Book 1: Chapter 23: Loving Thoughts and Utter Confusion

Name:Lone: The Wanderer Author:
Book 1: Chapter 23: Loving Thoughts and Utter Confusion

Lone had realised his mistake fairly quickly when Sophie refused to stop hugging him. Hed just gotten swept up in the moment. For her, it seemed the moment had lasted a lot longer than it did for him.

It took a lot of coaxing and a fair amount of bribing with his tails as the prize, for her to accept that she could live while not literally being attached to him. Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

Now slouching in the bathtub, Lone ran his fingers through his wet golden shoulder-length hair and took another look at his brand-new skill. Well, subskill to be specific.

Unique Subskill: Bone Armour

A subskill unique to the host, Lone Immortus.

Allows the host to use the unique skill [Basic Regeneration] to push the host's bones outside of their own body and use them as a weightless shield.

The strength of the bones will increase with mastery. The strength of the bones will also increase the more that they're broken and damaged.

The host can only create a set of gauntlets currently.

Cost:None to invoke (30-minute cooldown). Drains MP to recreate rapidly or to heal at varying speeds depending on the speed of the recreation or the severity of the damage being healed. Mastery:Beginner Level 1

Lone tapped the side of the porcelain bathtub thoughtfully. "Subskills, huh? That opens a whole wealth of options... Do I have a limit of total subskills? Can all of my unique skills have subskills? Can Soph make subskills too, or am I special due to my Growth Accelerator?"

There were no answers that immediately jumped out at him. He would be alone in finding out these truths, sadly.

Another thought was flooding Lone's mind though. "Can I use my Creation Magic or maybe my Basic Regen to heal other people? I wonder... what colour are Soph's eyes?"

Recently, all he could think of when he wasn't messing around with his experiments or training his skills was Sophies adult form.

It was no exaggeration that she was exactly his type. She was short yet feminine, mature and curvy where it mattered. Her hair was a bit long but it still oozed a certain natural elegance.

Of course, she was also stunning. Sophies adult form was easily way out of his league. At least, way out of Darren McCullens league.

He dropped his head off the edge of the tub as he lounged in the hot waters. It hardly helps that beneath her stuttering and love of fluff, shes actually very smart and mature

Lone chuckled. "Not hard to see what these complicated feelings are. Theyre certainly more than just physical attraction."

He laughed even harder. "I never cared about girls back home... I guess living alone with one for a couple months changes things, huh?"

Lone, or more accurately, Darren, was never popular with the fairer sex. Sure, he'd had a girlfriend or two before, but that was all during his edgier phase. After the incident.

He treated it more as an ego thing back then, something to confirm his worth. Hell, hed never even kissed any of his exes. Maybe thats why theyre exes

He summoned a spare pauldron and stared at his reflection in it. I am pretty handsome Shame I never took care of myself back home. I guess Basic Regen does that for me here though.

Lone let his body sink further into the large tub. "Is this what it feels like to have confidence? Would Soph even accept me?"

He found himself chuckling again. "Would she even consider rejecting me? I'm struggling to picture that... My tails hold too much power over her... Hahaha..."

Even if he hated his current circumstances and the gods for throwing him and Sophie into them, he'd be a liar if he didn't say that the new opportunities and experiences hadnt pumped life into him.

As for his time with Sophie, while brief objectively, it had led to a lot of unexpected self-reflection. He enjoyed spending time with her.

He smiled and shook his head. Probably just the suspension bridge effect. First girl I spend an extended period of time with is the one I want to open up to and maybe start a relationship with? Fucking textbook bridge shit.

A rapidly beating heart just outside of the door to the bathroom was struggling immensely to keep its symphony of pounding to itself.

Sophie's warm and calm breath tickled Lone's nape as she fumbled about in her sleep. When she stopped moving, her and his face were a few inches apart.

It was hard to see in the dark though so Lone just sighed. "Seriously..."

He brushed the girl's hair behind her ear and muttered, "No self-awareness... Wait Is she a bit bigger than normal?"

Usually, her legs only reached down to his thighs if her head was level with his, but tonight, he could feel her slender calves coiling around his own.

As if to answer his mumblings, Sophie gently pushed Lone onto his back and affixed herself on top of him.

With the sheets now moved out of the way, the moonlight dripping in through the window exposed him to the sight of her adult form in all of its beauty.

Lone could almost feel his heart leaping out of his throat as he took in every curve, every line, every lock of hair, every bit of her glistening body.

His body had an almost immediate reaction and he couldnt help but curse himself for being such a virgin.

It didn't help that he was now starting to realise his feelings for the girl straddling him, which only amplified his attraction to her.

Grinning coyly and a bit shyly, Sophie lowered her body until it was once again plastered to Lone's.

She slowly took her tongue out and licked his neck, sending shivers up his spine. Seemingly enjoying his reaction, she twirled her fingers around his thin and ever-so-slightly muscled chest playfully while her mouth moved upwards.

Lone was confused, in more ways than one. He didn't know what to do. As if on instinct, he put his arms around Sophie's lower back and pressed her closer to himself.

That was his bodys reaction though his minds differed. He was puzzled beyond belief. He wanted to know where this sudden carnal outburst had come from.

Maybe a skill was at play? He didnt know.

He was going to say something but found his lips being blocked by hers. The kiss was wet, it was sloppy, and it was full of inexperience, however, Lone knew that it was overflowing with passion.

He almost lost himself in the sensation when she forced his mouth open carelessly with her tongue and began to explore a bit roughly, brushing past every tooth as if to create a mental map of the insides of his mouth for future use.

Several long seconds passed by before Sophie finally released Lone's mouth from her invasion.

A silver string of saliva connected the both of them as they breathed heavily in unison. Things were being stirred deep inside of both of them.

Lone stared into those lifeless eyes of Sophie's and brought one of his hands up to her face. He caressed it gently before he suddenly flipped her over, putting her on the bottom and him on the top.

"Lone..." Sophie's bell-like voice rung in his mind, trying its best to seduce him and make him hers.

Lone wanted this moment to never end, but in the far reaches of his mind, something was screaming at him that this wasn't right. 'Why is she acting like this? Is she drunk? Is it a skill? This makes no fuckin' sense!'

As he was thinking of these issues, the little minx underneath him had grabbed his shoulder and pulled him down.

Once again, she wormed her way into his mouth with her untrained and unskilled tongue.

Lone struggled to think as he enjoyed the raw pleasure being afforded to him. Hed never kissed a girl before, let alone a 10/10 perfect girl.

His mind was practically melting. However, he managed to eke out a few more thoughts. 'Is she ill, maybe? I don't know anything about an almost 1,000-year-old girl, so maybe she's just really horny or something? She could have found an aphrodisiac mushroom or something and ate it foolishly'

Sophie rolled over since Lone wasn't paying attention to her, putting her in the dominant position again.

She then brought one of her dainty hands down and let it slip into Lone's trousers. That was the final nail in the coffin for him.

As much as he was enjoying himself, he wouldn't let this go any further without answers. Lone almost shoved Sophie away from him, so much force did he use.

He was so confused by her shift from a charming girl who tried her best and fumbled her words often to a seductive beast that wanted to bed him.

He gasped for air as he sat cross-legged on the messy sheets. "Soph, what's wrong with you tonight?"