Book 1: Chapter 51: Blacksmithing Worries and A Blacksmith’s Worries

Name:Lone: The Wanderer Author:
Book 1: Chapter 51: Blacksmithing Worries and A Blacksmith's Worries

Well, here goes Lone mumbled as he closed his eyes and filled his mind with thoughts of gold.

He was trying to create a simple gold coin. Just one, not a full pouch or anything. He had some slight concerns over how he could affect the global economy but honestly, strength seemed more important on this planet than wealth did.

The king and all of the dukes of this kingdom were SS-rankers, after all. The nobles? All families built on a foundation of A or B-rankers. Business was an afterthought.

Hell, even the guild. While they seemed to put a focus on character, strength was also incredibly well-valued there as proven by the guildmaster also being an SS-ranker. Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

Besides, he had little love for this country and while adventuring could get them some money, knowing he could make any whenever he so wished was far too mesmerising to just ignore.

The image in his mind of the golden coins grow firmer and while his knowledge of the materials and forging process was limited, it wasnt completely bare after having had his first lesson with Grimsley.

Before long, Lone felt the MP being drained to fuel his Creation Magic.

Many such items exist on Altros.

The host has A little bit of understanding for the item and its creation. 750 base MP cost. 2,250 additional MP has been consumed to compensate for the lack of the host's knowledge.

3,000 MP has been consumed to create the item: [The Adventurers Guild Standard Issue Gold Coin].

And just like that, Lone and Sophs finances had more than tripled.

Didnt know the guild issued these I did hear its a continental-wide currency though. Does that mean these coins can be used literally everywhere in the world? Probably not. They're probably only usable in places that host the guild. Still handy though, Lone though aloud.

He then cracked his neck and grinned. Since it had only cost 3,000 MP, he felt it would be downright criminal to not use up the rest of his reserves on bulking up their coin purse a bit.

Lone entered Grimsley's smithy as he yawned lightly. Soph happily squeezed his hand to help wake him up. She was far more alert than he was, that was for sure.

'That fourth coin was a mistake. I have a splitting headache now as a result,' Lone complained internally. I wonder if theres a Greed Resistance skill? I could certainly use one

As if to show him that he hadn't overused his mana in vain, a notification filled his vision.

Congratulations! The host's passive skill [Mental Pain Resistance] has levelled up! It is now Beginner Level 9.

"Ha-ah... Of course it only levels up after I've woken up and feel like shit after the fact," Lone grumbled. Couldnt have gained two more levels while it was at it, huh?

The gruff voice that could have only belonged to Grimsley asked, "What ya mumblin' 'boot at ma smithy's doorstep, eh, laddie?" in a slightly annoyed tone.

Lone smiled wryly. "Sorry, I had a bad night's sle-" Lone stopped talking the second he caught sight of his short blacksmithing master.

Today, the red-haired man was wearing his locks in a rough ponytail, and his eyes were covered by a very thin and fancy looking pair of glasses that had bronze legs and some cogs near their joints.

Well, he tried his best but honestly, even with his Growth Accelerator, Lone didnt expect to nail it on his first attempt.

As predicted, the initial lump of iron ended up melting and became nothing more than a wasted effort.

Grimsley didn't say any words of disappointment and simply kept his arms crossed.

He did, after some time, scratch his head and say, "'Appens tae everyone. It's nae the easiest thing in the world tae judge when the iron's hot enough tae be pound'd intae ah blade, so dinnae fret over it. Grab anoth'r hunk ah iron an' restart. We've got enough time left fae one more try tahday."

Lone appreciated the dwarf's kind words, but he was slightly distracted by a notification.

The host has developed the passive skill: Blacksmithing.

Passive Skill: Blacksmithing A skill that allows the host to craft with metal 5% faster and 5% more skilfully. Cost:N/A Mastery:Beginner Level 1

'So it does give a speed boost, as suspected. In fact, it's exactly like the Woodworking and Masonry skills, just for metal, instead, Lone thought.

Lone reached for his second chunk of wrought iron but his mind was still unfocused.

I wonder if there's a Metalworking skill to help with harvesting ores too? Maybe Mining Mastery? Ore Collection? I don't wanna look like an idiot, so I won't ask, but I should go spelunking at some point to find out...' Lone decided.

Congratulations! The host's passive skill [Blacksmithing] has levelled up! It is now Beginner Level 2.

Congratulations! The host's passive skill [Blacksmithing] has levelled up! It is now Beginner Level 3.

Congratulations! The host's passive skill [Blacksmithing] has levelled up! It is now Beginner Level 4.

Grimsley held the shoddy looking dagger blade up to his face as he inspected it thoroughly. "Rough. Blunt'r than ma bawsack, in truth. Weight'd on the end an' the left side of the centre. Curv'd tip. Dented. All in all, shite smeltin', shite hammerin', shite coolin'. Ah piece ah shite fae top tae bottom, but fer yer second try? It's ah fookin' masterpiece, laddie."

Lone smiled as he took the crummy scrap of metal that vaguely resembled a dagger back from his blacksmithing master. "Thanks. I promise the next one'll be at least three times better tomorrow."

"Ah'm nae made ah iron, so aye, it fookin' better be. Results or I'll give you the long side of ma boot up yer fookin' arse. Anyhoo, it's noon. Wake up yer wee missy and get tae fook. Ah've work tae dae," Grimsley grunted as he tried to hide the prideful smile that was creeping out from underneath his bushy beard.

Lone pretended not to notice that as he gently shook Soph awake and left the store, happy with his progress in the craft.

Grimsley let the forges die down and he then slumped into his chair after the two of his guests had left.

Lone was a true talent, of that, he couldnt deny. It was more than a little odd that he had a human woman following him around. Especially one with such good looks that seemed perfectly comfortable in a demis workshop.

Sleeping on his sofa through the sounds of them forging daggers? The thought made Grimsley chuckle. Shes a tough one. Rare tae see decent umans like er sort.

He glanced at his empty ale barrel and sighed. "Ah really wish ah had some fookin' omebrew ale... Ah'm nae sure if anythin' else can distract me, Shana."

He hunched over and clenched his hands together tightly. "Was ah in the wrong? Maybe accepting an apprentice wasnae the wisest ah choices right now... 'E's got talent, aye, but involving 'im with me's only gonnae drag 'im intae ma mess... Damn it! If only 'e hadnae shoved that fookin' gold coin in ma face..."

Grimsley laughed dryly as some new wrinkles made themselves known on his brow. "Ol Mother Stone, wouldn't mind sendin' me some help, would ye? Ah'm up shite creek an ma paddle's naewhere tae be fookin' foond..."