Book 1: Chapter 29: Rescue and Plans

Name:Lone: The Wanderer Rewrite Author:
Book 1: Chapter 29: Rescue and Plans

The moment Sophie appeared in the building, the goblins began screaming madly.

Almost at the very same second that she had teleported in, she grabbed an elven woman who was being sexually assaulted by a goblin and then disappeared with the both of them.

Instantly appearing behind the town hall and out of sight, she slit the confused goblin's throat without any hesitation.

She then whispered to the perfectly still elf, "We do not know if you are still in there, but do not make a sound if you want to live."

Without waiting for a response, Sophie repeated that process six more times.L1tLagoon witnessed the first publication of this chapter on Ñøv€l--B1n.

By the fourth time, the goblins had wisened up and started piling on top of the elves. Sophie didn't care.

She slaughtered them all like the pigs that they were. Thankfully, they seemed to value the elven women and weren't harming them while dogpiling them, which made things a lot easier for Sophie.

Once that was done, she left the women on their own with each other just outside of the building. There was killing to be done.

She returned to the building's interior and then successively appeared behind each one of the mages and cut their shins, the backsides of their knees, their thighs, and then their foreheads to make them panic with the excessive bleeding.

That was a nice trick she learned all of those years ago when she was trying to end her own life.

It didnt do much harm but the sheer amount of blood that poured out from a horizontal slash to the forehead like that was staggering.

Hopefully, they'd blind themselves with their sharp claws as they panicked to remove the flowing blood.

Now that the elves and the mages were dealt with, she began mercilessly slaughtering each and every single ordinary goblin that she could reach.

By the time that Lone had used Mental Destruction on the two hobgoblins that were standing guard outside and then killed the seven goblins wandering around the periphery, Sophie had already massacred all but three remaining goblins.

Ten had been killed during the rescue of the elves. The last trio of green-skinned monsters were all writhing about on the floor like worms.

Sophie was keeping a very tight watch on the mages to make sure they didn't do anything dangerous when Lone approached her.

"Jesus Christ. This is... Wow. You're a fucking badass. This smell though..." his face scrunched up in disgust.

Sophie scoffed. "This is rather disgusting, we will admit."

She then gestured with her head to the remaining normal goblins. "They had no order though. We are no badass, as you say. They were easy to slaughter, just as farm animals are. We decided to keep as many alive as we could when we thought the threat of being overwhelmed had disappeared."

"So I can finish them off?" Lone asked with a knowing nod.

"So you can finish them, yes," Sophie confirmed. "Go ahead. The mages aren't channelling their mana... yet."

Lone nodded at her words. He ended the lives of the three goblins struggling on the floor before he approached Sophie and the mages once again.

Seeing that their faces were covered in blood and that they were incoherently yelling at the top of their lungs, Lone used his Creation Magic to make a big ball of water appear over one of them.

The blood was washed away in an instant and the goblin looked very confused before he scrambled for his staff. It was a struggle though with his ruined legs.

"I guess this will work," Lone muttered as he got in front of Sophie and prepared himself.

Ten minutes later, the four mages lay dead.

Lone took a look at his gains from enduring their various magic spells.

Congratulations! The host's passive skill [Fire Magic Resistance] has levelled up! It is now Beginner Level 2.

Congratulations! The host's passive skill [Fire Magic Resistance] has levelled up! It is now Beginner Level 3.

It was a shame that the first two of the four goblins only had the Crude Fireball skill just like the first magical goblin he had encountered. Still, Lone was pleased.

Them using the fireball on him had led to the discovery that Lones version of this skill could not develop further once it had stolen except via him personally using it.

Obvious, really, still a sad discovery for him though.

Congratulations! The host's subskill [Bone Armour] has levelled up! It is now Advanced Level 3.

This time, the magic used on him had actually destroyed some of his bones. A damned painful experience since his armour was still a part of him even if it helped protect his body.

Congratulations! The host's passive skill [Physical Pain Resistance] has levelled up! It is now Advanced Level 1.

Passive Skill: Physical Pain Resistance

A skill that allows the host to resist physical pains while still being aware of their existence.

