy racing.

Eventually, he did open his mouth to speak his thoughts. "I know I asked, but why are you telling me so much?"

No tricks, no lies, Lone was only showing genuine sincerity. Even if this woman wasnt being wholly truthful to him, how could he not show sympathy after hearing such a heart-wrenching tale?

Of course, there were some suspicious parts. In particular, the mentioned 'heretical' thoughts.

That could ultimately prove to be a thorn in Lone's side depending on what it really meant.

Maybe they had no children because they were cannibals or sacrificed them. He had no clue. He was simply too ignorant of what was normal for these people and what was not.

For now, however, he needed to know more about this tribe of elves as well as this supposed Goblin King.

"Are we not both in the same boat, so to speak? What would I gain by hiding these trivial details from you if I wish for your help?" Rewal'eh shook her head.

"My help?" Lone didn't know exactly what she wanted his assistance with.

"Indeed," Rewal'eh nodded knowingly. "I am fully aware of the legends surrounding Golden Foxkin despite having never met one. With your help, it may just be possible to rid ourselves of the menace that plagues this island once and for all."