The housekeeper was stunned by the tone. When the housekeeper responded, she saw that Johansen had already entered the kitchen, and she followed up in a hurry.

"Miss Qiao, let me do it. You can just have a rest. You don't have to come by yourself." The housekeeper said that he had already taken the porcelain bowl and washed the fresh clams.

Today, Qiao Shanshan is in a surprisingly good mood. No matter what she says, she has a smile on her face that can't be wiped away, and she is full of happiness that can't be covered. "You can have a rest today. I'll just come here. He just came back. I want to make a meal for him."

The housekeeper felt soft when he saw her sincere eyes. He put down his chopsticks and turned around to do other things, thinking that Miss Qiao is so kind to be able to think for the young master and cook for him. Such a woman is suitable to be a young man.

Bai Senyu didn't know what had happened to Qiao Shanshan. He thought she would come back soon. He didn't know that left and right still didn't hear the sound of the door opening. His strong sense of sleepiness could not resist his desire to find a little woman, so he turned over and got out of bed.

As soon as I got to the living room, I heard the sound in the kitchen. I followed the sound and walked over.

The sun is shining all over the woman's body, making a halo layer by layer. The white knitting yarn is swaying with the master's action, and the long hair like a black waterfall is spread on her back.

Bai Senyu leaned against the door and didn't make a sound. He just enjoyed the good time quietly.

When she turned to open the oven, she saw the "giant" by the door. For a moment, she was lost in her mind. She could not help thinking of what the man said just now.

His eyes touched the light on his fingers and quickly turned away from his face to hide his discomfort.

Bai Senyu is very familiar with every little action of Qiao Shanshan, and naturally he can't escape his sight.

He went forward and held the man in his arms directly from behind. He put his chin against her shoulder socket and saw the egg liquid in her hand. "What do you do? Why don't you ask aunt Bai to help? "

Because of Bai Senyu's breath, Qiao Shanshan's ears turned red and dyed pink. "I want to make this by myself. I don't need aunt Bai's help. Why don't you go out too? You didn't sleep a little more when you came back last night?"

If she hadn't heard the conversation between the housekeeper and the servant just now, she didn't know that the man had changed the ticket ahead of schedule.

Looking at the tired color on his face didn't disappear, I couldn't help feeling distressed and pushed him out.

Bai Senyu never let go.

Josephine didn't stop her movements, and she didn't even have one extra look in her eyes. She was concentrating on what she was doing.

Bai Senyu, who did not get a response, was not reconciled. He increased his strength and said, "speak, speak."

Her hairy head rubbed against her and made her itchy. She asked for mercy and said with a smile, "OK, OK, can't I say it yet? Move your head away from me. "

Put the clams into the egg liquid and put them into the steamer together. I wiped my hands. I wanted to calm down and see Bai Senyu. I didn't know that I would laugh first as soon as I turned my head.

Bai Senyu likes her neck socket very much. He rubs her in every time when he sleeps with her. Her smell always makes him feel at ease. No matter how upset he is, he can calm down.

This may be fate.

"Clam steamed egg, is it specially made for me?" Bai Senyu looks at Qiao Shanshan clearly.

I don't want him to disturb me any more, so she admitted, "yes, it's specially prepared for you. I especially want to cook a meal for you. I don't know if the young master is satisfied?"

Seeing her round eyes and face, Bai Senyu stretched out his hand and pinched it. "Well, of course, I'm satisfied, especially. As long as you do it, I'm satisfied!"

Two people you come and I go to say polite words, finally, Qiao Shanshan really can't stand Bai Senyu's temper, directly gave the order to blow people out of the kitchen.

Boring man had to sit on the sofa, looking back at the closed kitchen door from time to time, his face is full of endless grievances.

Bai Senyu thinks that the simple three home dishes, one laver soup, is better than any rich meal he has eaten abroad this week. Sure enough, eating depends on people's mood.

After a meal, everyone was satisfied. When people saw that the host was in a good mood, his face was filled with smiles, and the whole villa was infected, immersed in a golden light.

Bai Senyu sat on the sofa with her hand and put her head on her leg, no matter how she tried to persuade her to go to bed.

Her eyes were staring at her all the time. She was disturbed even when she was watching TV quietly. She felt like she was being watched. She felt very uncomfortable. She threw the TV remote control, held her hands in front of her chest and looked at him stupidly, "come on, what do you want?"

This man seems to have become abnormal since he came back today. He has been staring at her for most of the day. At first, she was able to accept it, but after a long time, she felt a little uncomfortable.Thinking that Josephine had finally taken care of herself, Bai sat up and said, "are you willing to take a look at me at last?" She has been staring at those vulgar TV series in the TV, such a big real version in front of him is unbearable, can not let people sad?

When was his charm so low.

Looking at him, the anger that had been rising was pressed down by the invisible. She had to turn off the TV and sighed, "let's go. I'll go up with you."

Bai Senyu immediately stood up as if he had beaten chicken blood, and led people upstairs.

She knew that this man was full of improper things in his head. She felt that he would respond to them only when he was out of his mind this morning. Now this is the consequence.

He was dragged into the room by monkey Bai Senyu. As soon as he closed the door, he was pushed against the wall and his lips were kissed.

The overbearing and hasty kiss didn't give her a chance to breathe at all. Bai Senyu had a space to be alone from the lips he had been thinking about this morning. He didn't manage so much. He kept people in his arms tightly and took possession of them fiercely.

After a kiss, their Fuxi was not stable, and Qiao Shanshan's face was as beautiful as the sunset. Bai Senyu licked his lips unconsciously, as if he was still savoring the taste just now.

Qiao Shanshan didn't expect Bai Senyu to be so serious. Looking at his tired face, her heart softened. She took the initiative to put her hand around his neck and kiss him gently, just like a dragonfly skimming water. "Come on, you haven't had a good rest for such a long time. Tomorrow is another busy day. Go to have a rest early."

Seeing that she gave in and got a reward, Bai Senyu was really tired, so he nodded and lay down on the bed. Looking at Qiao Shanshan, he patted the empty position beside her and laughed, "come on, lie down with me for a while."

I knew for a long time that he didn't have a good heart. It's definitely not like this on the abacus. There must be another conspiracy.