Of course, Josephine also knew it, but she only reflected at this time. She must have made Bai Senyu angry today. He likes to let others out.

Qiao Shanshan puffed her cheeks and looked like she was suffering. The key was that she didn't know where she had provoked the Buddha!

"Shanshan, it's noon. What shall we have today?" Zhang Qiang came out of the bathroom and saw that Qiao Shanshan was in a daze. She couldn't help but come forward and put her hand in front of her.

"I don't know. You decide." Joe Shanshan listlessly supporting his small head, rolling away rolling away is very lovely.

"Well, I know one of the shops has delicious desserts. Let's go there." Zhang Qiang just wanted to test it. As expected, Qiao Shanshan had a conflict with the president! This stupid woman, Qiao Shanshan, should have been away from the president for a long time!

"What do you think, Zhang Qiang? Let's go. " Qiao Shanshan took up her small bag, took Zhang Qiang's hand, and walked out of the company.

Anyway, I don't know what the man is angry about, so she doesn't want to be hot and cold.

however, it's snowing in the president's office now! Just outside the door, you can feel the feeling of freezing below zero

After waiting for a long time, but still not waiting for a call from Josephine, Bai Senyu held his mobile phone and checked it repeatedly, and began to doubt whether it was broken.

Is there no phone bill? No, his cell phone never stops

Bai Senyu was angry and annoyed. For the first time, he became like this for a woman. When he thought of this, he was about to go crazy. He was really a grinding woman!

In this way, it continued to work in the evening. During this time, the whole office was filled with this strange atmosphere. The original restless heart was quiet when Bai Senyu opened the door of the office.

"Always President, there is a party in today's Lafayette Hotel. You... "


“…… All right At the moment, the Secretary refused. For a moment, she felt that if she said one more word, she would be thrown out.

"Finally." On one side, the rest of the people hiding in the tea room took care of their messy clothes with a look of panic.

"Clean up, let's get off work as soon as possible." The Secretary said, his face full of excitement.

"No, according to the habit of being president for such a long time, I'm sure I'll be back soon, so we'd better wait a little longer." Man analysis, think very reasonable.

It's estimated that if Bai Senyu is still here at this time, I don't know if these people will be fired after hearing these words. After all, people with mental retardation will stay around, and people around will also be infected.

"Shanshan, it's time to get off work at last. Today, I changed ten documents in one day, totally ten!" Zhang Qiang rubbed sour fingers, feeling that the whole hand is no longer his own.

"What do you think, Shanshan?" For a long time did not hear Qiao Shanshan's answer, Zhang Qiang voice, directly interrupted Qiao Shanshan's thoughts.

"Oh, No." When she came back, she seemed a little unnatural. "Zhang Qiang, go and eat by yourself. I have no appetite."

"Shanshan, you are not feeling well, are you?" Zhang Qiang's worried face helped Qiao Shanshan's forehead.

"I'm fine. You can eat by yourself. I'll go first." Josephine gave a reluctant smile and didn't look as good as crying.

"All right." Although he said so, Zhang Qiang didn't think so.

In other words, today everyone is saying that the president is in a bad mood, and today, Josephine is not in the state, so they will not break up! If so, that would be great! This does not mean that the president will be her!

Zhang Qiang's heart is greedy and ugly! At this moment, I had a plan in my heart.

All the way, without paying much attention, she unconsciously went to the front door of the company and looked at the people and vehicles passing by with expectant eyes. In turn, she became lost again.

"Sure enough, they are all liars!" It was only in the morning that they said they wanted to make it public, but in the afternoon they would not be seen. Sure enough, men can't believe it.

"Doodle, doodle!" A whistling of the flute immediately startled the contemplative Johansen and surrounded her. She went out for a certain distance unconsciously. It's several blocks away from the company.

"Do you walk without looking at the road?" Behind him, a low roar, the man's slender legs suddenly rushed to the front of Qiao Shanshan, arm came a burst of tightening pain.

All the worries just now were completely frightened by the man in front of me.

"You hurt me." Qiao Shanshan tried to struggle, but she found that she was imprisoned. The man in front of her was too powerful to fight against him.

"What are you thinking?" Although the hand is still not loose, but the strength has been much lighter.

"Do you know how many things I have to do in a day? Why do you think you can disturb my mind?" The eyes, clearly have heartache, but said the words, but completely changed a taste."I've never been so sentimental that I think I can control your feelings and affect your emotions." Qiao Shanshan broke away from Bai Senyu.

Damn it! Is this woman's tears rain? Just say it! Bai Senyu was at a loss. He didn't mean that.

"I..." In front of the crying woman, the tears like a sharp needle, inch by inch into his body.

"I can't do anything. I'm not beautiful and I don't have money. Of course, I know you may not like me." Once she felt inferior, she was out of control.

Bai Senyu really wanted to slap himself in the face.

"I don't know why you are angry. I don't know how to please someone. It's human nature not to like me..." The more you say, the smaller your voice is, the lower your head is, and your nose is red. You can't wait to rub it into your arms and love it.

"That's not what I mean." Bai Senyu held josansan in his arms and attached her head to his hand. Her soft hair seemed to touch his heart, and then began to ache.

"Then why are you angry?" In the arms of the people, is finally quiet down, but that raised a small face, there are still wet tears.

"I'm worried about you. You're not allowed to go out with others in the future unless you report to me first!" Bai Senyu rubbed Qiao Shanshan's head. He was so aggrieved that it was very pleasing.

"Why should I report to you? I'll tell you everything." Josephine's face was full of protest.

"Just because you're my woman." Bai Senyu hugged her more tightly. At this moment, he could clearly feel the softness of the woman before he arrived, and the giant reacted in vain.