Cost:N/A Mastery:Advanced Level 1 Cost:N/A Mastery:Beginner Level 1 Cost:5,000 MP Mastery:Beginner Level 1 Cost:N/A Mastery:Beginner Level 1 Cost:5,000 MP Mastery:Beginner Level 1

"Perhaps we should put them out of their misery?" Sophie suggested in a tone Lone had never hear her speak in before.

It wasnt sympathy nor understanding, really Perhaps pity? Lone couldnt really place it.

He shook his head. "No. I... I can fix this."

It was clear that these women weren't going to be walking anywhere, so Lone turned to Sophie and asked, "Can you teleport all of them back home?"

Sophie shook her head. "It costs more MP per person. we're a bit low as it is, so it would be impossible for us to teleport eight extra people so many times. That eight includes you."

"Okay. Touch one of them for a second, please," Lone requested.

Sophie didn't question him and did as told. She lightly grabbed one of their arms. A few seconds passed before she heard Lone clicking his tongue.

"Well, that's one theory debunked. Looks like you can only take inanimate objects into The Summoning Room with you," Lone claimed with a sad sigh.

"What now?" Sophie moved away from the elves and returned to Lone's side.

Lone closed his eyes and concentrated for a few moments. Out of thin air, a large carriage appeared.

Its back was big enough to hold ten people easily though it looked pretty low-quality. "Help me bring them up."

Sophie glanced between the cart and the elves dubiously. "How will we pull the cart, and where to?"

Lone carefully picked up one of the women and replied, "I have the stats and the SP. I'll drag the fuckin thing back home."

Sophie wore a shocked expression underneath her helmet. "Is that wise? What about the tracks? Carrying so many people will no doubt leave markings in the dirt."

Lone laughed. "Let the fuckers track us. Well just kill them all. Each. And. Every. Single. Last. One."

To that, Sophie had no response. She silently helped him load up the cart and took a seat at the rear of it to ensure that none of the elves fell out or got injured along the way.

It took the pair just over an hour to find their way back home.

Twice goblins came to ambush them, but without any hobgoblins or mages, Lone didn't even bother to stop pulling the cart as Sophie ambushed the ambushers.

Her Mana Sensing gave her an overwhelming tactical advantage now that its range was 150 metres.

Immediately upon entering the Illusionary Dome, Lone stopped dragging the cart and began helping Sophie bring the elves inside their miniature fort.

"What is the plan here, Lone?" Sophie asked after having taken her armour off with his help. Surely you cannot intend to have them live with us permanently.

Lone shrugged. He took his chest plate and helmet off before forcing his Bone Armour to recede back into his body.

He was far more collected now after having had slightly longer than an hour to think and mull things over. "I think it's time to test if my Creation Magic or Basic Regeneration can be used to heal other people. I have a good feeling about Creation Magic since it can return stuff to its intended original form.

Lone sighed as he stretched. After that? A bath and some clothes for these girls. Then we return them to Rewaleh and find the 'Goblin King'."

Really? We thought you did not trust that high elf, Sophie pointed out.

Lone nodded. I dont, still, these are likely her people. Its only right.

"Then what?" Sophie pressed.

"Then," Lone smiled a little bit cruelly, "Then when we find the king Rewaleh mentioned, I butcher him and enjoy the level ups and stats he's bound to give me. After that? We get the fuck off of this island and find some people."

Sophie nodded. "Well, we will be there to help you. For now, Soph has calmed and wants to assist you with these women, so we will be returning control to her now."

When they were both out of their armour, Lone gestured for her to get closer to him.

She raised an eyebrow but complied. Lone suddenly grabbed her by her waist and pulled her in for a kiss.

It was brief and sloppy. Nothing more than a peck, really. After parting his lips from hers, Lone grinned a little nervously. "Your reward."

"Ah, uh, em, yeah." Clearly, Sophie had forgotten about teasing him with that.

The next second, Soph was in control, and she instantly changed her body back to its youngest form before scampered off.

Lone smiled. "Never expected her to get so flustered..."

He turned his attention to the nearly lifeless women sitting on the floor or the sofas in the living room.

"Hopefully, I didn't just sign our death warrants with this... It was the right call, wasn't it?" he mumbled to himself.

He couldnt imagine the Goblin King would be most pleased with having his elves stolen from him. Still, Lone felt he had no choice in the matter but to save them.