After washing, she didn't see Bai Senyu in her bedroom, so she changed her clothes and went downstairs yawning.

Sitting on the dining table, Bai Senyu raised his eyes and looked at Qiao Shanshan, who was still in household clothes, with a frown. As soon as he wanted to blame her, she was robbed by the housekeeper who came out with the eggs.

Yesterday, the housekeeper was worried that her young master would hurt Miss Qiao and regret her life. This morning, she came to prepare breakfast ahead of time. When she saw Bai Senyu coming down alone, she didn't dare to ask, for fear that she was still angry.

As soon as she came down, the housekeeper immediately welcomed her with a smile, opened the chair for her and poured the milk. "Miss Qiao is awake. Please eat while it's hot."

Last night, she didn't eat anything. In addition, Bai Senyu's voice made her nervous. Now when she woke up, she smelled the fragrant toast and was really hungry.

"Thank you."

While eating breakfast, she returns the news from her mobile phone. Seeing that Jia ZHENGJING's three messages are all about her, Qiao Shanshan unconsciously looks up at the man opposite her, and then puts aside her eyes for fear of being caught. Her mind is echoing what she said last night, quickly deleting the words in the dialog box, and calmly replies with a thank you.

She didn't know why she did it. In fact, even if she didn't do it, the man opposite would not know. After all, it was really her private affair, and he was not qualified to intervene. However, she couldn't bear it at the bottom of her heart.

"Don't look at your cell phone when you eat."

Don't know when to look at her opposite Bai Senyu coldly throw out a word, Qiao Shanshan had to put the mobile phone aside, concentrate on breakfast.

At this time, she found that Bai Senyu was wearing casual clothes, without the air conditioning and hard board of the suit, this man would have looked better, but today is not the weekend?

"Are you going out?"

Bai Senyu wiped his mouth and gave her a white look. He said coldly, "go change your clothes and take you shopping."

Thinking she had heard the wrong thing, she asked at the door, "what did you say?"


Who are you shopping with?

"Change your clothes and take you shopping." Bai Senyu's face was not very normal when he said this. He didn't dare to look directly at Qiao Shanshan's eyes.

Josansan had been tossing about all night yesterday, and now she was so tired that she just wanted to go back to her big bed and have a good sleep. She didn't want to move her toes for anything else.

"You go by yourself. I'm not going. I'm going to sleep." Then he turned and went upstairs.

After that, Bai Senyu thought that Qiao Shanshan would agree. He never expected that his first appointment was rejected, and he was rejected so simply.

His face was ugly at that time. "It's ok if you don't go. You don't have to take your salary this month. I don't think you usually pay attention to it, do you?"

"You are shameless! Why do you deduct my salary? " Looking at Bai Senyu's face, Qiao Shanshan wanted to pull it down and step on her feet. It was so hateful.

, "employees who keep talking about the boss, disobey the boss's meaning, should be dismissed directly according to the company's regulations, but I am also an open-minded person who will only pay you this month's salary as punishment."

Qiao Shanshan was in a hurry. Looking at Bai Senyu as if he was serious, she immediately stopped him from calling, "I'll go, I'll go, I'll go, can't I?"

The flattering smile became more and more brilliant when he saw Bai Senyu put away his mobile phone, but when he turned around, he was full of bitter smile and helplessness.

Reluctantly, after changing her clothes, she couldn't figure out what the man was doing. Instead, the housekeeper pushed her into the car excitedly.

As soon as she got into the car, she found that Bai Senyu didn't drive today. The driver was his assistant, staring at the man next to him suspiciously, "what are we going to do?"

Bai Senyu didn't even give her a look in his eyes. He coldly ordered the people in front, "drive."

When the car stopped at a large shopping mall, she didn't know what the man was going to do. As long as she kept silent behind him, she didn't say anything until Bai Senyu threw a pile of clothes in front of her

If Bai Senyu lives to now, I'm afraid all his patience has been trained by this woman. Looking at the person with an unkind face, he forcefully throws his clothes to her, and even throws them into the dressing room.

As a result, after a long delay, she pushed the door and came out wearing her own clothes. She handed all the clothes in her hand to the shopping guide. She said with a sorry smile, "this dress doesn't seem suitable for me. Forget it."

Bai Senyu thought that women were the only ones in a hundred to buy clothes, so he got up and went to the next store without saying a word.

This time, Bai Senyu sat still and let Qiao Shanshan choose by herself. Looking at Bai Senyu's extraordinary appearance and his handsome face, the shopping guide enthusiastically gathered around him and scrambled for service.

As a result, he was scared away by Bai Senyu's cold eyes, leaving only one seemingly bold shopping guide."Introduce yourself and choose two clothes that suit her."

The smile on the face of the shopping guide who was named was like winning the lottery. The corners of her mouth were almost behind her ears. She enthusiastically kept up with Josephine.

"Here are all our new product series of this season, which were sketched by the famous German designer feiang himself. Mr. feiang's team also made these small thread ends, and this one is the best one we sell now. Its design retains the style of the middle ages, and then adds the texture of the current metal. Although it sounds strange, it can't be ignored It's the combination of the two, but it's incomparably harmonious. "

The shopping guide said a long line of things, but she didn't hear a word from Josephine, so she felt embarrassed. She turned back and still kept smiling and asked, "do you have anything you like? It's your usual dressing style, so I can make more accurate recommendations for you. "

Jo Shan Shan was not used to it at all, so she had to smile and say, "I'll see for myself. You're busy. Don't follow me."

Being followed all the time made her uncomfortable, not to mention having the heart to choose clothes. She just couldn't figure out whether Bai Senyu's brain was missing a tendon today?

Why do you have to go shopping? Just come here. I'm still sitting there like an old man.

Behind her, the pace has slowed down. The shopping guide who deliberately widens the distance gradually makes her not nervous any more. When she sees the style she likes, she will turn it over, but when she sees the price above, she is not good at all.

She thought her eyes were wrong. She wiped them again and counted them again. They were still four zeros.