Book 1: Chapter 31: Tea and Pathetic

Name:Lone: The Wanderer Author:
Book 1: Chapter 31: Tea and Pathetic

While he waited, he tried his best to notice the magical dome and see through it. He had very limited success.

Lone could vaguely feel that something was there. He knew it was the Illusionary Dome but without having that prior knowledge, it would have just seemed like any other odd hunch, honestly.

It didn't take long though for a familiar face to step through the Illusionary Dome, forcing him to halt what he was doing.

"Greetings, Ninetails, Human," Lal'roh said as he raised his bow and eyed the cart behind the two of them with suspicion.

Seven of his fellow Wood Elves followed him out with bows and swords drawn at the ready. "What brings you here during these chaotic times?"

Lone couldnt help but notice them all inspecting his mix of bone and metal armour as well as Sophies pristine full plate with suspicion.

He couldnt help but notice how hostile they appeared to be, what with their weapons all drawn and whatnot.

'Chaotic times, huh? I guess you could call the forest fires that, sure,' Lone thought.

Drawing an arrow and nocking it, Lal'roh lowered the tone of his voice. "I shall ask one more time. What brings you here and in such heavy equipment? What is the cart for?"

'Yeah, man, this hostility is such a red flag. Best be ready to unsummon Sophie instantly if need be,' Lone thought as he looked to Sophie then back to Lal'roh.

"We recently found a destroyed village in the middle of the forest on the south side of the island. There was a group of goblins situated there, four Goblin Mages and two Hobgoblins included. We rescued seven Wood Elves after slaying the goblins - all women. We're here to return them," Lone stated truthfully, gauging for a reaction.

He shivered as he felt something dangerous. No, more than dangerous. It was like Was that bloodlust? Fuck me thats a real thing? They sure reigned it in quickly though.

Sophie tensed up at his side and moved her hands to the hilts of her short swords, ready to unsheathe them.

May I see the inside of the cart then? Lalroh requested.

Lone nodded calmly. Go ahead. Were here to bring them back anyway.

Lalroh lowered his bow but kept the arrow nocked as he approached. The moment he was able to see into the cart, Sophie leaned a bit closer to Lone.

The women are panicking wildly upon meeting eyes with him, Sophie whispered.

Lone frowned deeply. There could only be so many reasons for that given the fact Lalroh was one of their kind.

Before long, the wood elf nodded his head and slowly returned to his group. He then said, Come. Im sure Chieftain Rewaleh would like to hear more of how you reclaimed our lost people.

And Id like to know why they got scared just by seeing you, Lone said as a theory began to appear in his mind.

A theory he didnt like one bit.

Ah, Ninetails, welcome. And to you too Beg my pardon, I have forgotten your name, Rewaleh said calmly and with a polite smile.

They rushed your town with an army, huh? Lone said.

Rewaleh nodded as much as Sophies swords allowed her to. We didnt stand a chance. Im only a D-ranker now thanks to my exile. Goblin Kings start at that rank. Do you understand? This Goblin King had the wisdom and strength to control Hobgoblins.

She chuckled at herself. Hobgoblins could kill even a strong C-ranker who was caught unaware. Monsters truly do have an unfair lot when it comes to stats per level, she remarked, catching Lones interest.

Huh. Monsters get more stats than non-monsters? I wonder why and how big the difference is, he thought.

We were overwhelmed in under an hour. Everyone knows what it means to be defeated by goblins, of all things. I did not want to live the rest of my life as a toy to satisfy the lust and sheer breeding desire of such filthy beings. So, we tried to kill ourselves, Rewaleh claimed.

Lalroh had a deeply saddened look in his eyes upon hearing the recounting of a tale he had presumably lived through.

Rewaleh smiled bitterly. Not only was the Goblin King strong though, but it was also cunning. It gave me a deal. Provide it with a sacrifice every year and we would be left alone. Fail to deliver a single sacrifice though and he vowed to raze the entire island to the ground to find us.

Pathetic, Sophie snarled. You sent your women to be violently raped over and over again, forced to bear the children of monsters, only serving to strengthen your enemy. Death was clearly the better option.

Do not speak as if you know me, Human! Rewaleh shouted. I-! I I was afraid of death. Do you have any idea what it is like to live for centuries yet see so little of the world only to be forced to end it all due to a measly goblin?!

Lone scoffed. A measly goblin who you willingly obeyed, ruining several innocent lives in the process only to lengthen your own.

At this point, his eye had been fully healed and he had already heard enough. You have access to poison, intricate magic, skilled warriors. You have all of this yet have you never tried to kill the king? Even just once?

Silence filled the tent.

Sophies right. Youre fuckin pathetic. Pathetic cowards. Why didnt you just leave the island? Lone asked, just about done with this conversation.

Tears streamed down the High Elfs face. We have no boatswain among our numbers. The ship that brought us here left after ensuring we have safely been delivered to our site of exile.

Lalroh suddenly spoke. The king has a ship though, hidden somewhere.

Why havent you stolen it yet? Youve had years to scour the island and find it. At least seven, probably more, Lone pointed out.

What part of hidden did you fail to understand? Lalroh asked. We may have had it gifted to us though if only we

If only you what? Sophie asked pointedly, pressing her swords a bit deeper into Rewalehs neck.

If we delivered you to it, the High Elf revealed. Only human mothers have a chance of birthing Hobgoblins. We suspect that was who owned the ship in his possession, humans.

Ah, I see, Lone said. Not only would you sell out your own people to save yourself, but even a stranger. One who looks like a child at that. You guys arent just pathetic cowards, youre downright fuckin deplorable.

I had no choi-

There is always a choice! Lone screamed. Sophie, were leaving. With the women. Rewaleh, I am going to kill the king. Ill do it even if its dangerous? Know why? Because I wont let a fuckin monster turn someone I care for into a sex slave just to save my own hide. Id sooner die.

With that, he signalled to Sophie.

She nodded and then pulled back from Rewaleh and instantly disappeared. A moment later, both she, Lone, and the cartful of Elven women, completely disappeared from the camp.